The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

How to Decrease Exhaust Flow Backpressure to increase Automobile Fuel Efficiency 12 18 2018

How to Decrease Exhaust Flow Backpressure to increase Automobile Fuel Efficiency  12 18 2018

1.  My first idea concerning it that I scrapped was to design an exhaust tip at the back of the car that served to cause a vacuum at the tip thereby pulling the exhaust from the tailpipe and decreasing back-pressure to the engine and therefore increasing fuel efficiency.

2.  The second idea is what I would call an Exhaust Scoop.  This would be an exhaust pipe that runs from the grill of the car in front to the back of the car.  It joins up with the tailpipe perhaps a foot or so before the tailpipe ends at the back of the car.  Fresh air would enter a scoop to that secondary pipe in the front of the car.  When it mixed with the air at the tailpipe at that back that air would serve as a vacuum.  Thereby decreasing exhaust backpressure to the engine and increasing fuel efficiency.

Other adaptations to perfect such a system might include.  1.  A fan at the front of the car that pushes air backwards.  Could be solar powered.  2.  A flapper system, perhaps servo actuated so that exhaust never comes out the front of the pipe in the grill and causes Carbon Monoxide Poisoning or even death.

Such scoops would not need to be located at the front of the grill.  They could be located in the rear fender where drag is often increased?  Thereby serving two functions at once,  A. Decreasing drag and thereby increasing efficiency.  B. Decreasing exhaust flow back pressure.

Such servo intake flaps/duct flaps mentioned above could actuate above a certain speed.

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

How did I think of this?  By analyzing the tailpipes of modern American cars and coming to the conclusion awhile back that the tailpipes should not be concealed behind and above the rear bumpers.  Just a bad idea.  And I don't want to speculate about who got in automobile engineering and favored ascetics/fashion over human health.

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