The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, December 15, 2018

If Trump were a woman 12 15 2018

If Trump were a woman 12 15 2018

If Trump were a woman and did exactly what he has done in office so far, given us all that double talk, ete etc.  He would have been impeached a long time ago.  The American people would have recognized that for what it is!  If all that mouth were coming at the American people from a woman we would not have put up with it.

Something like, "I paid off two jigaboos that I slept with.  But that doesn't matter."

We would have been in shock and appalled.  And if it were a "she" she would have been impeached.

I would like to think better of him than that, but he really doesn't give me cause to.  What is he trying to accomplish?

Where is the integrity required to create greatness?  It isn't there.  It's conniving shyster.  It's tit for tat.  It's you didn't do what I told you to even though it is illegal, your fired.  It's tax breaks for the rich who got that way from Corporate Welfare.  It is dealing with foreign nations in secret and possibly a treasonous manner.  It is ask him an important question and you don't get to come back to ask more questions.  It is the machination of put a fake reporter in a news conference to ask a dumb question so that Trump looks smarter or stronger when he dismisses them.  The hard working hard thinking American public has had enough of being dismissed by the likes of him.

If he were a woman we would recognize it for what it is and he would have been impeached.

But they won't impeach anyone because it sets a precedent whereby they would have to put viable and strong minded candidates in office and on the ballots.  So it will not happen.

What did he bring to the office of the President with him?  Personal problems?

If he were a woman we would all be saying "What is wrong with you?"  "How did you ever get that far in life?"  "What are you doing here?"  "Don't you realize what you are a part of?"

I really think that this country has had enough Politicians from New York.  It is very obvious that State does not and has never had the same values as the rest of us.

And yeah immigration is a problem.  So you want to foment it and start a war with Mexico?  How many Americans are Mexican and we would have a big problem?

And what happens when you put up a wall and start mass evictions?  You end up with people that are living in Concentration Camp like situations just over the border.  And that could foment into WW3 like it did in Europe?

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

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