The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, December 7, 2018

Leviticus Barred the Walleyed from serving the Sacrifice to the Lord behind the Veil 12 07 2018

Leviticus Barred the Walleyed from serving the Sacrifice to the Lord behind the Veil 12 07 2018

That is right the word Walleyed is used in the Bible!

I didn't even know that the word had a meaning other than the fish named Walleye.  But the fish likely got its name from the medical condition in humans!!!

An eye with a bluish white iris or opaque cornea.

It can also refer to an eye that turns outward from the nose.

I have asserted many times that when you look at the photographs of people who have committed crimes a great percentage of them are WALLEYED.  Meaning one eye turns outward from the nose.  It also has a medical term for it, but Walleyed is a lot easier to remember.

In Leviticus absolutely no freaks were allowed to serve that sacrifice of meat!  None!  LEV 21 16:23

In the Bible in this book it also states that those who commit incest and male homosexuality should be killed.  And the law reads a lot differently.  It reads that THE DEATH WAS CAUSED BY THEMSELVES.  It also said that the Jewish People were not allowed to be Seers or Mediums, it used specific terminology.

"A man or woman who acts as a medium or fortune teller should be put to death by stoning; they shall have no one to blame but themselves for their death."  Leviticus 21:27

And after all that the wording of Leviticus is rather specific too.  It says if you fail to follow my commandments you will be flushed out of the nation that I led you to as if you were vomit!  It actually used the word vomit!  LEV 20:22

Also a priest shall not have a bare crown of the head.  Lev apparently blamed that on themselves, probably is true for some reason.  I have often speculated that a man who performs cunnilingus might be more susceptible to oxidation of testosterone to Dihydrotestosterone and that being the cause of baldness.

And who was Molech?  This one is interesting.  The word means MILK KING!

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

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