The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, May 5, 2022

India and Alzheimers 05 05 2022

 I seem to remember a statistic where India had a low incidence of Alzheimers and it was attributed to Tumeric spice usage?

But per this website India incidence is 17 per 100,000.  Turkey is the highest at 57.6.  Singapore is the lowest at .38 per 100,000.  The United States stands at 32.5 per 100,000.

Alzheimer’s Disease Prevalence By Country | Alzheimer's Disease (

But oddly enough Singapore has one of the highest rates of Schizophrenia it is the number 7th nation on the list.

Epidemiology of schizophrenia - Wikipedia

Alzheimer’s Disease Prevalence By Country | Alzheimer's Disease (

Why did I write this?  I am eating a snack of summer sausage and crackers before I go so bed and it is smoked.  I wondered if India might have had a lower rate of Alzheimers because they might smoke more there?  I don't buy smoked food because I think it is a carcinogen.  But I bought this without reading the label.

But lets say that you had a tapeworm in you.  The parasite feeding off of you, what you eat!  What would smoked food do to that tapeworm?  Again I think it is carcinogenic to humans.  What are the long term effects to the brain of a tapeworm?  See where I am going with this yet?  When a person has a tapeworm are they more likely to be skinny or barrel wasted fat?  I don't know, but I would say barrel wasted fat.  But who is usually skinny?  It is that chain smoking alcoholic isn't it!  So the theory here is does smoking interfere with the life cycle of a tapeworm inside the human body?

Yeah.  I know what you want to say.  Complete garbage.  We are a developed nation.  Are we really?  Who is working in the kitchens?  Poor immigrants with bad hygiene?  Where to we get our food from?  China?  Oh China is a developed nation you want to say to me?  Well okay why did Covid come from an open air meat market?

What is the tobacco incidence in India?  Perhaps 29% of adults.

tobacco incidence in india at DuckDuckGo

In the United States it is 40 million adults out of a total of 253 mil. or 15.8%.

Data and Statistics | Smoking and Tobacco Use | CDC

how many adults in the united states at DuckDuckGo

So what I am getting at is a bigger gestalt or comprehensive health picture here.  The question is does the increased smoking lead to less Alzheimer's because of my theory that parasites are compromised by it?  But the likely death rate in those high smoking countries is much higher.

As always everyone claims that they don't understand a word of this and it can't be understood.

Tobacco does kill tapeworms and parasites in petri dishes!  does tobacco kill a tapeworm at DuckDuckGo

I grew tobacco once.  It grows like a g/d weed.  And you do not want to get any of it on your hands because it is that toxic!  If you were to eat it would kill you!

I will also ask is the reason that some people can't quite tobacco is because their parasitic infection level rises when they diminish the use of?

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

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