The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, May 15, 2022

What if the Army were required to feed the Homeless? 05 15 2022

 What if the Army were required to feed the Homeless? 05 15 2022

From square one it seems like a good idea?

But why won't it happen?  Because we expect young people in the Army will be motivated to succeed in life and hold down a job?  And if you blur the lines between military discipline and protocol versus the life of a homeless person then you lose some potential there?  Or not?

Perhaps it becomes one of those new generation ideas?  Whereby somehow money is made and it is self supporting and a success in all ways?

But what would be an idea in favor of it?  That a lot of the homeless are Veterans!  So you have the current acting army feeding those who served before them?  Regardless of status?

And perhaps we do have an unwarranted structure in the military whereby the officers rank is filled with those from Military Academies?  Oh. I don't dare mention that former President's name and how spoiled he acts?

I don't think it would work though.  Because you would end up with a wash out of Capitalism in favor of what would amount to general welfare?  In other words people without opportunity join the military and end up feeding those who are homeless and hungry that were in the military before them.  Gets pretty close to Communism.  Communal living?

And perhaps the wealthy don't want that to be an option for their children?  Go into the military and feed those in it before them.  The wealthy need that feeling of being better for the simple fact that they have more money.  It doesn't matter how ugly or dumb that alcohol freak they sired is.  It is still better than the rest of us.  And I do believe that is what stocks the ranks of the military which came in directly from officers school Military Academy.

We would not have known before the existence of Donald Trump that military academy is really where the wealthy send the sons and daughters that they can't control?

But from square one it sounds like a good idea?  Perhaps it sounds like a good idea because one would think that perhaps for every 100,000 in the military there is only 1 homeless?  I don't know the real stats.


Somewhat off topic.

The cream isn't rising to the top in this country.  How soon will it be that there are not enough Doctors to treat the Doctors who are sick because the monetary and snobbery barriers to entry have been too high for too long?


Communal living has a lot in common with the apartment structure that made the likes of Trump so wealthy?  To me living in a noisy apartment house is like living in a monkey tree.  I believe that they have absolutely no place in a non communist democracy of the free.

So what could we do with them?  Convert them into single family castles.  And redistribute them to any and all families who have members who were otherwise normal but tormented by odd monkey like voices.

What would be the economic impact or resituation dynamic if all apartment houses were converted into single family residences?

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Do you know what would solve all the problems?  If any and all alcoholics or alcohol users were never allowed to have children!  That would do it!

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