The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, August 25, 2023

Africa the White Grave Yard 08 25 2023

 So I was doing some research on Quinine last night.

And I read that Africa was called the white graveyard because white people would go there and die of malaria.

Then I read how malaria was a parasite that originated or was "formed" in Gorillas.  So here is where it gets interesting.

Quinine was from the bark of a tree in Peru, which is in South America.  Are there Gorillas in South America?  Well lets just say from looking at the following search link, not many.

So that Gorilla parasite named malaria?  Is that fair to say?  That also can cause death from blood cancer.

So the FDA doesn't seem to want Quinine to be prescribed.  It is stated that there are other better choices.  Looks to be that there were ~23 deaths from it over a ~24 year period?

Now I must make a disclaimer to this article.  This is all complete conjecture.

So if you administered Quinine to a gorilla would it kill the Gorilla?  And is that why there are not many if any in South America where the plant that produces Quinine is native too?  Does it make the gorilla sick and die?  I don't know if it is possible to find research like that, even though when you read of the nature of this you would believe it would be the most highly relevant research to undertake with regard to one of the worlds most deadly parasite to human beings!

So if Africa was considered the white graveyard because of malaria.  Was it as much a concern for the black people living there?  The question being, do some black people there have a natural immunity to malaria?  And if so what is that basis to that immunity?

So Quinine apparently doesn't affect every one in the same way?  Kind of like how some people have a peanut allergy?

Perhaps it could be the panacea of treatment for certain human genotypes and not as good for certain other human genotypes?


So in ancient Egypt you had a ceremonial monkey?  Still don't know what it was used for?  Then in England, the once greatest enemy of the United States?  You had the druid society that worships the monkey.  And it makes one wonder how that plays a part in ivy league secret societies?


So Rh- blood shows not antibody to the Rhesus Monkey?  Or something like that.  Which makes me wonder if there is a contradiction to administering Quinine to Rh- blood type people?


And don't you just love it when you read that Quinine was extremely effective at treating malaria, but that they don't really know the reason why?  But they did provide two scientific hypotheses as to why.  And I don't have time to get into that now.

But do you come to the conclusion, they don't know how it worked and yet they don't want it to be used?


Now lets say that you have a big barrel chested man, either white or black or red.  And perhaps he has a big lantern jaw too.  Can those human traits be genetically identified in the DNA helix?

Okay before you start pointing the fickle finger at me, remember this is one of the most deadly parasites to human beings in world history.

How does someone of those traits respond to either malaria or quinine?

As if somehow by me asking questions I violating rights?  It isn't like I am a good old boy cajoling a State Governor to fabricate 10,000 votes for President.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

So basically I just shared my thinking about what I read?  Kind of like when you watch a baseball game on television and there is a bench clearing brawl you might want to talk about that at the dinner table?  Isn't that interesting?  To encourage your children to play a game for a living whereby there is accepted violence associated with it?  And then we wonder why other violence that we see on the television news has occurred?  

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