The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

On Immigration 08 15 2023

 Immigration, I think that there is the opportunity for "Filtering"

When we formed this country and the rules that allow open immigration did we have:

1. Social Security?  (~1930's right?)

2. The Corporate Legal Structure? (~1950's right?)

I am going to say no, without looking it up.

The problem with diversity from immigration is that it skews the truth?

It makes it seem like some problems we have today are universal to humanity?  And that is being used as a propagandized legal justification to take away and infringe upon your Constitutional Rights!

I mean are there races that are more prone to not respect their own and therefore others rights?  (Ooops, a big big no no I just made there.  That is a genetic predisposition comment, and whether you know it or not that is a big no no in this country.)

Are there unique learning problems that certain races have?

Are there unique drug addictions that some races have?  If there is the gene for alcoholism what other drugs are their genes for?

Are there some races that have "religious needs" that violate Constitutional Rights? Sounds like a back door or unwanted loop hole open to organized crime doesn't it?

Is there a "horror gene" present in members of organized crime?  Horrific crimes against humanity committed to threaten family members of the innocent?  Decapitating people who stand up for what is right in order to make the law abiding fearful?

Or how about ~10,000 children sexually molested by the Catholic Church?  Oprah once interviewed a Sexual Molester of children who stated he saw the entire life of the person he sexually molested flash before him.  People living off human trauma like that?  I would assert that's not really one of us.

What would the founding fathers do if someone with their mules saddlebags packed with fentanyl were bringing it into our nation?  They wouldn't be stuck in the spaghetti haywire of Ivy League academia based Judicial Process?  When the Constitution asserts a speedy trial how come our Judicial System, our balancing scales of justice, doesn't view that as a benefit to the victim?

Immigration wasn't meant to be a tool to allow the rich to get richer!  It was meant to allow the normal, good and hard working to enjoy freedom!  Those who want to invest in their own lives through personal learning!

Not a prima donna ogre makes the millions professional sports structure.

And what is consistent with organized crime?  The belief in criminally controlled domains and territories?  To the point of, "This is our neighborhood, white people are not allowed here?"  Yeah it is true, I saw that sign once!  So don't try and legally condemn me for that comment or any other I make here.

Now ask yourself, who fears the free and the good and to the point that they cherish the idea of neighborhoods being criminally controlled domains and territories.  It is consistent with the Republican mindset of divide and conquer?  Let the States or individual territories make laws that violate the Supreme umbrella laws of the Constitution.  And when you see a Governor attempt this do you ask yourself,  "What are they attempting to snake out of?"  What skin of the free are they trying to shed; as if it is a burden to them?

That Standard of Constitutional Rights implies a Standard of Person!  Oh, God, a Republican or straw sucking Democrat couldn't figure out what that means.  And because they can't figure out what simple things like that mean they want to label the people who said them as being mentally ill?

So they tinkered with the Constitution and made it like a Rubics Cube?  Denying that any changes that they made are detrimental or involve other parts of the Constitution?  For example legalization of alcohol?  An entire "front" went up everywhere with that.  I mean, for the good of what?  The person with the alcoholic gene?  Alcoholism being a disease.  Change the Constitution to bolster the rights of those who have a disease?  In effect making our nation diseased in the process?  Kind of flea like isn't it?

Oh look turn on the television, what legal flea logic will round narrow eyed blondie be spouting today?

And we are not really hearing why cases against him are failing or charges are being dropped?  We are not hearing the, "Here is the exact reason he was found not guilty?" And all you have to do is listen to how he Un relentlessly complains about everyone and everything to know why he is winning?  And the Confederate structure of (signing to be a conformist or something like that, I forgot what the exact term is, but it amounts to an oath of facism) he threatens members of his party with.

Oh Christ pull that one out and look at the Gestalt of it, "You signed an oathe of Facism to the Republican Party?  Where are my 10,000 votes I ask-ed you fur?"

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

10,000 it is symbolic of a money number too, isn't it!

Which brings me to the next question, how many people in our nation can be bribed to do about anything with just $10,000.oo dollars?  It is like that phrasing has been spoken a lot lot before?

Yeah, I can read him pretty good and I don't like him.

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