The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, August 25, 2023

I think that every alcoholic has at least two delusions 08 25 2023

 I will define a delusion as being a self lie for the purpose of this article.

So I believe they one of the following two delusions:

1A.  That they are not as good as they really are.  We will call that a negative self lie.  And this could mean that they believe that their work, potential or self worth really isn't as good as it is.

1B.  That they are a lot better than they really are.  A lot smarter than they are.  A lot more responsible than they really are (and this is the one that destroys that type.)  One would believe this delusion to be more prominent in those born into wealthy families?  And that there is also a greater likelyhood those born into families of alcoholic will have delayed mental development.  Hence alcohol serving to bolster this delusion or rather inhibit that emotion.

And if you think of the Chrisitian Church serving alcohol at mass and calling it communion?  It means it is a sense of common?   I mean lets not try and define the word to be less than what it means?  Common.  So can you see how serving alcohol benefits B to the detriment of A?

2.The second delusion would be that:  Alcohol helps your problems.  

In the case of 2 applied to think about 1A.  Alcohol really just retards your potential.  One could say it legitimizes the non recognition of your potential

In the case of 2 applied to 1B.  That problem is not really going to go away.  It is likely genetic damage the person was born with and permanent.  And here part of the delusion is that if you can inhibit the negative emotion that you really don't have the underlying problem concerning it?  And could that be called a false leader?  Why?  Because that isn't how a leader deals with problems.

So in summary the two delusions being one of A or B and then number 2.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

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