The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, September 30, 2023

What if Sports Teams had their own beer brands 9 30 2023

 The Brewery named after the sports team?

What if they had their own Sodas?

What would the economy be like?

© 2023 Thomas Murphy 

A Better Healthcare System 09 30 2023

 Is one where you go to the Doctor and he asks you if it feels like you have either the squirms or the gnaws.

In either case he prescribes that 7 herb mason jar treatment and your back pain is instantly gone.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Cost Cutting, the Value of Savings and Lending 09 30 2023

  1. Cost Cutting

We need to take cost cutting out of the economy. We are buying parts from China that are not engineered to correct specification. Why? Cost cutting. So remove cost cutting and you are dismantling the profit of Capitalism? And you make therefore make workers work longer in order to keep costs low like China? No. But where don't they cut costs? When they have a military contractor status with the Government? But even then you have the weakness that is the same as the above seep into the system. Witness the Littoral Combat ship multi-billion dollar sunk cost. And so you have a large industry that really isn't a true part of capitalism in our Capitalist economy. Does it mean we really aren't capitalists already? It isn't supposed to be there per the Constitution. Now ask yourself what it means that it is not supposed to be there. It means something completely different as to the standard of people they wanted in the United States; they wanted a higher standard than that.

  1. The Value of Savings

    The rate of interest you could receive on treasury bills is around 5%. What should the value of your savings be? In this economy where we are sold junk from overseas? Where home improvement work is shotty? Where the isles of the grocery store are lined with junk food. Where your education doesn't get you where it should. Where your pain will not be treated to go away at the Doctors office. The value of your savings and the interest you receive on it should be high! Just based on the Constitution weighted against all of the above.

  1. Lending

    Now I ask the question should the interest you pay on a mortgage be less than the value of your savings? I would say yes. Why? Prima Fascia example. Because it works out that the banks won't lend to the legitimate working man? But they would have a jolly time lending to a billionaire you inflated the valuation of his properties in order to receive money from banks and use it to buy his way into politics? So again, it a lending situation like that, nobody gets a loan except for the Trumps? So let's say you mandated that the value of your savings be more than the rate on your mortgage. Then lending would be a government function? If it were a private function, you would have the money changers drain it in trades every day. You would have them create false asset listings and erode it to zero. Then be like McCarthy and swear that the Government needs to be shut down?

    Our Government gave land away through the Homestead Act.

    Also when the system defies regulation then it needs to be drawn back in. And the word I am looking for is nationalization. (But the idea of the occurrence whereby anti-monopolization could come into play would be another article. But I will say this, when the largest cos are selling goods prone to failure it might be time for it.)

And let's say that we discovered a broad and pervasive element of organized crime operating in our Country? One whereby bankers who should have the ability to accurately value real estate assets can't do that? Would that be justification for an Act like the Homestead Act.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

I was never for free trade NAFTA. I thought it would lead to faulty products and be a waste. And I think it was. But it makes me wonder how the only white child would do in an all Hispanic or just non white school in the United States? Is that a racist statement or is it a statement inquiring about reverse racism? Now ask yourself if you can even find one? Then ask yourself why the white family got out of that. Then ask yourself about School Choice. And perhaps that is a good rational for school choice. But whatever that is, this next statement is far more powerful, how does the child of non alcoholic parents do in a school whereby all the other parents are alcoholics? But I think school choice always brings the bad elements to the good schools? Maybe not. But I can make this statement, drugs would not have proliferated without those types of programs? “Here sit with me at the magic lantern pot pipe with six snakehead sucking tubes coming out of it.” You know I did get a glimpse of a party like that in my neighborhood way back in ~1984. “Bud, let's get the hell out of here.”

Can you see the dark eyed McCarthy fuming with vengeful anxiety as he reads this?

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, September 29, 2023

Creating an Automobile Assembly Line 09 29 2023

 If you create Automobile Assembly lines whereby workers are exposed to zero pollutants, such as metal fumes or mfg dusts, or paint spray...

if created a system whereby you come out healthier from a day of work then when the day started.

You would see productivity increase.

We are not about cut costs so that people are injured and the public pays that expense.

We are not about work a human being to the bone so that they are dead at the age of 65.

Our Country was never meant to be that way.

Filtered air and fresh clean pure water.

It shouldn't be whereby stooge son one and stooge son two call you over and blowgun asbestos dust in your eyes.

It shouldn't be one where by that young adult who couldn't listen, learn and graduate from school resents your ability to think and work.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

There is no better vehicle for Alcoholic Empowerment 09 29 2023

 Than the limited liability corporate structure.

Also, what is a self driving car, if not alcoholic empowerment?

Alcoholic Empowerment is something I don't believe in.

And I do believe in legally prosecuting those who have created and implemented Unconstitutional laws.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Where Clothes Pins initially made different and better? 09 29 2023

 Because they fall apart way too easily!

There needs to be a better and simple way to retain that spring in its place.  If you put downward hooks on the very ends of the wire perhaps?

It still could be made with just two pieces of wood and the wire spring, but in a way that makes it not fall apart.

And if were the guy who declared official engineering challenge contests, this would be one!

If I were that College Professor; that highly legitimate Doctor.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Things that only exist today in order to validate the disease of alcoholism 09 29 2023

The Church!  That wine isn't alcohol it is the blood of a God you are to cannibalize it.  Horse shit.  A lot of this stuff was written 200 years after his death.  Plus the fact that the Demons did get to him and tempt him.  Could have tempted him to say that!

Supreme Court Justices who are alcoholics and have Downs Syndrome Children.

Professional Sports: Whereby the athlete speaking obviously would have had trouble graduating from college.

Charitable foundations that are really income shielding for the wealthy and allowing for generational wealth transfer to alcoholic gened children.

The South

The Corporate framework with the emphasis of "executive" subjection of the American Worker.

Private Schools

Ivy League Universities.  JFK stated they are of no benefit to a Democracy.

The Special Olympics

Immigration of those who are of lesser mental means

Welfare to the uneducated non working poor so that they can use that money to bolster alcohol profits.

Bad Singers becoming the most successful singers.

Psychiatry- how many persons who need that service fall into one of three categories?  1.  Temporary sickness from alcohol.  2.  Born mentally impaired because of alcohol.  3. A victim of number 2.

legalized other drugs are what those who are born of alcoholics are drawn to?  Why?  Because they lived their life knowing the cause of their impairment.  And they need a different type of high.  One that compensates the alcohol that made them the way they are.

The Republican Party!  That is all they are about.  Reagan, ~"Every person has a purpose in life.

Jesus said something different.  ~"What good is it to gain the entire world and loose your soul."

Meaning the person who does that doesn't have a purpose.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Nobody would care about any of this if you didn't have to violate other peoples rights in order to get ahead and stay that way.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The Bible and Abortion 9 27 2023

If Jesus said "Don't stone the whore." It is pretty safe to say he would also say don't stone the whore for having an abortion either.

The Romans (Constantine? No I think it was Caligula?) encouraged all Jewish women to be raped?

The Kings of the time has sex with men's wives?

I view that anti abortion movement as Consistent with a Kingdom form of Government.  And I don't like it.  As an American it makes my blood boil.


What are our foreign enemies today if not bad kingdoms?

We can't compete with them because they don't care for their workers like we do.

Republicans want to get rid of Regulations?  Regulations that protect the worker???

Our nation should never be drawn into a situation where we have to compete with that.  How?  As a man you can't. 


What was Reagan economics?  Creating trickle down kingdoms?

I believe both the wealthy and the poor are shadows of the middle class.  Or perhaps the wealthy are a shadow of the middle class and the poor a shadow of the wealthy .

The poor looking for handouts coming from trickle down wealthy.

The wealthy deriving substance and what it means to o be human by being a shadow of the middle class.

Hence when you see a wealthy person who is clueless as to policy it is because they are illegitimate and really a guessing shadow of the middle class.  And a shadow that is afraid of it's own shadow the poor.

You start to equate crime and violence as being a form of mental retardation caused by alcohol and drugs and only then do you have the correct basis for solving that problem.

And Chis Christie did get the issue right, if you are going to be pro life you have to o be pro their entire life. Meaning to you can't cut money to education and all the other things R er publicans want to cut to make us the equivalent of China.  Yeah, read the as to as gain.  Running around on that stage like chicken little do that we can become the equivalent of Communist China?  They have no shame.

As to one of them the phrase "Go dry up" comes to mind?

Oh and it was great to see them swinging at each other like that.  Exposing each other's hypocrisies and really denigrating themselves as a lot in going so.  Loved it!

And by fighting one another they indeed are coming to democratic consensuses they would never be able to reach individually.  Great to see they happening.  Does it really matter if they figure that out?  It looks unavoidable as to a conclusion as to where they have to go with policy.

And I do agree with them on some issues.  But they might not realize the bad precedents to hat can be set.  You need to apply constraints to laws created for the sole fact that you do not want subjective application of them violating the Constitution.

I really don't see the need to bolster any foreign country that does not believe and adopt our Constitution.  It is money down the drain that could come back to fight against us.

Do we ship food to China when we have hungry here?  Even Jesus had a sense of, you feed the "us" first.  And also, sorry in advance, Satan you get behind me in the food line.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Republican Pro Life Motivation 9 27 2023

They know very well their alcoholic mother who married for money never wanted to keep them!

They lived that cold hearted life every day!

© 2023 Thomas Murphy 

Republican Debate 9 27 2023

 Could say more about but I am too beat to do so and my laptop might be burning out.

© 2023 Thomas Murphy 

Pro Life 9 27 2023

 Give a single woman money to take care of her baby and she will spend it on alcohol or drugs?

That or she is supposed to work and pay half her salary to have her child raised poorly by bad daycare?

© 2023 Thomas Murphy 

Ronald Reagan 9 27 2023

 A lot of us think we have the problems we do today because of Ronald Reagan.

© 2023 Thomas Murphy 

Soda Cooler Invention 9 27 2023

 Made of cooler insert type parts.  Freezable plastic and safe freezing solution inside.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

All rights reserved.

Humor 9 27 2023

 "We have school choice and the janitor quit."

© 2023 Thomas Murphy 

The Constitution 9 27 2023

 Our country set the definition of what a man is in the Constitution.

And I don't like seeing that being redefined.

© 2023 Thomas Murphy 

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Alien Worlds 9 26 2023


While I am on topic, you might like a copy of my novel.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Equality 09 26 2023

 Equality isn't a billionaire becoming President and saying and doing odd things.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

History 09 26 2023 Updated

 As I read about the Celtic Tribes that founded Bohemia and perhaps Germany.

That fought against the Romans.

I realized that the history we learned in Catholic Grade School and in High School is all centered on a Roman Perspective.

When in reality it would be better served to be founded on a Celtic Perspective?

Our nation today would be better served if it were taught from a Celtic Perspective!

Why would you base the validity of world history on a people that horrifically tortured people?  Why not make the focal point of history on those who fought against them?

Yeah, I know, you just read that and it makes absolutely no sense to you.  And you say that about absolutely everything I write, say and do.  Perhaps you needed to learn something from a perspective that didn't glamorize you?  Perhaps it would make absolutely no difference in your life no matter what you read or was read to you?

What I was reading:

Bohemia - Wikipedia

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

So there was a change in the Catholic Church circa 1951 with Vatican 2?

But what I am getting at is the gestalt you are left with from history class and Catholic School is something like, "Jesus Christ is the only one who opposed the Romans or fought them?"

And hence you get this ugly thread or spiel working its way into the Catholic Teachings that, amounts to those who opposed the Romans and died were meant to do so?  Their sacrifice was meant to happen for the good of the Romans?

God gave us his only son?  The reason we tortured him was it was our way of giving him all of our pain?  If you just think of that with a clear and objective non whino head, it is pretty sickening.

"He died for our sins?"  That is an alibi transposed over religion. 

The Celtics wiped the Romans out in their first battle with them.  Did you learn that in Catholic School History class?  I doubt it.

I doubt we would have any organized crime, drug problem, prostitution, poverty if it were not for that bad influence as summarized above.


Do you know what the reason is?  The Celtics believed in a meritocracy!  You can't have that non working class in a meritocracy!  You can't have that looser with a million dollar wine cellar and deviant behavior like Nambla in a Meritocracy!  There are a lot of things that don't make it in a Meritocracy because it is pretty close to Natural Selection and Evolution.  The cream rises to the top in a meritocracy not the sadistic criminals.  Not the pimps, child molesters or drug lords.  Not the....

Monday, September 25, 2023

Parable 09 25 2023

 "If you hire a magician to fix something; did you get your money's worth?"

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Science is 09 25 2023

 "Kick your dog and debate on whether it is crying or not?"

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Football Humor 9 24 2023 published 2:46pm

 "Why don't you go sit at a roast beef restaurant rather than commentating."

© 2023 Thomas Murphy 

A Billionaire who put all his money into Charitable Trusts 09 24 2023


Isn't that really like he created his own trickle down kingdom within a Democracy of the Free?

I believe it should be disallowed.

So the good of the people argument for it being allowed in current form is that these people help to address needs our Government doesn't?

I think instead, it serves as an obstruction to or antithesis of a Constitutional Democracy of the Free.

So does it really mean that a billionaire doesn't believe that they can use their money to lobby for what our Country needs?

Or does it really mean that a billionaire is funding things that our Gov wouldn't fund for a valid reason?

Or does it really mean a billionaire was allowed to have too much money?  So much so that he was allowed to create a Trickle Down Economic Kingdom?

I believe in pulling the lynch pin out of all forms of Trickle Down Economic Kingdoms. (TDEK)

The TDEK is synonymous with the Sycophant?

In favor of what?

A working man who doesn't drink or use drugs being able to afford a home and raise a family in peace?

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

I want a Rechargeable Butter Melter 09 24 2023

I want a Rechargeable Butter Melter 09 24 2023

Full disclosure, I have not gone to the effort to see if they are made yet or if there are any other tools that could serve that same application.


1. Because I don't like to leave butter out on the counter all day.

2.  You usually need butter first thing in the morning to put on toast.  Hence it is hard from being refrigerated.

3.  Because it is hard it doesn't spread very well.  And you end up putting more on toast or bakery items than need be.

Shouldn't be too hard to make.  Oh Christ, if they can make those g/d electric vapor pipes they can make a butter melter.  You would think the butter melter would have been devised a long time before the vaping thing.  Ask yourself why the butter melter wasn't developed long before the tobacco other plant oil electric vaping device was.  Because there is a lot of money in tobacco?  Now look at the construct of that, money really doesn't drive good innovation!  It drives bad innovation.  And it blocks out the good innovation from happening! I ought to highlight that last sentence.

Can you hear the idiot head already?  "You want a butter melter?  Preposterous!  We can't do that!  Can't be done."

But if you said, "I want an electric handheld device capable of turning tobacco or other plant oils into a smoke like vapor."  They would get to work like they were the crew of a British Spaceship in a Science Fiction movie, right away on the idea.  As if they were hell bent on killing people of foreign worlds and colonizing the remnants.

And that is called satire.

"There's no market for a butter melter other than you Tom."

"I don't care."

I want to be able to put a little butter on my toast.  Melt it a little bit and spread it around.  I might also like to aim my butter melter at the end of the butter stick, straight out of the fridge and melt that a little bit first to.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy


With a very fast perusal of search results I see there is an electric butter knife.  Near to what I am envisioning?

rechargeable butter melter - Search (

Lesbian Knows Best? 09 24 2023

 Am I seeing propaganda on television that equates to that?

And perhaps it is just the way that some prominent ones hold themselves out to be?

And let's say that one lesbian is able to get close to a heterosexual woman and convert her to being a lesbian; is that not in some form a construct of "Lesbian knows best?"

And just to exercise your imagination did you ever ask yourself what a democracy governed by someone who believed in "Lesbian knows best." would be like?  What would that be like?

Is there an element of unrecognized deceit in it?

Not let's broaden the concept to be, "Homosexual knows best."  And apply the same questions as above to it.  I think it would be horrific. 

And perhaps let's say that you have a political candidate.  And they have a belief system that really isn't consistent with your constitutional rights.  However you really can't see where their belief system wants to lead to or where it wants to go.  Did you ever ask yourself that?  What will be the long term impact of a belief system like that to our country?  How will it be redefined over time to be diametrically opposed to your Constitutional rights?  And in order to make decisions about people like this you have to ask yourself prior to that point did they act in integrity?  Or were there clues?  Perhaps they were caught insider trading and wormed out of it?  Perhaps up to their point as President they made their living by pretending to be other people?  Perhaps they had Police Officers bring them young women?  Perhaps they lived in a whore house?  (Look this up if you think I am full of beans.)  (Off topic humor.  I see a fast food Mexican restaurant and I think, "That is a can of beans.")

Do you read this with glazed over eyes of hatred?  Did you ever ask yourself, "Whose eyes do I have?"  And then lie to yourself when you answered yourself?

In summary "Lesbian knows best" isn't something I believe in.  Nor is it something I believe people should be subjected to.

But on the flip side.  The way one speaks is indeed from a heart and knowledge basis.  However the point of view or basis of it...its something else.

This is my true belief system.  The First Amendment to the Constitution ought to protect me from persecution in any way for expressing it.


And don't get me wrong.  I don't hate them.  I get along good.  This has more to do with leadership.  Leadership and what it should mean is far more important.  The deceitful leader that ...well we suffered through 4 years of that.   And now the co-deceivers are attempting to wage an offense?  Should a President be like a salesmen?  Selling himself, when there really isn't a good self there?

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Totally different topic!

Now while I am on personality analysis.  A person whose mind is based on deceit.  Haphazarding pruning ideas and beliefs that are not consistent with immature emotions of happiness.  You very rarely will see their core personality.  But that is what the really are.  And the rest is a semantic shell?  But when they attempt to be serious and true you see their hatred for having to be serious and true and it looks like a sprung eyeball.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

A Good Question Is 9 23 2023

 "How come the crooks aren't being put out of business?"

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Friday, September 22, 2023

Dinner 9 22 23


Bought the skewered chicken at a hardware store.

© 2023 Thomas Murphy 

Republicans want to shut down the Government and also Eliminate Social Security? 09 22 2023

Why?  So you can put everyone in genocidal bread lines?

Why?  So that people who need the Covid 19 Vaccine can't get it and die?

You want to be able to make people sick and then have them not be able to get treatments?

In summary so that you can deny life to United States Citizens?

They don't realize how rotten they truly are, because they can't think things through from start to finish.

It's like you weren't born but fell off the beer truck?

But not in Republican circles.  That isn't how they see themselves.  They labeled their mean spiritedness as conservatism?  And they get a lot of people to buy into it.  You would have to have a delusion of yourself not really being a member of a Democracy but of some kind of loose Royalty?  To have that group identity over personal identity?  A man has a personal identity and something else seeks a group identity?

The Original Republican Party was formed in opposition to slavery.  But this current one likes to create the conditions precedent that lead to slavery?  Their answer with how to compete against the educated upward mobile?

To accumulate all the money of a country so that you can have men beg from you?

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

This is a very difficult topic for me to discuss 9 19 2023

But, Pizza Ratings!

I am going to do it.

I am going to create a blog with pizza ratings.

And that might be just the start of it.

I might also create a blog for fish Fry ratings.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy 

New blog link:

Policy 9 16 2023

If I were President I would eliminate all instances whereby the truly uneducated can leapfrog the educated; in success in life.

Why? When they in balance have more money than the rest of us all decisions made are of uneducated basis.  Not good for us.

© 2023 Thomas Murphy 

Athletic Facility Profits 09 19 2023

 How come the T@& Payer doesn't see that $600 million payment they are to make as going right into the wallet of the team owner?

I don't support it.

I don't care if you want to call it some kind of necessitated business like a Military Contractor has or not.

I just don't like it.

If it is a tax then it should not be profited from or a source of pass through profits.

If it is Capitalism then a business competes on its own.

So what is it?  It's hideously ugly and hiding?

And it is one of those things that attempts to plead with some aspect of conscience?  Or rather, beg.

"I need this!  I mean we need this.  I mean Milwaukee needs this."

And then owners get to play nepotistic type favors as to who gets high paying ancillary type jobs and who doesn't?   In effect creating their own trickle down exclusionary economy right out of our wallets.

You know.  The other day I drove down Highway 94 after a game and I smelled a feces stench I have not smelled by the Stadium before.

They used to flush all that right into the river until they got caught.

Last time I went to a game the porta potties were overflowing.

And I am tired of those who truly couldn't fairly graduate from High School being given the hope of being a millionaire athlete.

I believe that the values of our state need to change to ones that are not alcohol related.

And I am tired of alcohol revenue!  The alcohol revenue argument.  We are bearing costs from that which no public figures are willing to mention or have the courage to mention.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Controlling how many teams is a monopoly?  And monopoly's are meant to be broken.  But your Republican Party would be up in arms if we tried to make life fair.

Nor should every student whose father was a teacher have to look out the front window and see millionaire baseball players on every single baseball field in existence in the United States.

I mean, a god damned enough.

Ask yourself this 09 19 2023

 "What is a Government agent who has been trained to poke your eye out and kick you in the groin?"

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

Inflation is the 600 Million Dollar Man 09 19 2023

 So by reading the headlines it looks like the United States paid $6 billion dollars to have 10 American hostages freed from Iran.

That works out to $600 million dollars a piece!

And that brings me to a Science Fiction Series of the 70's.  Whereby they rebuilt a man using robotics at a cost of $6 million dollars.


How much would it cost to free those from poverty?

Do you know what it is like?  It is like whoever made the poor poor wants them to stay that way!

As if housing and feeding them would reverse decades of the witchcraft  of whoever created the conditions leading to homelessness? 

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

Lets say that I went on vacation to a country where they absolutely hated Americans.  Isn't it me, as a man, taking and assuming the burden of that irrational risk?

A clown balances plates on poles and every once in a while they fall and crack.  You and I know not to do that.

So perhaps this can really be thought of as a maintenance of U.S. Government?  Where they their on behalf of the U.S. Gov?

What is going on here?  Is it a circumvented way to fund something? 

But it was indeed the Republican Ronald Reagan who gave arms to those who took American hostages?  And he didn't have the authority to do so.  And he beat Jimmy Carter for President because of the propaganda of it. 

If we found spies from a foreign country could we ask that country for gold for them?  I believe that our country needs tighter boarders in favor of a greater standard.

It should mean more to be an American.  It should mean someone that is capable of respect, someone who can be educated, someone who takes pride in their work.  Integrity. It doesn't mean any of that today.

He that believeth in me 09 19 2023

 He that believeth in me  09 19 2023

If you do a little research you will see that the disciples of Jesus Christ each came to a horrific end.  Impaled with a spear, hung, stabbed etc.

But Jesus said, "He that believeth in me shall never perish."

So why did the disciples die so horrifically?

Because they sold Jesus Christ to the horrific Romans for 30 Silver Coins.

The bottom line is, that you don't collude to sell someone to be tortured and killed if you believe in them.

Hence that is why the disciples perished.

And I know, the Church implies that they went to heaven?

But again, if you collude to sell someone for 30 silver coins to be tortured and killed you do not believe in them.

So, no, they didn't make it to heaven.  Not strong enough to be there.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

A Personality Archetype 09 19 2023

 "They are not good at being an authority; but they are really good at silencing those who challenge their authority."

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, September 18, 2023

Whoever is buying those Commercials 9 18 2023

 Did you ever feel like,

"Whoever is buying those Commercials is either trying to buy or sell your soul?"

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Our Experience with the elected official

 I think it is worth reexamining every case he was ever a defendant in and won.

© 2023 Thomas Murphy 

How has the value of US Currency changed since the inception of Crypto Currency 09 18 2023

 How has the value of US Currency changed since the inception of Crypto Currency 09 18 2023

One word! 


You get less for your dollar.

And it is what Trump said that he wanted, Inflation.

Trump wanted the United States Citizen to get less for their money!

But the main point is.

Crypto currency is detracting from the value of United States Currency and the evidence is inflation.

US Inflation Rate (

I mean, how come highly paid Government employees don't think to ask that question?

Talking to them is like listening to a dry mouth?

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

Say this to your bank 09 18 2023

 "Can you even tell me the name of the person who is representing this fraudulent transaction to be real?"

Somehow they know the name of the person who recieved the money but never had any intentions of procuring or transfering the goods to you.

So that is a known identity.

The banking system has to be compromised of known identities so that chargebacks can occur rapidly and also so that fraud can't happen!

So who would create a banking system whereby a person can recieve money however their identity and location can't be known?

Who would do something like that?

Why ask the question?

Because it is real.  And it has been created?

So who did that?

Someone that hates the United States of America!  That is who did it!

Follow the logic?

A real person has your money in their wallet.  However the bank doesn't seem to be able to identify them?  Even though the bank paid them?

So it is like looking at a birds nest of transaction "wires".  And coming to the conclusion that the bank is really the crooked one?

So sounds whacked out?  During the great depression the banks closed their doors but the wealthy all had money and walked around with their noses high in the air.

So can the wealthy be diagnosed with a disease whereby they hate the educated upwardly mobile?  Those are the types of new world ideas I love!


I read a qood quote on Facebook yesterday, but then couldn't refind it to share it. "How come everything is a handout but generational wealth?"

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

And what is very similar to this unknown entity in the woodpile?

Two Nigerians extorting white United States High School boys for money or they publish naked photos of them?  And that young man killed himself within 6 hours of that happening!

Then you also have the unknown entity of Ransomware?

There are lots of FBI agents, CIA agents, and Homeland Security agents.  Their identity is unknown too, isn't it.  But it is a matter of national security that it is?

I mean what a great coming out party it would be.

So and so at a few blocks away is revealing themselves as a CIA agent!  There will be a village party to celebrate them telling of all the clandestine activity they have been up to.

I mean, what do you call all that?  

Why can't we have a public database of the names and identities of those who committed fraudulent transactions?  It doesn't look like there is anyone out there to stop them.

© 2023 Thomas Murphy


I just found another one of them.  They want you to tell them how much you have so that they can sell that information to everyone.  And we don't know who they are either.  Because they are a Burial Group; the Roman, dare I say Italian, precursor to the Corporation?

What if the United States said it

 So you have places like Russia and China barring their Citizens access to Social Media sites?

What if the United States were to say to its citizens you can't have access to what goes on in foreign countries?

You are not allowed to see what your sister is up to today in Venezuala?

It would be unconscionable!  You couldn't have a human conscience and do something like that?

There is a flood perhaps over there in Asia, it is not something you should be concerned about.

What is the point?

We already know what those communist bent countries believe in.  And it is terrible.  And they do terrible things.  They persecute all responsible adult reporters.

Those foreign countries would never fear that the United States would do something about that.  Why?  Because they know we are good!  And they prey on that goodness.  They loathe it for its existence.

Let them stew about it!  We have fed them long enough.

Ask yourself this, how long will they feed their own people?  How long can they feed their own people?  How long before they don't want to even feed their own people?  That is what they are.

When nobody is looking kill 80 million people in the Geographic region that is Russia and claim you are doing it so that everyone has bread and butter in Communism?

Our Founding Fathers wanted us to have very little to do with Foreign Nations.  Do I dare say genetic prone horrific ideologies?

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

When a Credit Card Company initially sides with a fraudulent transaction 09 18 2023

 I find that credit card company/bank to be a fruadulent representation of the United States Banking System.

If I were President I would go to extreme measures to:

1. Close such banks no matter how large.

2.  Make the banking system public, because of it.

3. Prosecute known managers of such banks and bar them from financial activity in the U.S.

4. Deport them.

5. Delink the banking system from foreign offices and delink all foreign banks from U.S. ownership.

6.  Take DNA samples of those convicted of criminal activity and create a database and watch list from it.  To prevent U.S. Citizens from ever being victimized by them again.

There is just too much "Yah, yah, yah, you are not important," happening.  I have had enough of that from day one.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Republicans 9 18 2023

 And abortion, what is going on here?

Where there a lot of alcoholic Republican women that had stillborn babies that were naturally aborted; and they don't want to realize the guilt from lack of responsibility?  Hence make the Dr and everyone else illegal rather than themselves?

They don't want to live with the stigma of lesserness?

I want to go an article on the diminishment of academic achievement in favor of athletic achievement?

It doesn't matter if stupid can't use the stove as long as he can hit a baseball?  And stupids mother needs to protect the simple ability to cook as something only she is able to do? Now that is a great concept to articulate better.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy 

She thought that all she needed to be good at in life was "making babies",  but as he couldn't even do that right.

The Quintessential USA Republican 9 18 2023

 The gestalt of the Quintessential USA Republican is someone who is pushing a cart with a dead baby in it and muttering how bad everyone else is.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Sunday, September 17, 2023

But would it be cheaper 9 17 23

 We could high fructose corn syrup be cheaper if corn wasn't subsidized?  Because I don't believe it is better for you than cane sugar containing prepared foods.

"Its prevalence in modern-day foods and drinks has been on the rise over the past five decades, notably due to cost-effectiveness and versatility. In fact, producing HFCS is 10-30% cheaper than sugar (sucrose), while offering comparable sweetness and flavor [8, 9]. › learn › what-i...

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Friday, September 15, 2023

In Summary of one of those posts today 09 15 2023

 To bring religion and Christianity into the matter:

"I believe in removing the crown of thorns from Capitalism in the United States."

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

Dinner 9 15 2023 updated

 Swai that tastes better than cod.

Thaw Swai in microwave.

Large frying pan med+ heat.
Sunflower seed oil. Coat bottom of pan where fish to be added.  Then some more oil after fish added.  So that when you flip them once they with have oil in pan on underside.  But perhaps not that much oil.

Part 1 batter: small amount of milk in bowl ~1/2 Cup, yellow mustard ~2t, sprinkle red seasoning salt, sprinkle jar of Seafood spices.

Part 2 batter:
1/4 cup cheapest white flour
1/4 cup coconut flour
Mix w fork

Sauce: mayo + ~ equal amount stone ground mustard.

Served with boiled beets and partially boiled broccoli in same pan.  And baked potato, not shown.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy 

What if New World Judicial System 09 15 2023

What if someone repeatedly charged with reckless driving were not allowed to have airbags or seatbelts in their car?

Follow the logic here.

They have no concern for the health and safety of other drivers on the road.  In fact they don't even seem to know that they are a danger to other people.

Wouldn't the fear of becoming a mangled mess themselves be the needed impetus?  When nothing else seems to stop them?  Not fear of prison.  Nobody seems to be taking their cars away.


While I am at the New World Judicial System idea, how about redefining mental illness?  What if every person who used a substance/drug could be labeled mentally ill?  What is the justification?  They are substituting a drug for the happiness of personal achievement.  And what better basis for mental illness than that?

In other words you can't get high on cocain and then give a speech?

You can't have a drink before you go up on stage for any reason?

So basically, what I am getting at is that you can't have a drunk bitching at you for no reason.  You can't have a male drunk taking up some mean feminine anger and taking it out on you!  I mean, we have seen enough of this and suffered through it enough that we can change the rules of capitalism.

"Can't wait until the mean drunk gets here; he'll straighten everything out."  Who needs that kind of thinking?  And how come the thinking of the mean drunk has never been studied and classified as such?


Completely off topic.  I don't like it when gay people who pretending to be straight become highly successful by pretending to be straight.  Whether it be acting or whatever.  Why not?  It has to do with being falsely imprinted by false role models?  And in order to articulate that better you would have to take some college level courses or at least suspend doubt that there have been significant studies on such things as imprinting?


One of the problems with our Capitalism today is that the GOOD WORKER IS NOT BEING VALUED!  Either you know what it means and it resonates with you or I can't explain it to you.  And I am not talking about a dumb person that doesn't know right from wrong and therefore believes themselves to be good.  I am talking about someone who shows up to work every day and works.  Someone who doesn't want their coworkers to be injured.  Somone who believes in fairness.  Someone who has faith in America.  Someone who believes that if they work 40 hours a week until the age of retirement that they will be okay then.  Someone who doesn't abuse other people in the workplace.   Not someone who isn't there to snot off to everyone.   Not someone who couldn't learn and has a chip on their shoulder.  Not someone who resents the educated.   Not someone who resents the upward mobility of the educated middle class.  Someone that cares about the product and the customers.


I would assert that just the presence of the good worker makes the business better.  I would assert that just the presence of the good worker helps others learn the true skill or art.  I would assert that the good worker performs many managerial functions but is never made a manager or gets the equivalent pay for being one.  I would assert that the good worker often imprints family members of the family business to do their own jobs better and then the good worker is fired.  I would assert the good worker reaches the age of retirement or near retirement and the highly valued shylock worker figures out a way to dun them for their pension or fire them just before retirement.  I would assert the bad worker is a complete pretense to the American workforce.  I would assert the bad worker propagates the disease of alcoholism.  I would assert that the bad worker lives a cognitive life the equivalent of a criminal.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

And who would like to see statistics forced to be published as to the average time a person in each nursing home has to sit there with their pants full?


Summary Logic Recap:

"Why should the criminal be allowed to drive safely while recklessly endangering other people."

And ooh, ooh, ooh.  Many corollaries of logic to that start to surface!

A Jesus Type parable or phrase 09 15 2023

 "Dry are the tongues that feed you."

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

OOh ooh ooh, I got the start of the lyrics to a song there!

"Zero are the people that heed you.

When dry are the tongues that feed you!"

And perhaps second verse:

"Plastic are the people that need you.

"When dry are the tongues that feed you."

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Constitutional Rights 09 15 2023

 Do I think Hunter Biden should go to jail for having a gun while being addicted to narcotics?

I have had back pain and neck pain for 15 years.  I don't take pills for it.  I just live with it.  Even though it is something that could be cured.

Now having said that.  If a foreign power wanted to defeat our Democracy first they would whittle away at our Constitutional Rights.  And the right to own a gun is pretty set in stone in the Constitution.  And they went so far as to say it cannot be infringed.

Where did Hunter get the narcotics?  He didn't cook them up in his basement himself.  And how many people are dying of drugs like fentanyl every day?  Is it a narcotic? Yes it is a Schedule 2 Narcotic?  (Is that really relevant?  Is a subverted classification system relevant?)

It is a pandemic, people dying of narcotic poisoning!  Can you imagine if something like that was put forth upon the initial colonists of the United States?

So someone was poisoned with an addictive narcotic!  Somebody gave or sold it him.  And who profited from it?  The same Doctors Lawyers and Indian Chiefs that comprise the wealthy all over the world?

Hunter Biden is lucky to be alive after being addicted to a poison.  Why call it a poison?  Because it changes your behavior!  Because a very little amount of it can kill you dead really fast?  Why do I need to argue with you?   To open your eyes is like talking to a stone head?  But yet so few in the world want to see things like this and many others for what they really are?

So take a few steps back and look at the abstract or gestalt of the issue, if you will.

You would take a gun away from someone who was poisoned?

You can't get to be a much sicker head than that!

And do this on a grand scale.  Make as many men and women as possible sick in this manner and then take away their guns?

And it is really a shame that his own father, Joe, his very own father Joe, doesn't see it this way.  Is too stuttering stupefied to understand the context and meaning of the United States Constitution.  It is like he is got pampered at a tea and cake party full of odd English women; and that is who he needs to mentally please?  He associates more pain with complying to the Constitution than saving this country and his own sons life?  People who get on the yah yah mode of thinking.  A veil of mass psychology that really is bent toward the will of a horses head? "Yah, yah, you're not important,  I am having my evening glass of wine.  I have my Emily Dickenson novel to read for the umpteenth time.  Yah, yah, yah.   Get a job.  I find your thinking to be a terrible dream." 

They want to go after your right to free speech to.  But in a really bad way too.  Not only because you said it.  But then afterwards, because you wanted to say it.  To persecute you for what they believe you wanted to say!

Can I just prove a point?  Did it just pop into your mind that there are many types of people out there who would absolutely loath someone like me, just because I wanted to say something like this.  As if I have no right to question their wealth?  And isn't that one of the things that got Jesus crucified?  How many people resonate through history who questioned the wealthy?  Did you learn of any others in history class?  I doubt it!  Did you learn of every wealth redistribution in history class in High School or College?  I doubt it.

Do I like Hunter Biden?  Can't say I do.  Not the point.  The point is, should he go to jail for a direct and blatant violation of his set in stone Constitutional Rights that all other laws created must conform to?  No.

If there are other things that he did that are classified as something I think are really bad.  Well those are separate prosecution issues.  You don't contrive them together in order to diminish Constitutional Rights; in order to attack the Constitution.  Hear that Donald Trump; not only cannot you not attack the Capitol; you also can't attack Constitutional Rights.  No matter how dry mouth the tongues that feed you are!

So you persecute the gun owner in favor of the drug dealer?  Who somehow lives in a mansion?  Has money nailed under the floorboards of his house?  Someone who absolutely hates the educated upwardly mobile?  Wants to give them a destructive reward system that isn't based on learning and personal achievement.

You know if Hunter Biden goes to jail, it is his own idiot father's doing.  Not only did the son fall into the trap; the father did too!  An ideology of false or perhaps better yet, sycophant political correctness?  Sickening.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Off topic, food for thought?  What happened to Bone Crusher Smith?

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Why is there a spring inside my spark plug? 9 12 23

1. Is it cheapness?

2.  Is it to prevent heat cracking from expansion/contraction?  If so, then why not handle that issue with concentric sleeve on  electrode? 

3. That spring would seem to depart the characteristics of that plug to lesser?  That spring does not seem to have same heat characteristics?  Is that how, in part, a mfg  configures the heat index of a plug?

4.  Does it have some "resister" function to the plug?

5.  It defies examination of the plug, without having to destroy it?

6.  Springs fail sooner with heat.  And plugs are hot.

7.  Is it meant to 'cap' how hot the iridium electrode can become?  In theory preventing preignition?

8.  Does that expansion contraction of spring create a gas effect that causes bypass though ceramic tightness seal of the plug?  It isn't gas filled/ sealed, or they would advertise that?  So you have a spring heated chamber, not a vacuum chamber either?

9. Back to 1.  If you ran iridium from tip to tip... could it be done?  Expensive metal?  Bug would it be ideal?

And indeed I don't know if they are all like that.  If the ones in cars are like that I shouldn't question, because they last a long time?

Which brings me to the next point, what is the spring failure rate?

Perhaps there is a very simple answer?

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Football Humor 9 12 2023

 "I hope we don't have to give the Jet's any money back."

© 2023 Thomas Murphy 

Dinner 9 12 2023


© 2023 Thomas Murphy 

Sunday, September 10, 2023

A Fool 9 10 2023

A fool is walking across a wooden bridge when he see's broken boards.

He asks himself, "What would Einstein do?"

Then walks forward and falls to his death.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Google Storage 9 10 2023

 So I have plenty of storage space on my phone.  But Google backs it up.  And if you exceed a certain amount you have to pay for that backup storage.  And they won't let me create new spreadsheets on my phone because I won't be able to back them up ? Because I won't pay them for the storage I already bought for my phone?

And photos we ont show up in search results on my phone?  Because i haven't bought their backup storage?  Never mind that you can't change the name of a photo in order so that it could be add specifically identified in search results on Google Android?

What logic is that? We won't let you use your phone because you haven't paid us extra for a redundant service that should not be required?  It has to be illegal!!!

We need to apply the constitution to the big software companies.  That would straighten our country out.  You think stuttering Joe or uses the unisex changing room Donald can figure that out?

"Donald, where were you just now?"

"I was in the unisex changing room."

"Who was in there with you?"

"An actress named Stormy Daniels."


Anyone else think SNL was at an obscene new in low last night?  Never liked that show.  Ask yourself this, "Who does the trembling jester pander to?" And, "Who does the trembling jester seek to offend?"

In other words it is weak willed and badly motivated humor.

© 2023 Thomas Murphy 

Saturday, September 9, 2023

If the telemarketers are not calling it means 09 09 2023

 That the day prior they were able to steal a lot of money from someone else.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, September 8, 2023

Humor 09 08 2023

 You here of some people wanting bigger lips or breasts.  And hence botax injections or implants.

But do you ever hear of anyone wanting a bigger nose?

A botax injection for the nose?

And of course then initially then the nose just puffs up a lot bigger than what the end result will be?

Or perhaps this one is even funnier: a botax eyebrow or brow injection?

For someone who wants to look a lot more serious or stern in life?  Marketed to someone who doesn't want their authority questioned?

A botax forehead injection?

I actually saw a woman walking a dog the other day and it looked like her entire forehead was set back about an inch.  So perhaps it really isn't something to joke around about.  And I wondered if her brain worked as good as everyone else's does?

Do they make forehead implants?

For example if someone like that wanted to look more like a college professor?

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Tipped Minimum Wage 9 6 2023

Who has greater credibility on the issue?  The waiter on his feet all day or the restaurant owner who illegally has slot machines in his bar/restaurant?

Perhaps you don't understand my argument for better wages. I am not going to articulate it.  Fed up with that.

The alcohol selling places make a very good living creating human sickness.  And we all pay for it!  And we pay for it in unrecognized ways by the cowards. 

© 2023 Thomas Murphy 

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Wisconsin Legislature 6.03 (1) & (2)

 Draft article

Per the Constitution someone can be impeached for treason, felony or other high crimes or misdemeanors.  (Check wording). Not going into the 14th Amendment now.

In Wisconsin there are requirements to be a voter.  I shouldn't have to tell you that if you can't meet the requirements to vote then you also can't be on the ballot to be elected.

The relevant requirements here are 6.03 (1) & (2).

You can't be convicted of a felony or treason. (Recheck wording)

You can't make a bet on the election and vote.  Some of you might have online betting accounts?  We could prevent you from voting if you bet on it?  The house bets to everytime you do?  Hence in theory if you work for a casino with betting odds in an election or a a shareholder (owner) we could barely you too?  You know, enough is enough!

But I would assert once you are impeached you should know you can't be on the ballot?

Who among us is so dumb that they want to ignore the legal equivalency of being impeached to that of the requirements to vote and therefore be able to o be on the ballot?

Okay I am publishing in draft format and might update it when I get to my laptop.  Poking one key at a time on my phone now.

I am really sick and tired of high profile individuals ignoring what I would term legal equivalency.

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

6 people died because he asserted the election was stolen.  Then he did indeed say it once, he did, that they lost that election.  How come our legislature is absent of fact checkers?  Do they all have the disease of alcoholism? I would bar every alcoholic from being considered a professional at anything.

Don't go to London, if 09 05 2023

 Don't go to London or England if you are an American Rock Star?  Look at how many died there?

Jim Morrison of the Doors

Amy Winehouse, singer.

Jimmy Hendrix.

That is enough right there to make a case against it.

American stars who died in england - Search (

How to spot a potential mass shooter 09 05 2023

 Now the FBI and other agencies have their own protocols you could read for how to do this.  But I am asserting this quick and easy method.

I would assert that they are only going to be naturally capable of one of two facial expressions.

1.  Dumb looking.

2.  Mad.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, September 4, 2023

Global Warming 9 4 2023

It is like, if you say there is global warming you will be persecuted by the Republican Party for being a Prophet?

And what about everything else they don't like? They want to take away your right to free speech so you can't say a President lost an election when a President lost an election?  If you say that you will be persecuted for being a Prophet by the Republican Party?

I mean the list could go on and on!

Say a woman doesn't have to keep a baby from rape and you are a prophet to be persecuted?

Tell someone their shoe is untied or they have a broken wagon wheel and somehow you are a prophet to be persecuted?  Something simple about life people like that are at odds with?

© 2023 Thomas Murphy 

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Joe Biden in 2024?

"I enjoyed Joe Biden telling Donald Trump to shut up."

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Humor 09 03 2023

 "That fly is going to get the electrified tennis racket here in a little bit."

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

A, What does it amount to 09 03 2023

 "Teaching a punk to better express themselves as a punk?"

And that one goes hand in hand with this type of person,

"It doesn't matter if you are right or wrong when you are arguing with them; all that matters is that you disagreed with them."

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, September 1, 2023

Why is it 09 01 2023

 Why is it my computer shows the temperature all the time; except when I want to look at it to see what the temperature is?

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Plastics 09 01 2023

 Interesting phrase:

"That isn't worth the plastic its made from."

What makes it interesting?

Because the plastic that it is made from isn't worth anything either!

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

Plastic, a temporarily transformed state?  Hence an imposter item?

Great way to suck the wealth out of a nation!

The people who profited from it ought to be giving the rest of us a rebate!

An Island of Attack People 09 01 2023

 And so if you watch those internet video documentaries you come across places that are forbidden for people to go to.  And some of those places are inhabited by natives that kill absolutely everyone that comes near the island.  In fact you sometimes see photos of planes that have multiple spears or arrows sticking out of them.

Do they likely engage in cannibalism?  ,Do they use mind altering drugs as a matter religious government? Do they engage in prostitution?  Or better yet, what is that really, whereby the tribal chieftain mates with any daughter he wants to?  It is the equivalent of Prostitution.  (Now quickly compare that to a billionaire paying to have sex with culled young women in a democracy?)

Now lets say that tribe decided to immigrate to the United States!

And as it just so happened they left a wake of destruction and devastation everywhere they went!

And all the while they were here they asserted Our Constitutional Rights as their defense.

And do you see where I am going with this?  I don't really want to go any further with this.  I will leave it at that; it won't be the beauty of the original democracy anymore.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy