The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The Bible and Abortion 9 27 2023

If Jesus said "Don't stone the whore." It is pretty safe to say he would also say don't stone the whore for having an abortion either.

The Romans (Constantine? No I think it was Caligula?) encouraged all Jewish women to be raped?

The Kings of the time has sex with men's wives?

I view that anti abortion movement as Consistent with a Kingdom form of Government.  And I don't like it.  As an American it makes my blood boil.


What are our foreign enemies today if not bad kingdoms?

We can't compete with them because they don't care for their workers like we do.

Republicans want to get rid of Regulations?  Regulations that protect the worker???

Our nation should never be drawn into a situation where we have to compete with that.  How?  As a man you can't. 


What was Reagan economics?  Creating trickle down kingdoms?

I believe both the wealthy and the poor are shadows of the middle class.  Or perhaps the wealthy are a shadow of the middle class and the poor a shadow of the wealthy .

The poor looking for handouts coming from trickle down wealthy.

The wealthy deriving substance and what it means to o be human by being a shadow of the middle class.

Hence when you see a wealthy person who is clueless as to policy it is because they are illegitimate and really a guessing shadow of the middle class.  And a shadow that is afraid of it's own shadow the poor.

You start to equate crime and violence as being a form of mental retardation caused by alcohol and drugs and only then do you have the correct basis for solving that problem.

And Chis Christie did get the issue right, if you are going to be pro life you have to o be pro their entire life. Meaning to you can't cut money to education and all the other things R er publicans want to cut to make us the equivalent of China.  Yeah, read the as to as gain.  Running around on that stage like chicken little do that we can become the equivalent of Communist China?  They have no shame.

As to one of them the phrase "Go dry up" comes to mind?

Oh and it was great to see them swinging at each other like that.  Exposing each other's hypocrisies and really denigrating themselves as a lot in going so.  Loved it!

And by fighting one another they indeed are coming to democratic consensuses they would never be able to reach individually.  Great to see they happening.  Does it really matter if they figure that out?  It looks unavoidable as to a conclusion as to where they have to go with policy.

And I do agree with them on some issues.  But they might not realize the bad precedents to hat can be set.  You need to apply constraints to laws created for the sole fact that you do not want subjective application of them violating the Constitution.

I really don't see the need to bolster any foreign country that does not believe and adopt our Constitution.  It is money down the drain that could come back to fight against us.

Do we ship food to China when we have hungry here?  Even Jesus had a sense of, you feed the "us" first.  And also, sorry in advance, Satan you get behind me in the food line.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy 

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