The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

History 09 26 2023 Updated

 As I read about the Celtic Tribes that founded Bohemia and perhaps Germany.

That fought against the Romans.

I realized that the history we learned in Catholic Grade School and in High School is all centered on a Roman Perspective.

When in reality it would be better served to be founded on a Celtic Perspective?

Our nation today would be better served if it were taught from a Celtic Perspective!

Why would you base the validity of world history on a people that horrifically tortured people?  Why not make the focal point of history on those who fought against them?

Yeah, I know, you just read that and it makes absolutely no sense to you.  And you say that about absolutely everything I write, say and do.  Perhaps you needed to learn something from a perspective that didn't glamorize you?  Perhaps it would make absolutely no difference in your life no matter what you read or was read to you?

What I was reading:

Bohemia - Wikipedia

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

So there was a change in the Catholic Church circa 1951 with Vatican 2?

But what I am getting at is the gestalt you are left with from history class and Catholic School is something like, "Jesus Christ is the only one who opposed the Romans or fought them?"

And hence you get this ugly thread or spiel working its way into the Catholic Teachings that, amounts to those who opposed the Romans and died were meant to do so?  Their sacrifice was meant to happen for the good of the Romans?

God gave us his only son?  The reason we tortured him was it was our way of giving him all of our pain?  If you just think of that with a clear and objective non whino head, it is pretty sickening.

"He died for our sins?"  That is an alibi transposed over religion. 

The Celtics wiped the Romans out in their first battle with them.  Did you learn that in Catholic School History class?  I doubt it.

I doubt we would have any organized crime, drug problem, prostitution, poverty if it were not for that bad influence as summarized above.


Do you know what the reason is?  The Celtics believed in a meritocracy!  You can't have that non working class in a meritocracy!  You can't have that looser with a million dollar wine cellar and deviant behavior like Nambla in a Meritocracy!  There are a lot of things that don't make it in a Meritocracy because it is pretty close to Natural Selection and Evolution.  The cream rises to the top in a meritocracy not the sadistic criminals.  Not the pimps, child molesters or drug lords.  Not the....

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