©2020 Thomas Murphy
I created this Newspaper to put forth a much needed point of view. I have talked to many who have worked for Milwaukee's dominant news source on the side, and they have even expressed interest in my point of view. The Pulitzer prize was founded after Pulitzer because he created a newspaper that exposed great wrongdoings. He went against the other established Newspapers with his Newspaper that exposed corruption. His newspaper became number one. World News Starts Here!
The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player
Thomas Paul Murphy
Saturday, October 31, 2020
On Pro Life 10 31 2020
On Pro Life 10 31 2020
No abortion, not even in cases where the father raped his very own daughter?
Pardon me for what I believe and tell you next. But I believe that people who believe in no abortions, not even in cases where the father raped his own daughter; should leave our country.
It is what I believe.
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
Friday, October 30, 2020
Watching TV Observation 10 30 2020
"You can be watching TV while doing something else and when they start saying something rotten you can't shut them up because you don't have the remote."
©2020 Thomas Murphy
And there are there are some people on there that you have learned not to give a fraction of a moment of your attention to. They thrive by creating fury?
Pardon me if television should not be meant to be a venue for that.
Did you ever meet someone that always had to have your attention? Attempted to monopolize your attention? As if as a coping statregy to being a zero they wanted to own your attention? We ought to be free from that? That hooking?
Can't just be got to break into the moment someone else is living in because it is far better than living a board (wood board) stupid existence?
Religious Philosophy regarding a Savior 10 30 2020
So many people claim Jesus Christ as their Savior? How many people that claim Jesus as their Savior really act in consistency that alcohol is their real Savior?
In other words that pitch that Jesus is your Savior accompanied with alcohol (blood of Christ) is something that Alcoholics really buy into! That is the way I see it. That is the veil I see.
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
After to drink alcohol are you more likely to make decisions from a dark side of conscience or a light side of conscience? How can the answer not be dark?
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
The phrase Sleepy Joe Biden 10 28 2020
To me that is either how a punk, a drunk or an ex con talks.
So in competitive sports that children play to better prepare them for adulthood???...that would be called taunting.
It is a shame that Republicans think that represents the best of our country.
10 28 2020 Thomas Paul Murphy
So if you don't like it either let me tell what it represents. That behavior is of the no n working class that squat in the Professional careers in our nation and represents a barrier to the upward mobility of the honest middle class. What do you say to someone that taunts you like that who taunts like that in the office? Anything you say to right that fatuous head is going to bring you down to that level. Make the country believe we have to put up with it or we are weak?
And what about his different voices? There is the distinct one of the wormy like brat that said,"I'm the President I can whatever I want.". Then there is the one that reads speeches like they are the most boring and irrelevant things on earth. The science teacher in an 80's movie asking where Bueler is? Or the actor who read the line "It puts the lotion on its skin?" With a droopy face voice? Or does it sound like a "talking" cow to you?
"Hey my frat bro's put on your penny loafers and college blazer the talking cow is coming to town to speak to you?"
Car Insurance and Alcoholics 10 28 2020
Car Insurance and Alcoholics 10 28 2020
I believe that forcing you to buy car insurance is really subsidizing and fostering the behavior of alcoholics. It allows the alcoholic to live a life of normality that they do not deserve? While the non alcohol/drug user is really paying for it.
If I were President I would promote the right behaviors and subsidize them. Non drinkers with valid educations would receive coverage but not have to pay! The Alcoholics would pay for the problems that they created and fostered.
So why keep the bars open during the pandemic? Because the wealthy are alcoholics and Republicans both!
The life of the alcoholic can take one of two paths. 1. Like the rock song lyrics, "When their conscience" comes back to them they have to knock it back down with drugs and alcohol. This eventually degrades their physical body and brain. And if they try to stop that conscience, the human experience, will not make them happy.
2. Because they have lived a life of lies when they attempt to become sober and alcohol free as they are aging nothing is going to make sense to them. It is as if they have a brain that is wired from the books of a dollhouse library. Because of this they will also likely become violent when things do not go their way. That anger and violence in lei of being able to think for themselves...what happens is an invalid pathway of synapses is created in their brain. Their thoughts will not amount to anything. No productive thinking. Sure and you also have the physical criteria of Alzheimer's and other brain diseases present. But if you think of the brain as a muscle theirs has been trained to be used weakly. And it will not have the strength of repentance. Can't. The harder they try the more unhappier they will become. That brain will shut down! They won't know anything because people were not people to them but objects. Like a crow gathers shiny things; could never need or use them the way that humans do. Nothing will make sense because it never had to for them. They could lie their way out. But what happens when that brain full of lies, wired to be that way, cannot even be depended on by themselves?
And this also applies to those who were born of alcoholics.
So will God save them? "I am the good shepherd?" God is comparing people to sheep there. "Why throw pearls to the swine?" God is comparing people to pigs there. No God can't save you. And you can't get into heaven if you don't have a human soul. There is no one at the gates of heaven that can be fooled. So where does that less than human soul go? Perhaps it is the ugly dog that is barking down the block. Perhaps it is the pig in the field. Perhaps it is the sheep. Perhaps it is the monkey showing you its big mouth full of teeth?
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
What are you going to do with your $80 million dollars 10 27 2020
What are you going to do with your $80 million dollars 10 27 2020
"I am going to give it to many different charitable organizations, and in doing so I am going to make a great many friends. And I might even find someone for you to marry in doing so junior."
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
Consumerism Humor 10 27 2020
Consumerism Humor 10 27 2020
You don't need a new one. But that isn't important. What is important is, "Do you like the one you see better than the one that you have?"
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
Psychological Motivation If you feel healthy you are 10 27 2020
Okay lets say that I have some varicose veins on my right leg near the ankle. Before I go to bed at night I rubbed some what I know is "aspirin stick" on them. I wake up in the morning the next day feeling great! More energy, etc. So one cannot argue that the principle of if you feel healthy you are is valid in this case.
But lets see if some people have misapplied that motivation and try and determine the cause of that misapplied motivation.
A young man smokes some pot. And he would say the reason being because it makes him feel good. Perhaps high is the word for it? Is he really misapplying the "If you feel healthy you are" motivation? I would say so, because the activity really isn't making them healthy. Same could be said of cigarettes.
But what of alcohol. A man has 3 drinks of alcohol on a Friday or Saturday night. Perhaps every day now because of Trump Virus Unemployment. Am I right? You hire an essentially non working class person as president and you end up with Trump Virus Unemployment? They don't want to work they want to gossip about men as a form of socializing and work; not the definition of socialism but I will stick it right there anyway.
So the person that drinks alcohol and numbs their brain because of oxygen deprivation. What healthy state is that creating in them? What do they have in common with right then? I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt they have a lot in common with a mentally retarded person.
draft still in progress published so would not be lost while going to the toaster.
What state does that take him back to? That happy state when he was a boy and his mom was constantly yelling at him because he couldn't learn anything and was a dipsh1t? So indeed it is a form of taught learned helplessness.
Back to the pot issue. So you see a group of young boys smoking pot together. And you notice that while doing so their voices get higher. Almost as if they are sucking air from helium balloons or on laughing gas. And you notice that they are not really talking like boys who want to grow to be adult men. You would think that they would be motivating themselves to be homosexuals when they are older? So the question becomes. Which came first? Were they genetically predisposed to homosexuality in the first place or was it the pot?
But the crux of all this is what is the affect of the drug, any drug on an individual, and why do they unwittingly consider that mode of emotional state to make them believe they are happier because of it? Or are going to be much happier later in life because of their early life use of it?
Why does that state of consciousness make them feel happy? Because it is a willful abandonment of self control? Self control of thinking. Now ask yourself this. What about their own thinking makes them so miserable that they would seek to abandon it? Follow me? It means that while not on drugs they attempt to think and it isn't a productive experience that gives them a sense of wellbeing?
So indeed I am getting at the great lengths people go to in life?
Now lets look at the mentor apprentice relationship. The apprentice abandons their own thinking in favor of instruction from the mentor? And what does that create and foster? A nation of weak minded sycophant's. So the apprentice loves the situation because they never had any semblance of being able to think for themselves in the first place. And we get a lot of "labor" inflation because of this. Because that person comes to believe that no one else can easily do what they do. In fact it gives them jollies to be able to facilitate that.
But what is the abandoned mind of the apprentice? It is PURE COMMUNISM!
Now ask yourself who is it among us that laughs when waste is created because of their presence? It is as if it makes them happy when a normal adult male makes a mistake and ends up "throwing money down the drain?" How can it not be said that people like that are the greatest threat to a democracy and human freedom that there is?
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
And what is it called when the demonic force an individual, a son of man, to abandon their own mind and be forced to take drugs that limit their ability to use their higher mind? In effect making that mind communal? Psychiatry too is PURE COMMUNSIM! And it arose at the exact same time in world history as Communism did!
Monday, October 26, 2020
Does someone that pays someone 10 27 2020
Does someone that pays someone to take their SAT's have a legitimate college degree? No!
Fools talk about people. They don't talk about ideas because they have none. Nothing good goes on in the pumpkin. And they don't talk about people in objective terms.
He would fit right in with a stodgy knitting gossip group.
Men talk about ideas. They talk in certitudes of implentation of ideas. Fools cannot conceptualize the certitude of an idea. A man can.
Who does someone that appeal to? What kind of lowlife is that? It is really simple they do it to distract you from the realization of their complete ineptitude.
His bruce stated he was institutionalized his whole life. It doesn't say anything good about the Republican Party.
We'll give the drug I took for free. Truth is if you go to a hospital with covid-19 they likely won't allow you in the door????
I want to keep the economy open. The fool doesn't realize that the more he keeps the economy open the more it closes!
©2020 Thomas Murphy
Who wants to listen to all his feminine gossip? Who was to listen to all his baseless and false aggrandizement?
Many Americans have had to enrich people like that who can't even give semblance of the most basic man skills. Oh but he's got it all in his head? What Grandmother is his vision of success? What man that really sounds like a woman is he trying to be? What sinkhole is he selling us? What form of foreign government are they selling us out to? How come they can't relate simple concepts to one another?
The harder someone tries the worse it gets? Just start adding up all the gestalt images that forms in your mind.
Sunday, October 25, 2020
On Republicans 10 25 2020
On Republicans 10 25 2020
"Everything they do unwittingly creates problems for our nation!"
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
Dialog Humor 10 25 2020
Dialog Humor 10 25 2020
"I don't talk to her. If I talk to her it is usually with a little dismissal tone or innuendo. That is how I talk to her."
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
Humor 10 25 2020
Humor 10 25 2020
"She knows me like I am her better son (a son that is better than hers.)"
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
How many adult men can't learn anymore because 10 25 2020
How many adult men can't learn anymore because their woman won't shut up?
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
Teachers and Weapons 10 25 2020
Teachers and Weapons 10 25 2020
I don't see anything wrong with a teacher finding a "deadly weapon" on a child and the teacher confiscating it for himself and saying, "Dat's mine now."
But then again. Perhaps if I was a black boy attempting to avoid core trouble and the teacher was more of the dumbstruck phy-ed kind who likely couldn't graduate from high school himself, perhaps talks like a lispy queer or a monotone cretins drunk voice (this one a being a dumb eyed queer), yeah then I would believe the scales of justice should tip back to me the innocent black boy attempting to live and prosper in freedom and peace.
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
The dumb eyed queer. You know, the one that looks at you and talks to you like it is waving antlers on the top of its head because it can't understand or figure anything out in our modern world?
Whoa! Hey!!! That reminds me it is SUNDAY FOOTBALL DAY! Packers at Houston Texans today at noon.
Saturday, October 24, 2020
Covid 19
The rna virus is using your rh+ antigen to create more ctyokines? The cytokines being too active and creating a destructive response as in arthritis or autoimmune disorders?
I don't believe that a virus that uses your rh+ antigens against you could be naturally occurring.
It is attacking your rh+ body as if it is an incompatible fetus in an rh- woman pregnancy?
Was it created from an rh- woman's immune response to the+ blood?
So there are over 61 rh+ antigens a person could have? The rarest blood type is RH NULL only 34 people in the entire world have it. It has Zero rh + antigens???
So do the Chinese have different rh+ antigens then Americans or races other than Chinese? Does it have to do with type of monkey exposure in geographies? The q being did China create one whereby their rh + antigen, one variant of a possible 61 is not targeted? That being why it hasn't blossomed in China as it has in U.S.?
More to come on this...
So the drug remesidiv (spelling? Right word?) Works by inhibiting your bodies production of a substance the covid 19 rna virus uses to replicate itself. What is that substance? Your rh+ antigen? What is that substance? What does covid 19 use to replicate itself?
Off topic the flu vaccine they give to the elderly is not preservative free whereby the one they give to not elderly is preservative free.
©2020 Thomas Murphy
All speculation from my armchair.
I have a speculation that researchers might find a type of liver enzymes that can kill this virus in an hour. Something to do with molbdyeum and glutathione, etc.
I have a lot of experience staying away from quacks. Jesus rebuked them the best, "Doctor heal thyself."****'
So the antigens in your blood type have specific sugars in them. And the spikes on covid 19 are highly "sugarized". So what exactly is an inverted sugar? Boiled and converted with an acid or something like that. High fructose corn syrup? I would avoid it like the dam plague. If you notice you consume some and your nose then doesn't stop running ...avoid it and no runny nose. And they say the danger of covid 19 is blood clotting?? Aspirin?? Fish oil? Fish oil found to help schiz? Christ we always knew about it?
So what jackhole would tell you there is nothing you could do when you get it?
Friday, October 23, 2020
Is a crime drama movie 10 23 2020
Is a crime drama movie violence or is it horror? It's horror.
And those that are based on true stories are even more horrific.
So by my best estimates all that got here to defeat Prohibition. How could we have kept that out of here? What could we have done? What should we have done?
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
Donald Trump just got put in a Behavioral Isolation Chamber on National Television 10 23 2020
Donald Trump just got put in a Behavioral Isolation Chamber on National Television 10 23 2020
That is the equivalent of what happened last night I will assert!
I am not sure what the exact name is for the room they put a child in in school when they misbehave and the other children can't learn or be productive because of them. And perhaps different schools have different euphemisms for them out of necessity for compliance?
But that is where Donald Trump was placed last night! And they were going to put up a 20 foot acrylic wall between him and Biden or something like that. But they opted not to.
Trumps microphone was turned off while it was Biden's turn to speak. And indeed I view that as being the same as putting an unruly child in a behavioral isolation chamber for the benefit of EVERYONE ELSE; WE THE PEOPLE!
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
Could be the start of things really deemed great for our Country!
But the first thing Donald Trump does with his new Supreme Court Justice is to attack the Behavioral Isolation Chamber as being Unconstitutional!
Donald Trump believes that Government is a matter of who win's a shouting match 10 23 2020
Donald Trump believes that Government is a matter of who win's a shouting match 10 23 2020
It was absolutely prices last night when he had to "stand still' while the other candidate was speaking!
So who votes for Donald Trump? Your average farm girl who is wealthy from government grants? The average uneducated farm girl who believes in the victor of shouting matches from atop their $500,000.00 tractors? The farm girl who can't figure out how to work a remote control or sweep her stairsteps?
Seriously that is where you see the most Trump signs. Out in millionaire farming country.
And how did they get wealthy? Through subsidies and increased demand for food products in order to propagate the populations of peoples from foreign countries who do not believe in Democracy!
We even created gasoline out of her corn instead of going to solar photovoltaic energy which is now the cheapest form of energy in history? We could have been there 40 years ago.
Oh and all those years of sticking her hand up a cows womb and jerking off the bull made her tough, tough, tough. Gave her a better sense of realism than the rest of us readers of knowledge? :)
Drinks alcohol every day until Zombie like?
We should have never had to put up with any of this!
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
Could Donald Trump have written the United States Constitution? You have to be kidding me. Those good ideas are not even in his realm of understanding the world.
And indeed what about social reform? How about a school for adults? Schools for adults? In other words you slipped through the cracks didn't you? Perhaps we put you back in school until you learned everything you should? Simple things like how to take your turn in speaking?
Seriously that drunken tractor driving woman wants to point her short middle finger at everyone while giving them the beady evil eye!
United States Student Loan Debt of $1.5 Trillion Dollars 10 23 2020
United States Student Loan Debt of $1.5 Trillion Dollars 10 23 2020
Lets not lie about it. Where did all that money go? It goes straight to the Tavern League! And straight down the drain!
You might as well rename the whole University System and state that people did not get degrees but instead attained memberships in the tavern league?
And what is College? It is a school for adults? And how come mature adults are not graduating from it? How come not mature citizens of adult age are graduating from it?
And how many real men Doctors, Lawyers and Corporate Executives are there in the United States? I bet the number is a big fat ZERO! They aren't any! They all got weeded out by those who had a mother that stole whatever human soul they had the potential of becoming. Hyperactive attention deficit exhibited by a cerebral allergy to human thought coupled with a nervous biting castration anxiety if they don't conform to the will of ....the beast! Got to go to that tavern where you can retrograde back to a retard from oxygen deprivation to your brain. Cause trouble with anyone who thinks truthfully of you. Get pregnant while unmarried, put forth a lesser because the preacher strongly lectured, inspired and motivated you to do so. And everyone is supposed to worship your lesser like they are the best thing on earth. And you will hear the charity case up at the alter applaud you for doing so as the basket for money is passed around.
Oh and what about Great Deals! Scott Walkers anemic Foxconn deal? Oh and Trump claims credit for it!
A great deal maker? The Don of our country doesn't even have working knowledge of Government Economic Statistics!
And what does the average young woman want to do when she is an adult? She wants to go to the Tavern! Where she can belt out words like an uneducated retard. To become an obnoxious fat pig faced drunk.
Yeah I am starting to sound like one of those knucklehead Jehovah's Witness standing on the milk crate and yelling at everyone. There is a big difference! There is a big difference between what I have witnessed and what a JW has witnessed. There is also a big difference in how a man comprehends what he is witnessing and what a bottlemutt says about what he see's. The bottlemutt all too eager to be a part of something because as an individual they know they amount to nothing.
Is this really my personal state of mind? Agitated? No. It is grafted unto me by the above. My normal state of being is a relaxed working brain wave. In peace and harmony with all true and good creation. That is something the Devil loathes! Why? Because the devil believes that normality should be a projection of its anxiety ridden knotted up brain.
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
Jesus Christ Believed In 10 23 2020
"Jesus Christ believed in man before satan."
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
Donald Trump being talked to by a Man 10 23 2020
It was completely beautiful to watch Donald have to keep his mouth shut while someone else was talking!
(In last nights debate!)
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
He actually looked like he wanted to cry because he couldn't use his rude hyperactive defense and talk over someone. Completely beautiful.
If I were President neither Military School nor Private Schools would be allowed to foster and create such individuals!
And I would figure out a rational and legal way to redistribute their wealth!
Alcohol and the Beast 10 23 2020
Alcohol and the Beast 10 23 2020
So what really happens when man drinks alcohol?
It allows the lesser "mind" of the beast to feel it is equivalent to the mind of man.
And when the beast is allowed to feel that way it then is temporarily no longer a drag on the life of man. Why? Because it has lessoned him. It has in effect gotten him to abandon his mind and humanity.
The beast is no longer insanely jealous of man when mans mind is deprived of oxygen from alcohol.
Nothing is more destructive to a democracy of the free than alcohol and the beast.
Also when man or woman drinks alcohol in a form of escapism they are more likely to have a child that is not offensive to the beast; one with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome based mental retardation. A born fool; just like its mother.
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
Thursday, October 22, 2020
American Healthcare Humor 10 22 2020 10
You go to the Doctor and he tells you, "There is nothing wrong with your car."
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Individual versus Team
The individual knows that a win that isn't a fair win really isn't a win for them.
But why are s some of that realization disappear when it is a team effort and the win isn't fair?
It gives a whole different perspective to the validity of competitive team sports?
To the individual their own undo win does them no good because it clouds their introspection with regard to the real effort needed to beat the competition.
But what about the one individual that never realizes this.
So what does it mean when a leader tells us that covid 19 will be gone in a few weeks?
You can tell a person's belief system from what they say.
What does someone who is a false prophet like that believe and why?
They believe that they can wield the power of God to change future outcomes?
Fairly dangerous conflict with reality?
Because success was made easy for them? Who made success easy for them and why?
So why does one believe they can wield the power of God?
Perhaps because they were taught to steal other people's thunder (success,sense of achievement) in order to get ahead?
I mean I could just some it up with one word "retard" but it is a more serious problem than that?
So indeed what motivates the false prophet? Perhaps a projection of their own limited understanding to everything that goes on not an intelligent person making a decision?
Instead of the person being intelligent they view that person as having God with them? Because they can't contemplate the nature of working intelligence? To them all that was required was verbal ability as the only means that person can seem matured by?
To solve a problem you just keep talking? Thereby to win you do not allow anyone else to talk?
To win being a matter of interrupting the competition? And indeed what s that not what everyone labeled schizophrenic claims is true?
©2020 Thomas Murphy
Politics 10 21 2020
Politics 10 21 2020
"Who are you going to believe; the guy having a hissy fit for four years?"
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
Money Humor is 10 21 2020
Money Humor is 10 21 2020
"The Crapstone Investment Company"
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
(Take no offense that it is actually a village in a foreign country. And who knows it might even have a investment firm there? No offense meant.)
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Is it hate speech to say "You're ugly and I want to take away your alcohol?"
Is it hate speech to say "You're ugly and I want to take away your alcohol?"
If it is oddly defined to be that way we can blame Republican alcoholic George Bush for it.
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
Can I tell you what they all have in common? Every one of those Republican Families, EVERY one I have ever known has a mentally challenged person in it. Great shame being redirected as hatred for the middle class? Can you imagine a very wealthy person with that shame watching a normal human being sing, play the piano or guitar or write? It has to bring tears to their eyes! Every moment of every day ruined.
Cryptic 10 20 2020
So I read an article about campaign contributions in Wisconsin.
Then I started to do some research.
And the conclusion that I am coming up with from just perusing family type photos on the internet is
The reason all that big money wants to declare a Corporation is a person is because they have a family member that might be considered to be less of a person?
Declare a Corporation is really the person because you have a family member that clearly has the face of someone with Down's Syndrome?
In order to lend to them a sense of empowerment as if they were normal?
So Donald Trump was in Janesville. And I heard him say something with regard to Republican dissenters, that we have a way so that they NEVER enter Politics again. To me that sounds like a threat and illegal. I also heard him use similar gangster like talk about someone that interviewed him. "Nobody has seen her for three days."
So I clearly see how one raises money in politics or could raise money. Figure out whatever the needs of the wealthy families are and pretend to be their political advocate?
I resent a lot of this being in my country. I resent it. And I resent those who bend over backwards for it.
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
And I have worked with people who looked like that. But they don't really work. They are just out to ruin every moment of your day. Why? To prove something that can't be proven? Keep you up all night with their desperate caterwauling? What is a humbug? Nothing good!
I would ban the alcohol that created them and watch them leave. I would confiscate all of their property per racketeering and human rights abuse and deport them. And what a beautiful nation we would become again. And who wrote "America the Beautiful?" This woman back circa 1890. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katharine_Lee_Bates
Sunday, October 18, 2020
Football Humor 10 18 2020
"Coordinated Offense versus hillbilly chucking a bottle of moonshine."
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
The Short Pie and the Long Pie 10 18 2020
Short Pie
Long PieWealthiest Churches and Colleges in U.S.
Very interesting.
Thomas Murphy
One of the things Marijuana isn't going to do for you 10 18 2020
One of the things Marijuana isn't going to do for you is, make a man out of you.
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
Saturday, October 17, 2020
The Pot User 10 17 2020
The Pot User 10 17 2020
I don't believe that I have ever seen a pot user who didn't sound, look or act like they turned into a homosexual from it.
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
More Trump Humor 10 17 2020
"Donald Trump supporter why are you not wearing a mask?"
"Because of vanity!"
©2020 Thomas Murphy
Humor (?) Meant to offend the Christian Right Wing 10 17 2020
"Jesus Christ wants your ears."
In a brief internet search no one is able to truthfully ascertain the meaning of that passage in the Bible. Whereby Jesus and his Desciples cut off the ear of someone.
But what other words from Jesus Christ is that consistent with? Loose quote translation from memory, "If your hand or any part of your body causes you to sin you are better off to lop it off than to attempt to enter the kingdom of heaven with it."
But what are the odds you will die if you do something like that? Fairly high. So contrary to Christian proclamations you are not getting into heaven if you are a dinner.
But let me ask you this...and I want you to think about this very carefully; "How does your ear cause you to sin?". "How could your ear cause you to sin?"
Because you are a knucklehead and you did the exact opposite of what someone, an elder or teacher (teacher=Rabbi) told you not to.
Doesn't really support the birth of children likely to be born with mental retardation because their mother went chug chug chug with the bottle of wine while pregnant. Not consistent with your pro life motivated hate mongering is it!
How could your ear cause you to sin? Because you didn't understand anything attempted to be taught to you and willfully contrived and believed in self serving lies?
So understanding of those two passages from the Bible comes to light when you put two and two together concerning them?
How did your ear cause you to sin? We're you eavesdropping? We're you listening to something you were not supposed to be? Or for some reason wasn't that ear working right? You were told "this" and you "heard" that.
Hey relax. Scott Walker paved the way for pot to be legalized for your miserable ass. And you never we're able to give a hoot how anyone perceived you anyway. And there is currently not moral authority to do anything about your rotten thieving self.
©2020 Thomas Murphy
Oh heck,try and prove me wrong and look up those passages from the Bible and post the references here. They are real.
Oh and Scott just legalized the CBD oil stores you see everywhere in WI with the green marijuana leaf as part of said store insignias. Oh pardon me English Lord, you ignoramus, for my insensitivity to the facts.
That "dark" campaign finance money wanted setting when they got you elected didn't they! And they dam well got it!
I just heard Donald Trump say 10 16 2020
In an effort to get votes tonight in Janesville WI Donald Trump just said, "I'll kiss the men." - in the audience.
And he said it more than once.
Men just don't say that or vote for it.
He also said how very easy it was for him to get money from Wall Street Banks.
And here is the tell, "~if you do that they are going to want something." And isn't that disgraceful Republican Party the one that made all this dark money campaign finance possible? You better believe it. So what do they want from Trump? Whose American soul's did he promise to them?
So he starts out by saying he is the best like oking President ever then tried to appeal to the Janesville audience by saying he would kiss the men.
That and he believes any adult living with their parents is a looser. What is the why of that? Because Wall Street would give you money and that is the drain it is going down?
To ruin a Democracy, make banking a part of Gov and also your own business? Hire only those from your tribe and sleep deprive the rest and make them subject to demonic voices. Promote every illegitimate person possible? Run up the debt, Sinkhole the nation. Never raise taxes on the billionaires because that is the hand that is feeding your gay kissing swine mouth?
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
Thursday, October 15, 2020
The Fools Paradise Candidate A quote by Thomas Paul Murphy 10 15 2020
The Fools Paradise Candidate A quote by Thomas Paul Murphy 10 15 2020
"He who speaks in lies also believes in lies."
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
Woe to the individual who takes up a music career.....10 15 2020
"Woe to the individual who takes up a music career that has nothing to sing about."
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Communism in the United States is Group Title Manufacturing 10 13 2020
Supreme Court Commentary 10 13 2020
Word for the day 10 13 2020
Monday, October 12, 2020
The Affordable Care Act 10 12 2020
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Employer Rule Number One 10 11 2020
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Humor 10 10 2020
Thursday, October 8, 2020
Challenge 10 08 2020
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Angry Bird Coffee Mug
Loon with Leg Tags 10 07 2020
So I photographed this Loon in Northern Wisconsin. It has two bands on its right "leg" that were likely placed there by a biologist?
But it seems to me that the Loon is in pain because of them? The way that it trails that leg up in the water? The way that the feathers on the leg above the tag seem to be warn away and the leg smaller there?
So we create policies that favor business over the environment and then this is what we do? But a tag on the birds as if we can't ascertain the cause of their problem (whatever problem being studied, likely diminished population) So it looks integral? The cause of their problem is also that someone put bands on their legs? Because we don't want to admit we allowed an environmental nightmare to be created in our country?
I am not an animal rights activist. I think you should be able to protect yourself against animals. But I don't believe you should be allowed to cause them repetitive pain?
So the problem comes from the top down? Presidents who for some delusional reason believe that torture is Constitutional? Talk a day full of lies every single day?
I don't believe the weak minded when they say, "We had to do this because...."
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
And it is as if the Loon is showing me that tag so that I might do something about it???? I just tried to. Not a far fetched or delusional belief is it. There are youtube type videos whereby animals know that humans will help them.
And I am not advocating taking off those tags at all. I am advocating that they should not be put on to cause an animal pain.
Again I am not an animal rights activist. I believe that you have every right to kill and eat game. Every right to kill an attacking dog dead. Again don't do stuff that is illegal. It is what I believe whether it is legal or not. Stay out of jail and stay safe. There are plenty of wicked in this country that would put the good in jail just as a protest against humanity.
And I do indeed have a Constitutional Right to say what I believe? Do you know who wants to attack that right? People who have children that can't learn and were born boggle eyed cuckoo! Why? Because they live by simple rules such as monkey see monkey do. Monkey think see monkey do.
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
That woman that had the abortion, that's not what she regrets 10 06 2020
That woman that had the abortion, that's not what she regrets 10 06 2020
What she really sorrowfully regrets is that she didn't have a better life! That Mr. Right with a steady income didn't marry her!
What she regrets is that her biological clock ticked away because and because the only men that had money were the rotten drunks!
What she should also regret is the first sip of alcohol from the religion that came after with a bottle of wine in one hand and a crucifix in the other.
Yeah Padre give her a sip of your hooch and then further explain to her what a God damned loser you think she is.
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
Monday, October 5, 2020
Religion Is 10 06 2020
Religion Is 10 06 2020
"Religion is; a crucifix in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other."
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
Yeah I tried to make money on the internet 10 05 2020
Yeah I tried to make money on the internet 10 05 2020
"They" cut all my links to products. Took away features that allowed me to sell. Set up mirror sites to take away my internet traffic. Raised the internet sight "hit" payable thresholds. Gave my computer ransom-wear. Added more goons in my head.
Created some sh1tty policy called non net neutrality to allow this to be fostered without legal redress.
How could I not believe in wealth redistribution.
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
How do you know 10 5 2020
How do you know if a mentally retarded person is being sexually abused or not?
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
Your life 10 05 2020
Your life 10 05 2020
"Your life doesn't matter because theirs does."
Many people of different skin colors fall into that same mindset.
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
Is American Made Really 10 05 2020
Is American Made Really 10 05 2020
Is American Made really American made or are we more of an "assembler of Chinese Parts?"
© 2020 Thomas Murphy
A lot of people think 10 05 2020
A lot of people think 10 05 2020
"If I just had more time I could do THAT! The reality is that if you just had more time you would only be more of a useless drunk."
© 2020 Thomas Murphy