The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Loon with Leg Tags 10 07 2020


So I photographed this Loon in Northern Wisconsin.  It has two bands on its right "leg" that were likely placed there by a biologist?

But it seems to me that the Loon is in pain because of them?  The way that it trails that leg up in the water?  The way that the feathers on the leg above the tag seem to be warn away and the leg smaller there?

So we create policies that favor business over the environment and then this is what we do?  But a tag on the birds as if we can't ascertain the cause of their problem (whatever problem being studied, likely diminished population) So it looks integral?  The cause of their problem is also that someone put bands on their legs?  Because we don't want to admit we allowed an environmental nightmare to be created in our country?

I am not an animal rights activist.  I think you should be able to protect yourself against animals.  But I don't believe you should be allowed to cause them repetitive pain?

So the problem comes from the top down?  Presidents who for some delusional reason believe that torture is Constitutional?  Talk a day full of lies every single day?

I don't believe the weak minded when they say, "We had to do this because...."

© 2020 Thomas Murphy

And it is as if the Loon is showing me that tag so that I might do something about it????   I just tried to.  Not a far fetched or delusional belief is it.  There are  youtube type videos whereby animals know that humans will help them.

And I am not advocating taking off those tags at all.  I am advocating that they should not be put on to cause an animal pain.

Again I am not an animal rights activist.  I believe that you have every right to kill and eat game.  Every right to kill an attacking dog dead.  Again don't do stuff that is illegal.  It is what I believe whether it is legal or not.  Stay out of jail and stay safe.  There are plenty of wicked in this country that would put the good in jail just as a protest against humanity.

And I do indeed have a Constitutional Right to say what I believe?  Do you know who wants to attack that right?  People who have children that can't learn and were born boggle eyed cuckoo!  Why?  Because they live by simple rules such as monkey see monkey do.  Monkey think see monkey do.


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