The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, October 23, 2020

United States Student Loan Debt of $1.5 Trillion Dollars 10 23 2020

 United States Student Loan Debt of $1.5 Trillion Dollars 10 23 2020

Lets not lie about it.  Where did all that money go?  It goes straight to the Tavern League!  And straight down the drain!

You might as well rename the whole University System and state that people did not get degrees but instead attained memberships in the tavern league?

And what is College?  It is a school for adults?  And how come mature adults are not graduating from it?  How come not mature citizens of adult age are graduating from it?

And how many real men Doctors, Lawyers and Corporate Executives are there in the United States?  I bet the number is a big fat ZERO!  They aren't any!  They all got weeded out by those who had a mother that stole whatever human soul they had the potential of becoming.  Hyperactive attention deficit exhibited by a cerebral allergy to human thought coupled with a nervous biting castration anxiety if they don't conform to the will of ....the beast!  Got to go to that tavern where you can retrograde back to a retard from oxygen deprivation to your brain.  Cause trouble with anyone who thinks truthfully of you.  Get pregnant while unmarried, put forth a lesser because the preacher strongly lectured, inspired and motivated you to do so.  And everyone is supposed to worship your lesser like they are the best thing on earth.  And you will hear the charity case up at the alter applaud you for doing so as the basket for money is passed around.

Oh and what about Great Deals!  Scott Walkers anemic Foxconn deal?  Oh and Trump claims credit for it!  

A great deal maker?  The Don of our country doesn't even have working knowledge of Government Economic Statistics!

And what does the average young woman want to do when she is an adult?  She wants to go to the Tavern!  Where she can belt out words like an uneducated retard.  To become an obnoxious fat pig faced drunk.

Yeah I am starting to sound like one of those knucklehead Jehovah's Witness standing on the milk crate and yelling at everyone.  There is a big difference!  There is a big difference between what I have witnessed and what a JW has witnessed.  There is also a big difference in how a man comprehends what he is witnessing and what a bottlemutt says about what he see's.  The bottlemutt all too eager to be a part of something because as an individual they know they amount to nothing.

Is this really my personal state of mind?  Agitated?  No.  It is grafted unto me by the above.  My normal state of being is a relaxed working brain wave.  In peace and harmony with all true and good creation.  That is something the Devil loathes!  Why?  Because the devil believes that normality should be a projection of its anxiety ridden knotted up brain.

© 2020 Thomas Murphy

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