The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Car Insurance and Alcoholics 10 28 2020

 Car Insurance and Alcoholics 10 28 2020

I believe that forcing you to buy car insurance is really subsidizing and fostering the behavior of alcoholics.  It allows the alcoholic to live a life of normality that they do not deserve?  While the non alcohol/drug user is really paying for it.

If I were President I would promote the right behaviors and subsidize them.  Non drinkers with valid educations would receive coverage but not have to pay!  The Alcoholics would pay for the problems that they created and fostered.

So why keep the bars open during the pandemic?  Because the wealthy are alcoholics and Republicans both!

The life of the alcoholic can take one of two paths.  1.  Like the rock song lyrics, "When their conscience"  comes back to them they have to knock it back down with drugs and alcohol.  This eventually degrades their physical body and brain.  And if they try to stop that conscience, the human experience, will not make them happy.

2.  Because they have lived a life of lies when they attempt to become sober and alcohol free as they are aging nothing is going to make sense to them.  It is as if they have a brain that is wired from the books of a dollhouse library.  Because of this they will also likely become violent when things do not go their way.  That anger and violence in lei of being able to think for themselves...what happens is an invalid pathway of synapses is created in their brain.  Their thoughts will not amount to anything.  No productive thinking.  Sure and you also have the physical criteria of Alzheimer's and other brain diseases present.  But if you think of the brain as a muscle theirs has been trained to be used weakly.  And it will not have the strength of repentance.  Can't.  The harder they try the more unhappier they will become.  That brain will shut down!  They won't know anything because people were not people to them but objects.  Like a crow gathers shiny things; could never need or use them the way that humans do.  Nothing will make sense because it never had to for them.  They could lie their way out.  But what happens when that brain full of lies, wired to be that way, cannot even be depended on by themselves? 

And this also applies to those who were born of alcoholics.

So will God save them?  "I am the good shepherd?"  God is comparing people to sheep there.  "Why throw pearls to the swine?"  God is comparing people to pigs there.  No God can't save you.  And you can't get into heaven if you don't have a human soul.  There is no one at the gates of heaven that can be fooled.  So where does that less than human soul go?  Perhaps it is the ugly dog that is barking down the block.  Perhaps it is the pig in the field.  Perhaps it is the sheep.  Perhaps it is the monkey showing you its big mouth full of teeth?

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