The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Covid 19

 The rna virus is using your rh+ antigen to create more ctyokines?  The cytokines being too active and creating a destructive response as in arthritis or autoimmune disorders?

I don't believe that a virus that uses your rh+ antigens against you could be naturally occurring.

It is attacking your rh+ body as if it is an incompatible fetus in an rh- woman pregnancy?

Was it created from an rh- woman's immune response to the+ blood?


So there are over 61 rh+ antigens a person could have?  The rarest blood type is RH NULL only 34 people in the entire world have it.  It has Zero rh + antigens???

So do the Chinese have different rh+ antigens then Americans or races other than Chinese?  Does it have to do with type of monkey exposure in geographies?  The q being did China create one whereby their rh + antigen, one variant of a possible 61 is not targeted? That being why it hasn't blossomed in China as it has in U.S.?

 More to come on this...

So the drug remesidiv (spelling? Right word?) Works by inhibiting your bodies production of a substance the covid 19 rna virus uses to replicate itself.  What is that substance?  Your rh+ antigen? What is that substance?  What does covid 19 use to replicate itself?


Off topic the flu vaccine they give to the elderly is not preservative free whereby the one they give to not elderly is preservative free.

©2020 Thomas Murphy

All speculation from my armchair.

I have a speculation that researchers might find a type of liver enzymes that can kill this virus in an hour.  Something to do with molbdyeum and glutathione, etc.

I have a lot of experience staying away from quacks.  Jesus rebuked them the best, "Doctor heal thyself."****'

So the antigens in your blood type have specific sugars in them.  And the spikes on covid 19 are highly "sugarized".  So what exactly is an inverted sugar?  Boiled and converted with an acid or something like that.  High fructose corn syrup?  I would avoid it like the dam plague.  If you notice you consume some and your nose then doesn't stop running ...avoid it and no runny nose.  And they say the danger of covid 19 is blood clotting?? Aspirin??  Fish oil?  Fish oil found to help schiz?  Christ we always knew about it?

So what jackhole would tell you there is nothing you could do when you get it?

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