The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, October 23, 2020

Donald Trump believes that Government is a matter of who win's a shouting match 10 23 2020

 Donald Trump believes that Government is a matter of who win's a shouting match 10 23 2020

It was absolutely prices last night when he had to "stand still' while the other candidate was speaking!

So who votes for Donald Trump?  Your average farm girl who is wealthy from government grants?  The average uneducated farm girl who believes in the victor of shouting matches from atop their $500,000.00 tractors?  The farm girl who can't figure out how to work a remote control or sweep her stairsteps?

Seriously that is where you see the most Trump signs.  Out in millionaire farming country.

And how did they get wealthy?  Through subsidies and increased demand for food products in order to propagate the populations of peoples from foreign countries who do not believe in Democracy!

We even created gasoline out of her corn instead of going to solar photovoltaic energy which is now the cheapest form of energy in history?  We could have been there 40 years ago.

Oh and all those years of sticking her hand up a cows womb and jerking off the bull made her tough, tough, tough.  Gave her a better sense of realism than the rest of us readers of knowledge? :)

Drinks alcohol every day until Zombie like?

We should have never had to put up with any of this!

© 2020 Thomas Murphy

Could Donald Trump have written the United States Constitution?  You have to be kidding me.  Those good ideas are not even in his realm of understanding the world.  

And indeed what about social reform?  How about a school for adults?  Schools for adults?  In other words you slipped through the cracks didn't you?  Perhaps we put you back in school until you learned everything you should?  Simple things like how to take your turn in speaking?

Seriously that drunken tractor driving woman wants to point her short middle finger at everyone while giving them the beady evil eye!

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