The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, November 29, 2021

Guantanamo Bay Stories 11 30 2021


So 732 of the 780 held there were released.

I have to ask the question.  So we tarnished the clean reputation of our country, and we did so in the modern era, by torturing...torturing to find more who were guilty...only to released the majority of them that we captured? 

Of the 732 released you would think that their would be a great many books in print about their stories?

Are there?  I don't know.

Apparently there are some books out there about their experience.

You know when I read about what a foreign country did to American POW's during World War II that leaves a real bad scene in my mind.  Something to the effect of if we got into a War with them again we should only use ______.

I only say that because some of you might not understand why the U.S. torturing people is so bad?  Some of you might not understand why that goes against our Constitution?  And lastly some of you believe that torturing is far better than death penalty.  And I can't understand people like you who believe that.  And nor are you able to explain yourself either, when asked questions like that.

So what is it?  The pretentiousness of morality?

As if, if you could be a man and act like a man you would?  But you didn't?  And we get all of these assertions of, "pretentiousness of morality" from you?

Ask yourself this.  Turn the tables on this country.  Lets say a United States Citizen was found guilty of a similar offense by a foreign nation.  Wouldn't you expect that the United States Citizen acted of their own will and accord.  And they got themselves into that.  It was no one else's fault but their own.  And when they are executed by the foreign nation, they had it coming? 

But yet for some reason we didn't execute them?

Something doesn't add up here.

Something about leadership that is "acting?"  Not relying on their own knowledge and common sense.  But on what?  A grafted conscience of political correctness?  A contrived sense of what you want the public to believe is right and wrong?  It amounts to bad religion being "umbrellad" on us?  And that is a no no per the United States Constitution.

And if you don't get the meaning of this?  I did the best I could attempting to explain it.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy


Friday, November 26, 2021

How can you make the case that any American is Delusional when we had Donald Trump as President? 11 26 2021

 How can you make the case that any American is Delusional when we had Donald Trump as President? 11 26 2021

I would site that video that takes excerpts from his public appearances where no matter what the topic was Donald Trump stated.

"No one knows more about ______ than I do!"

What did he say that about 50 different things?

So that isn't delusional?  Why isn't that delusional?  How can you make a case that that isn't delusional but something someone who is labeled as mentally ill is delusional?

You can't make a dividing line there!

What do you want to say?  That Donald Trumps statements are not delusional because they can readily be proven untrue and he would back of an readily agree?  In contrast to what?  I mean isn't that fairly dangerous?  But his legion doesn't view that as dangerous?  It was like somebody was blindfolded and talking helium with their foot on the gas-peddle of our nation.

And whose mis-ideas about themselves are more dangerous to everyone else?  The guy at the top of the ladder.

How can the "State" declare any citizen as delusional and therefore mentally ill, when we had that as President?

And what about saying that someone is behaving badly and that is a sign of mental illness?

Good God look at how temperamental and emotionally disturbed Donald Trump was as President.

And look what principle is being applied as a matter of the American Institution of Psychiatry?  It is this, 

"He is untouchable" in terms of that professional labeling!  Same principle that infected our court system and refused to prosecute bootleggers who were defying our Constitution with the use of deadly full auto machine gun force.  So the criminals won that won and then they had to also put the machine guns away?  Because FDR created the National Firearms Act or really because the criminals no longer needed to use full auto machine guns because they got their way? 

And what is the level of Prostitution (another arm of Organized Crime) in our Nation versus what it was during Prohibition?  Can we even find such a relevant and meaningful statistic?  Did you ever notice that the relevant and meaningful statistics are either non-existent or hard to find (or cost a lot of money to get)?  I am not talking about another faction of Government being created.  But what if branches of Government were required under penalty of law to provide meaningful and relevant statistics to be submitted to a one place online accessible government data base, simply accessible?

For example what if a President were required to say how many times he lied "today?"  Sounds completely outrages and like junk...irony???

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Dialog With the Pitiful 11 26 2021

 Dialog With the Pitiful 11 26 2021

"That's what happens when you try to do two things at once," the pitiful said.

"But on the flip side, at least you are trying to do more than one thing."

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

A Religion that doesn't believe in God is what? 11 24 2021

 A Religion that doesn't believe in God is what?  11 24 2021

In order to be qualified to be a religion shouldn't the religion have to believe in God?

But what God?  Does anybody believe in the God Thor today?  Does anyone actually believe in the God Thor?  Do you see the point I am trying to make?

And what of a religion that believes in the Harvest Whore? Is that a religion or really a grouping of kooks?

And you could go about and dissect quite a few religions in that manner and invalidate them.

But what about the good old belief in oneself?  What about the belief in personal responsibility over the will of God controlling outcomes?  Isn't that just as valid a religion as any other?  (And dare I say from a legislature standpoint shouldn't it be treated the same with the same benefits?)

And wouldn't a grouping of such people qualify it better?  How come when one individual asserts it you kind of get a spaghetti monster grafted feeling of people would say that is meaningless?

You don't realize that the Individual believing in themselves is how the United States was formed.  So right there you have it paramount to our way of life here.

We don't vacant mindedly do bad or negligent things and they pray God, Jesus Christ, the Harvest Witch will provide spiritual redemption for us in the afterlife?

It seems to me that what the Founding Fathers believed in has lost its representation in the United States.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

And perhaps a little more to this.  From what I read in the Bible God likes responsible people not scapegoating people.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

New Psychological Construct 11 23 2021

 New Psychological Construct 11 23 2021

"To victimize someone in order to make them less intelligent."

"To induce shock in a person in order to make them less intelligent."

"To falsely convict someone in order to send them to prison in order to give them something else to think about.  And in the process make them less intelligent out of fear."

Now ask yourself what type of human being would be motivated to do such a thing?  No friend of mine.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

The Growing Threat to the Second Amendment 11 23 2021

 The Growing Threat to the Second Amendment 11 23 2021

Someone that isn't responsible enough to own a gun isn't going to be able to understand the benefit of the Second Amendment.

And we have a growing faction of that in our country today.

Ask yourself what kinds of countries are conquered?  Is it the countries whereby the citizens never grew up responsible enough to own a gun?

Someone with ill gotten wealth, enough to play puppet strings with Politicians, projecting their own personal insecurities on a populous?  And nor does it ever help if you have a sycophant blue collar class that follows and worships such people in noncritical fanatism.

But which is worse?  The person that first goes for your right to free speech or the person that first goes for your guns?  It could be argued that they are equally bad.  But I am leaning toward the right to free speech going casts one in a pre-defenseless state.  And so do titles that discredit individuals.

And which is the weaker man of the two?  The one that says you can't own a gun or the one that says you can't say anything bad about anyone even if it is true.  I would say the guy that can't handle constructive criticism is the weaker of the two.  Knock that free speech off the list of our Constitution and you create a totalitarian state.  

And we have low class people like that all over the place.  "Keep your mouth shut.  Who are you to speak!  Who are you to assert yourself.  Think you are better than me don't you?  I don't ask questions.  You don't ask questions either if you know what is good for you."  Is that an eastern European trait or perhaps, dare I say it, and don't be offended, blue collar?

And what is one of the implied weakness of a blue collar worker that can be used to manipulate them?  That attitude is one of, "I don't care where the money is coming from as long as they are paying me."  "The more money my construction company is taking in for the project the better my life will be."  "If we all high bid rig on a contract I shut my mouth and put out my gruel plate hoping to get a sliver of that prime meat."

To me that is an alcohol bread weakness.

And I do wonder if a mayor or Governor knows the complete stages of a current construction project and the true costs involved at every step.  Or when they make a phone call inquiry into it, they get bamboozled?

And what is that?  To get bamboozled from attaining knowledge?  Does that concept make you angry?  Or are you complacent.  Another true word for complacent might be to live a "passive" life existence?  And the people on the bad side view you in those terms too?  As in who cares if the pawn "passes." 

Why did I write it?  I don't know.  Comes to me. 

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Monday, November 22, 2021

Teamsters Union 11 22 2021

 Teamsters Union 11 22 2021

So the other day I posted that bit about the mob having Jimmy Hoffa killed because if he got in control of the Teamsters Union Pension they would no longer be able to fund their racketeering efforts with that money?

But aren't a great many pensions insured by the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (PBGC), a quasi unit of the United States Government.

Was the Teamsters Union Pension guarantied by PBGC back then?

If so what does that mean?  It means the Government would be defacto funding the mafia operations!  Follow the money trail.  The mob using that money to fund racketeering.  Let's say the racketeering goes south.  The Teamsters Workers Pension then goes south.  The PBGC then makes up the money for the workers.  The Government just funded racketeering; organized crime.

"Gee that is hard to compete with isn't it?"

And this is all hypothetical and speculative as to how it would work.  But I have to wonder about the general idea of this.  And are there a great many other instances of this funny money?

But what does it mean?  That the mafia had that one solid set of hooks into us in 1975?

You see a good man and a good woman did well through High School, didn't have any learning disability, trying to scrape out money by working over 40 hours a week each and raising a family; and you don't like this happening in your country.  To use Bidens phrase, and perhaps rub his nose in it, "That is not who we are."

And when we look at the sources of Donald Trumps funding and it somehow all remains a mystery to the it like the above?  And has our country been changed via campaign reform laws to make it easier to accomplish great fundings that put the wrong people in office? I think that is true.

And not that I would want to manage the country.  That isn't the point.  The people that we vote for to manage the country should not be of that "character?"  In other words the ballots shouldn't just have all bad choices on them.

Don't you hate that?   "All bad choices."  Who wants to put up with all bad choices?  Our country isn't supposed to be that way.

You read something like a software billionaire invited people over for a naked pool party and then he is divorcing his wife....~somehow that money doesn't belong where it is?

Why is it there is a separate standard here?  You and I have to play by the rules but people at the top don't?  I mean come on Jesus Christ usher in that "The last will be first" already.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

And who was President in 1975?  It was Gerald Ford, the sitting house minority leader, stepping in for Nixon who resigned because of Watergate.  And Spiro Agnew the first VP resigned to.

And that is a name you don't hear much, Spiro Theodore Agnew.  Worth a read on Wikipedia?  I think so.  "Why Theodore?"  Why was Theodore his middle name?

I don't know what I am getting at?  Kind of a sea saw balance of good and evil without pointing the finger?  You have a President and a VP resign over corruption and you mysteriously have a good man, a union leader, kidnapped and murdered?  Can you always connect one criminal to another?  And perhaps that is a question to research as it relates to the above.

Humor 11 22 2021

 "I only need twelve but I got ten."

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

What should the crime be called 11 22 2021

 When a lawyer intentionally fails their defendant for their own or group related cause?

There needs to be meaningful and deterring justice with regard to it.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

I believe it can amount to treason because the justice department is part of our Government.

The Term Homophobia 11 22 2021

 The Term Homophobia 11 22 2021

So a great many young boys and girls were sexually molested by Catholic Priests and "authorities" of other religions too.

I just have to ask the question, what  good does the term homophobia do those victims?

Does it create doubts in a young person as to what happened to them?  As in, "They say that is normal behavior after all and to speak out against such an act would be homophobia?"

It is almost as if terms like this are created in order to shield horrific satanic crimes?  That is the way I see it.  And I can see the psychopath whose job it is to describe human behavior and speech having a fit with what I just wrote.  As in, "It doesn't mean that, it means this.  No, that's not what that means at all.  He has his terms and ideas all confused."  No I don't.

That's all for now.  I could expand on this, but I got something else to do right now.

© 2021 Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, November 19, 2021

Secondarily Educating the Blue Collar Worker 11 19 2021

 "Does the one dull tooth on the saw blade cause the rest of the teeth to become dull too?"

"Yes it does because it causes them to work harder."

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Aspects of Communism in Social Welfare 11 19 2021

 Aspects of Communism in Social Welfare   11 19 2021

I think some of this is we are all the same church spewed propaganda?  In other words they have to say things to make everyone happy in order to get money in the collection hat?

So in theory Communism everyone gets the same amount of money and same bowl of Putin gruel?

But what about a Democracy?  Doesn't a Democracy strive to be the best?  Hence should someone who can't read or write be paid the same as someone that can?  I say no.

No lets look at the higher income groups.  Should someone who displays immature emotional reactions to the concerns of a constitutional democracy be allowed to thrive in one or even be allowed to be President?  I say no.

But do bad people rise to the top in Communism?  Guarantied that is all that gets to the top in Communism.  In effect there should be no "Top" in communism because of the presumed equality in the word?

But what about "All Men are Created Equal"  Perhaps there are different ideas about what a  man is and isn't?  I know that there are some males who I do not consider men.  They neither think nor act like men nor have they been required to make a valid right of passage into manhood. 

Did the founding fathers really believe all men were created equal in a strict literal sense?  If so then why do you have blacks only get the 3/5ths status in the early Constitutional provisions?

A man knows when he lost and he knows how to learn from it, in order to conform to what it truly takes to be successful.  

But what about Corporate Welfare?  Aren't some of those business "provisions" really welfare to the wealthy?  Of course they are.  In effect they are monopoly like against a man who does indeed fit the provision of all men are created equal.

Do I view a drug junkie as a man that was created equal?  Sorry I don't.  Do I view a man that wears a dress and makes love to another man as being a man that was created equal?  How could I? Imho you would have to bet nuts to believe that.

Do I believe that the wine is the blood of Christ?  First of all why would I want to drink the blood of someone?  Second of all why would I want to drink wine?  So my wife could give birth to a pointy eared, round eye socket griffin of the fetal alcohol spectrum disorder?  

And tell me this.  What man doesn't want their son to be at least as good as they are?  What a lifetime disappointment less than that would be?  And that would be an emotion that couldn't be expressed but had to be internalized?  Otherwise known as depression with resulting co dependencies on alcohol and drugs.  And the devils circle goes round and round.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Thursday, November 18, 2021

You don't realize type humor 11 18 2021

 "You don't realize that if I poured concrete into the bottom half of this roasted chicken packaging that I would have a turtle without legs, a head or a tail.  How come you don't realize that?"

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

A lot of people who don't like Social Security? 11 18 2021

 A lot of people who don't like Social Security? 11 18 2021

A lot of people who don't like Social Security, are wealthier, and what they don't realize is that they would not be here if it were not for Social Security..

And it makes for a split economy doesn't it?  On the one hand you have Capitalism and on the other you attempt to not let people go poor, hungry and homeless through Social Security.

What does Social Security accomplish for the wealthy?  It creates a source of money to which people have to spend which ends up back in their pockets.  Feeder money if you will.

And it was created by FDR, the same President who took us into WW2 and legalized alcohol and created gun control.

So where do I go with this article?  I don't know.  But I read of a wealthy person who bragged how he spent $40,000.00 on marijuana a month?

Is Social Security meant to support that?

Is Social Security meant to support alcoholism?

Is the only reason alcohol was legalized so that the wealthy could wipe their conscience clean of any social responsibility to communities and our country?

Now look at that?  How many wealthy would remain wealthy if Alcohol was not legal?  And what does the person that makes a lot of money do?  Immediately does he thank God?  Does he thank his customers?  No, he worships the spirit of alcohol.  The spirit of the devil if you will?  To celebrate by erasing your memory of how you attained it (money.)  Now analyze that.  Organized Crime could not exist without alcohol!  Because there would be no adjunct to wipe away that human conscience for the crimes you committed.

How many people were allowed to immigrate to this country as a matter of the same good nature as Social Security is?  And that is basically who I am mainly referring to?

Are there individual cultures here today that threaten our Constitutional rights because they don't live by that standard?

And why should their be a cap on it?  What justification is there?  Because someone became so extremely wealthy they are considered to not be responsible for the other people of our country?  I am so wealthy, like a celebrated king, that I no longer have to be responsible for the other people in our country?  Shouldn't the standard of man thinking dictate it should be just the opposite of that?  The Constitutional provisions and laws based on them created the avenues toward wealth for you?  And are there not some loopholes in that regard that need to be closed when they lead to the rise of wealthy dictator like personalities?  It is called empirical evidence, as in, you are so bad it is a crying shame that there was a way you became wealthy in our nation.

And we had a wealthy man in Finance who had his own island and was pimping young girls?  That person could never live up to the standards the rest of us would have to with regard integrity in that business?  But if you said a bad word about that there is something wrong with you; like a black sheep?  When indeed the opposite should be true.  So why and how did our right to free speech fail us on people and groups of people like that?

And sometimes you can tell when a person is a total fraud when they are like this, "As soon as I have a cigarette it will come to me?"  Come from where?  Some shaman tent somewhere?  Some voodoo ritual?  Some drug house séance?  Some vacant headed mother that stares out the window all day?  Some whorehouse bed?  A whorehouse bed at a wealthy country club?  Am I getting at the origins of illegitimacy?

Perhaps this country took you in when we should not have?  So how do we become who we are and who we are meant to be when you have a necessitated goal of defeating that?

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

The Best Bratwurst and Beans 11 17 2021



4 Karls Apple Bratwurst

1 large can Great Value Beans

1/2 bag small rectangular dimension tomatoes

Pinch black pepper

Pinch ginger

Pinch turmeric

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Defrost brats in m-wave.  Get large frying pan on burner 1/2 full of water.  Bring to boil.  Add thawed brats.  Turn to little less than half heat and boil and turn halfway through boil.

Cut brats into about 5 pieces each and toss back in boiling water.

Drain water and fry brat pieces, stirring as you do.

Darin water and place brats temp on your serving plate.

Scrape frying pan clean under tap and place back on burner.

Add tomatoes and cut each in half in pan.  To high heat and stir.

Add beans.  And mix and turn down heat. Add b pepper, ginger and turmeric.

When beans heated and back brats and stir.

Serve on plate like seen.

© 2021 Thomas Paul Murphy

V6 Versus V8 Miles Per Gallon 11 17 2021

 V6 Versus V8 Miles Per Gallon 11 17 2021

So indeed you look up the mpg of the same car or truck with a V8 versus a V6 and in general it looks like the V6 gets a lot more miles per gallon.

But you wouldn't think it would be that much more.

So indeed to answer the question a little better perhaps the right idea is to ask the question what  V8 engine ever made gets the absolute best V8 engine miles per gallon and why?  What makes it better?

And indeed I can't find good search results for that right away.

"Rovers" were mentioned as well as "Hemis" but I can't give you a definitive yet.

Hopefully be back later.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Monday, November 15, 2021

Employment Humor 11 15 2021

 Employment Humor 11 15 2021

I think this is funny?

"Out of work?  Can't find a job?  How come you didn't visit the J1m N3ighbors Employment Agency?"


"Well golly you sure do have some great credentials listed here!"



"There is a man here to see you say's that he is from the J1m N3ighbors Employment Agency?"

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Thursday, November 11, 2021

If you are there to protest police brutality why are you beating someone with a skateboard?

 If you are there to protest police brutality why are you beating someone with a skateboard?

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

A Corollary to you can't keep a good man down 11 11 2021

 A Corollary to you can't keep a good man down 11 11 2021

A Corollary to you can't keep a good man down, would be: 

"You can't shut a good man up."

© 2021 Thomas Murphy 

A New Concept 11 11 2021

 A New Concept 11 11 2021

"A person so bad that nothing you could ever say about them could be considered slander."

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

I want the Central Intelligence Agency Dissolved 11 11 2021

 I want the Central Intelligence Agency Dissolved 11 11 2021

I want all information made public.  I want no members to get any pension or further reimbursement.

Same goes for the FBI for not being able to prosecute Trump.

These are Relics of FDR who never belonged as President in the first place.

Allegedly Oswald was trained by the CIA of our Government to kill the Irish President of our own Government.

cia and oswald - Search (

To think that there are people working for the CIA making more than six figures today is sickening.

To try and convince me that the CIA changed its agenda from that, which is treason, to can't get me to believe that.

And perhaps at the very least former employees should be deported.

We need clean leadership and clean government.  And in Wisconsin we don't need to see the only ones who make it to Governor on the Ballot are pinched nose former cheerleaders.


© 2021 Thomas Paul Murphy

If they called it gay rape by queers that would be homophobia? 11 11 2021

 If they called it gay rape by queers that would be homophobia? 11 11 2021

So there was an article online today whereby a High School Basketball player was sodomized with a broom.

It wasn't termed gay rape by queers because that would be a homophobic slur?

What am I getting at here?

It was termed hazing.  It wasn't termed gay rape by queers.

Why wasn't it termed gay rape by queers?  Because if it was called what it actually was an illegitimate sensitive gene type who committed it might off themselves out of shame for being that?

Restrictions to your free speech do not come from the land of the brave and the home of the free.  They come from forked tongue people like Donald Trump.

What goes through a Politicians mind when topics like this come up?  In other words who do they immediately think of?  "Frans son is a queer, she is a friend of the family, and a great donor, and I know how devestated her feelings would be if I said that."

And we got this Patriot Act restrictions on Free Speech by George Junior Bush didn't we?  Never should have been President on Politics.  The same oil money that killed Kennedy pushed him into office.  Same oil money that defeated the widespread adoption of clean energy.  Same British trust fund money that lives off Utility interest, drinks tea and talks with the homosexual England based English accent.

Clearly it is gay rape by homosexual queers.  But we don't dare call it that?

Now if you read this and see that I have been shut down from posting and restricted do you agree with that censorship of me?

And should a Billionaire company like Microsoft be allowed to prevent an average guy like me from politically commenting on what they post?  I think that is a violation of my free speech that has some of those billions should be coming to me!  You dam right I believe that in the home of the free and the land of the brave.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

I would post you a link to the article I am referring to.

Found it:

High-School Football Player Screamed for Help During Broomstick Hazing (

Rittenhouse 11 11 2021

 Rittenhouse 11 11 2021

I just have to ask the question, what if Rittenhouse or someone like him had been guarding the Capital during what can only be called the Trump Insurrection?

Instead of Police Officers being killed those attacking the Capital being killed?

I think we are just not understanding property and security in this country?

Somehow it is as if there has been a mass brainwashing going on that you don't have a right to anything?

Now if someone had been guarding the capital and opened fire on those who attacked it.  I would hope that the average person would say, "I would know enough not to attack the capital because I would get shot and killed like that?"

But why didn't the capital Police Officers open fire?  Perhaps because they knew they were outnumbered?  But shouldn't the reality be that when you know you are outnumbered in that situation you do open fire to mitigate the attack?  In a time of War, perhaps you would do that hoping reinforcements arrive.  Lest you be taken prisoner on an island in the Pacific and filleted?

But why didn't they open fire?  It has to do with how people are conditioned in the workforce to be sycophants?  It has to do with how the courts seem to turn on those who should be given a badge for being a hero?  Dare I say this is a remnant of the untouchables, the end to prohibition and the Purple Gang.  That superstructure imposed over our Democracy?  One where we had a Constitutional Law that the court system would not enforce.

So everywhere that you go you see security guards to businesses carrying guns, holstered on their sides.

The guys who installed the siding on our house years of them served in Vietnam but on the home side.  Guarding a military prison.  One where United States soldiers were kept.  I asked him if he ever killed anyone.  He told me that a prisoner, a United States Citizen, white, got past the razor wire and he shot him square in the back and instantly killed him.

And I have to think about that from the other side now.  What if Trump somehow got his alleged way and created a military police to go after members of the free press.  And people who didn't belong in such a prison ended up there?

Now here you have another side of synchophantism.  It is the blue collar guy with no morals who would shoot someone like that because he is being well paid for that job.  It is putting food on his family's table.  And per my reading that is the nature of the Irish who would not fight for Ireland in the Irish Revolution.  Happy to get that metal tin full of orphan food from the sodomizing head master?  And that is another swing at Pro Life Republican agenda.

Bottom line here.  Let's say that your official capacity is being a security guard.  Whether it be business or elsewise.  And they come at you like they did Rittenhouse.  Clearly you have every right to shoot them in self defense.

No let's dissolve that setting and say you are somewhere, anywhere with your gun visible as the Supreme Law states you may be.  And the Supreme Law may not be contradicted by other laws.  They all have to be consistent with it.  (pssst.  they aren't!)

And someone tries to take your gun? Three of them with tattoos.  One of them spent time in prison for sex with minors.  It doesn't matter which one had the military pistol.  Once your gun is gone what are people like that going to do to you?  Sodomize you with a broom handle like I just read happened in High School basketball team?  I mean want to say that someone is mentally ill for asserting the living dead walk among us?  Think again.

Personal story. When I was a boy I got approached by two likely queer butt buddy ruffians like that.  When they got near me I fired off that Duke right away.  I hit the one so hard in the face that he almost passed out and died of shock.  And from photographs of him his face looks twisted today. (One of them came from an extremely wealthy family.)

So no I don't believe that children are just sacks of wheat to be passed around, adopted by whomever and raised however.  Let uncle Big Jay with the queer sounding voice spend some time with them?  No.  I am pro human life not pro illegitimate life.

The point being here is once they take your gun away from you they are going to use it against you.  And that man who was shot and killed by Rittenhouse.  He had a factually confirmed conviction and prison sentence served consistent with being like that.

So bottom line here.  I don't know Rittenhouse.  I don't know what kind of a guy he is.  But if he is let go Scott free I don't want to see any rioting in response to a non guilty verdict.


© 2021 Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Rittenhouse Trial 11 10 2021

 Rittenhouse Trial 11 10 2021

So can factual evidence be presented regarding the man that he shot and killed, Rosenbaum?

I think in this case it should be allowed to.  I am not saying in all cases because some factual evidence is greatly falsified.

But one of the guys he shot Rosenbaum was bad news!  Just got out of prison for 14 years for having sex with less 14 year old children.  Was suicidal!  You know that is a big piece of evidence there!  And much more per a Washington Post article.

Someone that is suicidal,  isn't quite there sees you and says they want to kill you.  Attempts to take your gun?  And how can we say that the other two in that birds of a feather group are any different than that?

What was the occasion that they formed a grouping?  What connection did they have to one another?  Were they of the same religion and hooked up because of that.  And I don't know all the circumstances regarding this so I am speculating.

Was he antifa?  Were the three of them antifa?

Because he wanted to die anyway is it an antifa agenda to increase gun control?

One of those three was there with a Glock gun.  So should we as the public really have a perceived issue with Rittenhouse being there with a gun?

And what about the gun that Rittenhouse had?  It was an AR-15 type rifle.  Originally made to be light for taking on helicopters and in the jungle of Vietnam?  The other day I was thinking that he is lucky that gun didn't jam on him!  But it did jam on him!  And he pulled back the charging handle separate from the bolt and got it to unjam.  But he was lucky that much of it worked.

Did his friend do him any favor by giving him that gun to take?  He is lucky the guy with the Glock didn't empty his mag in him.  He said he didn't fire because he didn't want to be that kind of a guy.  A Glock is about as military a handgun as you can have!  And they are considered highly reliable.


But back to the title topic here.

So lets say a mentally retarded person attacks you and you shoot them in self defense.  Shouldn't you be able to state the nature of that person in court?  And I don't mean to devalue Republican life but shouldn't you get a lesser sentence than if it was someone who sat still in the classroom and respected the teacher and listened and learned?

Lets say a known mafioso comes to your door and gives you a shakedown for money?  Is that the same as killing a normal person?  Is killing a criminal minded person the same as killing a normal person?  I say no!

But I am not in charge here.  Joe Biden is.  And there is new evidence that the CIA trained Oswald to assassinate Kennedy.  But Biden who used the term the "Big Lie" to oust Trump won't make that information public, won't declassify it.  Why not?  Because people like Joe, Donald and Mafioso won't be driving Corvettes anymore if they do?  Amen to that.  Had enough of that a long long time ago.

You can't be Irish and not completely declassify all of the Kennedy Assassination data.  Sorry Joe, you don't have Irish eyes.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Monday, November 8, 2021

Humor 11 08 2021

 Ever see a horse in an enclosed trailer being towed by a pickup truck on the highway.

I had to ask myself, "I wonder what an Amish person thinks about that?"

An Amish person probably thinks the person with the horse in the trailer behind his pickup truck is the most backwards person ever!

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Saturday, November 6, 2021

I love coffee


But as much as I love it.  I am going to attempt to drink it once only in 3 days.

Why?  I can immediately feel joint pain after I drink it from the acid in it.  If I don't drink it I don't feel all of those aches and pains.

But I only like certain types of coffee.  A special dark roast.  And not all dark roasts are good.

The best ever was Diedrich Black Tiger.

There is one Hawaiian with the gal on it that is good.

Some Pete's are good.

But surprisingly enough, the best one recently is a McDonalds Keurig that is labeled Venice Cafe.

Thomas Murphy

And those are all trade marks of their respective businesses.

The Dark Roasts are said to be less acidic.

Humor 11 06 2021

 Humor 11 06 2021

"A cat is hard to confuse; but once it is confused it's mad as hell."

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Friday, November 5, 2021

Health Care Failure is 11 05 2021


"Health care failure is to put someone on long term medicine for what should be a temporary problem with a permanent fix."

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Humor 11 04 2021

 Humor 11 04 2021

"I was outside washing the house with the hose.  Then I stepped on something and the hose sprayed me pants."

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

The More Drunken Driving Accidents the more Profits for Insurance Companies? 11 04 2021

 The More Drunken Driving Accidents the more Profits for Insurance Companies? 11 04 2021

Follow the logic here.  A Corporation needs to increase its total profit every year in order for the share price to steadily increase, the dividend to be continued to be paid and the employees to keep up with "inflation?"

The more drunken driving accidents the more they are allowed to increase the price of the insurance to everyone!  Everyone's rates go up.  And they collect more money.  Why?  Ostensibly to cover themselves for greater payouts to the drunken driving victims?  

Is there a monopoly there?  Whereby the pricing structure is maintained?  How do we know this is true?  Because have you ever heard an insurance company advertise itself as below market rates for non drinkers?  No.

The more health problems the more health insurance companies raise the rates and profit.  And around and around it goes.

So look at the gestalt of this.  They are profiting from something people should not be profiting from?

Without alcohol legal they would make less money?

I mean you would have to work one week out of four just to cover what is called health insurance?

Why should they have their hand in your pocket?

There is capitalism and then there is, they got their hand in your pocket, before you do.

Able bodies to work in manufacturing?  Less and less every year because of alcohol and drugs.  And again the insurance a business needs rises because of it?  Or rather does the consumer get the short end of the stick?  The Republican way is that the consumer bears the burden for everything?

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Where is the coaching staff mgmt

Where is the coaching staff/management to card Rodgers to see if he had got the vaccine?

And what type of NFL management is this that doesn't know how to establish simple protocols?

And he flat out lied.  And where is the press to ask Rodgers what he meant when he said he was immunized in direct response to him being asked of he was vaccinated?

Yeah I do resent all of this!

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

The Middle Class Vortex 11 03 2021

 The Middle Class Vortex 11 03 2021

So we have low skilled and uneducated immigrants coming to the United States while at the same time our jobs increasingly go to China where they make things less expensively and therefore gain sales to the U.S. via able to sell at a lower price.

And immigrants come to the United States looking for work?  What work?  It won't be in manufacturing?  

And pardon me but even a factory worker needs a base level American education in order to be competent?

So what are the immigrants being hired to do?  Jobs that cater to the wealthy?  Hired to upkeep the property of the wealthy?  And do the wealthy face the same threats to their economic status as the middle class?  No.  They have that cushion of money and connections.

And would the wealthy rather highly pay someone who can't speak English to do a job rather than John  Public?  I would assert that is true.  They don't like the idea that John Q Public is smarter than them, what this country represents, what really belongs in this country instead of them?  They don't like the threats to competition that an educated public represents.

And how many of their children have Fetal Alcohol Spectrum disorder without any outward visible signs?  I would say quite a few.  And how are people like that going to view someone that easily learns how to read and write?  They are going to hate them just as the living devil loathed Jesus Christ.

So what happens to the middle class?  Gone.  And what happens to our Democracy?  Junked.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

And what about insurance?  It costs more and more in insurance when those low skilled uneducated immigrants come to the United States doesn't it!  And the middle class doesn't benefit from that.  It just sucks the money out of their pockets like everything else.

And what about skilled labor?  It becomes harder and and harder to find.  And therefore the price of those services goes up.  And that squeeze's the middle class to.  While at the same time the quality of work is tanking.  The quality of everything tanking.  The quality of people tanking.  Oops.  That one rubs the fembots the wrong way.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Minneapolis Referendum 11 02 2021

There is a referendum on the Minneapolis ballot to dissolve the Police Department and replace it with a public safety department.

I remember when I was a boy, perhaps 50 years ago.  We drove to visit my cousin there.

As we drove down one city street a 4 door sedan was in front of us some distance.  It hit the brakes hard and the tires squealed.  Before the car came to a stop a white man was thrown out of the right rear passenger door.  Somehow he managed to get up and the palms of his hands were red with blood.

I am for a clean Police Department or a clean public safety type department and a country free of this type of organized criminal behavior.

Just based on what I saw as a boy and the referendum on the ballot I think something is going on there that should have been prevented by our Constitutional based law.

I would have no problem if those who were not comfortable living in a fair Democracy were asked nicely once to leave.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Son of Ambrose 11 02 2021

 Son of Ambrose 11 02 2021

Son of Ambrose made it to 55 years of age today.

Thomas Murphy

Immigration and Assimilation 11 02 2021

 Immigration and Assimilation 11 02 2021

So I will ask the question.  We have all these new immigrants coming to the United States in batches.

Can or has it been proven via fact that certain of these "batches" have a higher crime rate in the area where they live?

What does it mean?

It means they are not really compatible with our Democracy and Constitution?

And what about the test of time?  How much time do you need to give in order to prove the test?

And they came here because it was better than where they lived?

But look at the words here?  The reason it was bad where they lived is because they lived there!

And indeed that isn't something you will read in the papers or see spoken on the mascara television.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Felony Murder 11 02 2021

 Felony Murder 11 02 2021

So there was a case in the paper about a man who got his friend and a BB gun and attempted to rob a house in Chicago that allegedly had expensive bottles of perfume in boxes.

The son of the person who lived there was a Police Officer and came running up from the basement with a gun.  He ended up shooting the friend the robber recruited and that person died.  Even though the robber who lived didn't kill anyone he was charged with felony murder and got ~?40 years in prison because he created the circumstances that caused the death.

Okay.  So what if you drew that concept of felony murder out?

What if you were to say that the man and woman who conceived of that child and raised him are the ones guilty of the felony murder and should be in prison?

It is the same principle of non directly applying guilt?  Or is it really the best direct application of guilt?

And there are a great many gangs in this country.  The parents couldn't stop it?  Or perhaps the better way to say it is that the parents condoned the behavior.

But how quickly could you clean up the United States?  Do I dare say the word, undesirables?  I am going to justify the use of that word in the following manner.  During Prohibition there were the Untouchables?  Those who the court system wouldn't touch that were illegally transporting and selling alcohol.  So if you can aggrandize that concept then certainly can't the term, undesirables be used?

As if there is no undesirable behavior?  As if individuals who commit undesirable behavior are not undesirable themselves?

Why do I feel I have to backpaddle and type with caution when I write this?  I should not be made to feel that way.  I should not have that weak conscience superimposed on me.

The first amendment guaranties the right to free speech.  Do you see how violations of that right propagate a criminal society?

And did you ever notice that the criminals have absolutely no problem with a society being criminal, because they can only thrive in filth and pretense.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Now here is an off topic.  Does an alcoholic really ever truly spend time with their children?  I would say no.  Because they are not being imprinted with the true loving mind of a father, but one of an escapist drunk.

Water Humor 11 02 2021

 Water Humor 11 02 2021

"Freshest for precious."

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Pothead Versus Alcoholic 11 02 2021

 Pothead Versus Alcoholic 11 02 2021

Pothead versus alcoholic?  They each compete differently don't they?  And then there are those who are both potheads and alcoholics.  And then their are other types of drugs people use.

What am I getting at?

Science and academia have a wonderful opportunity to define the behavior of people on various drugs.


1.  It could help in terms of workplace team effort.

2.  It could also assist law enforcement in determining what they are going to expect from an individual or perhaps determine what drugs a person is on per their behavior?

And the bottom line here is that we have a drug problem we have never recognized all the true implications of.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

And it could be expanded further.  As in, "This person has this genetic mutation."  "These are the types of behavioral abnormalities you can expect to experience when working with them."

I believe that we have enough working evidence to codify the real problem.

"This type of person has proven to be detrimental to your longevity and health in the following manner."

And I am talking about freedom here aren't I.  Did you know that you lived in the land of the free?

Monday, November 1, 2021

Is it 11 01 2021

 Is it a professional singer or is it really a 45 year old drug user with an uncultured voice?

The point is, it really doesn't matter how successful you are stated to be, if you are a 45 year old drug user with an uncultured voice.  That is all you really are.  IMHO.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Observation 11 01 2021

 Every time you figure out how to do something fun they want to say you are doing something wrong.

Who is they?  A female archetype of leadership we initially declared our independence from?

© 2021 Thomas Murphy