The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, November 29, 2021

Guantanamo Bay Stories 11 30 2021


So 732 of the 780 held there were released.

I have to ask the question.  So we tarnished the clean reputation of our country, and we did so in the modern era, by torturing...torturing to find more who were guilty...only to released the majority of them that we captured? 

Of the 732 released you would think that their would be a great many books in print about their stories?

Are there?  I don't know.

Apparently there are some books out there about their experience.

You know when I read about what a foreign country did to American POW's during World War II that leaves a real bad scene in my mind.  Something to the effect of if we got into a War with them again we should only use ______.

I only say that because some of you might not understand why the U.S. torturing people is so bad?  Some of you might not understand why that goes against our Constitution?  And lastly some of you believe that torturing is far better than death penalty.  And I can't understand people like you who believe that.  And nor are you able to explain yourself either, when asked questions like that.

So what is it?  The pretentiousness of morality?

As if, if you could be a man and act like a man you would?  But you didn't?  And we get all of these assertions of, "pretentiousness of morality" from you?

Ask yourself this.  Turn the tables on this country.  Lets say a United States Citizen was found guilty of a similar offense by a foreign nation.  Wouldn't you expect that the United States Citizen acted of their own will and accord.  And they got themselves into that.  It was no one else's fault but their own.  And when they are executed by the foreign nation, they had it coming? 

But yet for some reason we didn't execute them?

Something doesn't add up here.

Something about leadership that is "acting?"  Not relying on their own knowledge and common sense.  But on what?  A grafted conscience of political correctness?  A contrived sense of what you want the public to believe is right and wrong?  It amounts to bad religion being "umbrellad" on us?  And that is a no no per the United States Constitution.

And if you don't get the meaning of this?  I did the best I could attempting to explain it.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy


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