The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, November 19, 2021

Aspects of Communism in Social Welfare 11 19 2021

 Aspects of Communism in Social Welfare   11 19 2021

I think some of this is we are all the same church spewed propaganda?  In other words they have to say things to make everyone happy in order to get money in the collection hat?

So in theory Communism everyone gets the same amount of money and same bowl of Putin gruel?

But what about a Democracy?  Doesn't a Democracy strive to be the best?  Hence should someone who can't read or write be paid the same as someone that can?  I say no.

No lets look at the higher income groups.  Should someone who displays immature emotional reactions to the concerns of a constitutional democracy be allowed to thrive in one or even be allowed to be President?  I say no.

But do bad people rise to the top in Communism?  Guarantied that is all that gets to the top in Communism.  In effect there should be no "Top" in communism because of the presumed equality in the word?

But what about "All Men are Created Equal"  Perhaps there are different ideas about what a  man is and isn't?  I know that there are some males who I do not consider men.  They neither think nor act like men nor have they been required to make a valid right of passage into manhood. 

Did the founding fathers really believe all men were created equal in a strict literal sense?  If so then why do you have blacks only get the 3/5ths status in the early Constitutional provisions?

A man knows when he lost and he knows how to learn from it, in order to conform to what it truly takes to be successful.  

But what about Corporate Welfare?  Aren't some of those business "provisions" really welfare to the wealthy?  Of course they are.  In effect they are monopoly like against a man who does indeed fit the provision of all men are created equal.

Do I view a drug junkie as a man that was created equal?  Sorry I don't.  Do I view a man that wears a dress and makes love to another man as being a man that was created equal?  How could I? Imho you would have to bet nuts to believe that.

Do I believe that the wine is the blood of Christ?  First of all why would I want to drink the blood of someone?  Second of all why would I want to drink wine?  So my wife could give birth to a pointy eared, round eye socket griffin of the fetal alcohol spectrum disorder?  

And tell me this.  What man doesn't want their son to be at least as good as they are?  What a lifetime disappointment less than that would be?  And that would be an emotion that couldn't be expressed but had to be internalized?  Otherwise known as depression with resulting co dependencies on alcohol and drugs.  And the devils circle goes round and round.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

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