The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, November 22, 2021

Teamsters Union 11 22 2021

 Teamsters Union 11 22 2021

So the other day I posted that bit about the mob having Jimmy Hoffa killed because if he got in control of the Teamsters Union Pension they would no longer be able to fund their racketeering efforts with that money?

But aren't a great many pensions insured by the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (PBGC), a quasi unit of the United States Government.

Was the Teamsters Union Pension guarantied by PBGC back then?

If so what does that mean?  It means the Government would be defacto funding the mafia operations!  Follow the money trail.  The mob using that money to fund racketeering.  Let's say the racketeering goes south.  The Teamsters Workers Pension then goes south.  The PBGC then makes up the money for the workers.  The Government just funded racketeering; organized crime.

"Gee that is hard to compete with isn't it?"

And this is all hypothetical and speculative as to how it would work.  But I have to wonder about the general idea of this.  And are there a great many other instances of this funny money?

But what does it mean?  That the mafia had that one solid set of hooks into us in 1975?

You see a good man and a good woman did well through High School, didn't have any learning disability, trying to scrape out money by working over 40 hours a week each and raising a family; and you don't like this happening in your country.  To use Bidens phrase, and perhaps rub his nose in it, "That is not who we are."

And when we look at the sources of Donald Trumps funding and it somehow all remains a mystery to the it like the above?  And has our country been changed via campaign reform laws to make it easier to accomplish great fundings that put the wrong people in office? I think that is true.

And not that I would want to manage the country.  That isn't the point.  The people that we vote for to manage the country should not be of that "character?"  In other words the ballots shouldn't just have all bad choices on them.

Don't you hate that?   "All bad choices."  Who wants to put up with all bad choices?  Our country isn't supposed to be that way.

You read something like a software billionaire invited people over for a naked pool party and then he is divorcing his wife....~somehow that money doesn't belong where it is?

Why is it there is a separate standard here?  You and I have to play by the rules but people at the top don't?  I mean come on Jesus Christ usher in that "The last will be first" already.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

And who was President in 1975?  It was Gerald Ford, the sitting house minority leader, stepping in for Nixon who resigned because of Watergate.  And Spiro Agnew the first VP resigned to.

And that is a name you don't hear much, Spiro Theodore Agnew.  Worth a read on Wikipedia?  I think so.  "Why Theodore?"  Why was Theodore his middle name?

I don't know what I am getting at?  Kind of a sea saw balance of good and evil without pointing the finger?  You have a President and a VP resign over corruption and you mysteriously have a good man, a union leader, kidnapped and murdered?  Can you always connect one criminal to another?  And perhaps that is a question to research as it relates to the above.

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