The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Double Crossing a God 1 6 2022

 Double Crossing a God 1 6 2022

So Jesus Christ stated at the last supper, "I know that one of you has betrayed me."

Did he mean to say, "I know that at least one of you has betrayed me?"  In culpability they did all receive some of the silver Judas got for handing Christ to the Romans?

All of the 12 apostles did not have a good fate because of that.

1. Peter: Crucified upside down.

2. Andrew: Crucified

3. James: Executed by sword

4. John:  Boiled in oil and emerged unharmed (sounds like a cheesy magic trick to me) and imprisoned on Patmos?

5. Philip: killed

6. Bartholomew: beaten and crucified

7. Thomas: stabbed with spears in India!

8. Matthew: slain with a battleax (halberd)

9. James:  stoned by by Jews

10.  Thaddaeus :  Wow!  "According to “The Golden Legend,” when Simon and Jude commanded demons to come out of idols, the religious leaders killed them"

Think about the power of your free speech!  Some Politicians need the devil driven from them!  God I would love to see that happen!

Think of this in terms of psychiatry?  To point to an idol and attempt to drive the demons out of them?  There has to be some validity to it!  And there has to be a reason why the powers that be got mad to the point of murder about it!  And if you were to state something like that to a psychiatrist you would be labeled mentally ill for it.  Doesn't matter that there are 2.38 Billion Christians in the world and exactly that is supposed to be their faith!

All of this is sourced from right here:  How did the twelve disciples die? - BibleAsk

11.  Simon: Sawn in half or crucified.

12. Mathias (Judas) either hanged himself, was stoned by cannibals or was stoned by Jews. 

And to think that someone was stoned by cannibals?  Doesn't that shed a different meaning on Jesus Christ saying that the wine was his blood?  There is more to it than what you learn in Catholic School.

And isn't there a religious function where they split up the body parts in beatification?  

And pardon me if my memory is completely wrecked and rationed.

All of this I got from right here: How did the twelve disciples die? - BibleAsk

And as far as I know only the one double crossed him.

Thomas Murphy

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