The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, January 15, 2022

This is the article I can't put together 01 15 2022

 So great Britian went to great lengths to control the colonists?  Didn't they also tell us that the world was flat and we would fall off the end of the earth if we left?

I will assert that the voices I hear do not like my mobility.  Why?  Because their only sense of self comes from fixation and control of an individual.  Hence when you are mobile it ruins that delusion.

So we are paying perhaps $3.50 a gallon of gas?  Why?

Because it decreases the mobility of the free?

When did the price of oil increase?  Examine the price of oil in relation to political events?

You have Iran Contra and Reagan a Republican.

You have The Wars in the Middle east and George Bush.

You also have the laying of an undersea cable between Great Britain and the U.S. circa 1992?

Why is that important?  To better coordinate Americans being blown up by roadside bombs?  To help the Republicans stonewall every aspect of a Democracy of the Free?  To manipulate our financial markets?  So that your red headed clown child feels safe and secure here?

What about FDR and WW2?

And are we really paying more oil because tankers that go through the Suez Canal have to pay Great Britain a huge tax?

What if the United States Decoupled itself from Great Britain?  And we could no longer buy oil from them in any way?

And what about nationalization of the oil companies?  When they became denationalized foreign companies snapped them up like in Great Britain?  What does that attempt to prevent nationalization of them again?

So in theory how much should we pay for a gallon?  Perhaps 25 cents.

I had a friends whose father was an oil salesmen.  How hard a job can that be?  That friend was rich.  But the father was an alcoholic.  Drank like a bottle of vodka a day and passed out getting into the side of the bed with his ass hanging out in the air?  English surname.

So what are the real costs of oil?  Corporate profits that find their way into the pockets of Prince Andrew who hires pimp Epstein to stalk young American girls and sex traffic them?  And Trumps family money came from Brothels in the California Gold Rush?  Did Trump ever see the naked photographs of his wife in the magazine before he ever met her?  Why can't some of you homosexual reporters have the strength of character to ask a question like that?

So this is the article I wasn't able to coherently put together.  But I tried.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy  

If I were writing it without those voices talking to me it wouldn't be filled with all that invective.  It would be clear stream of conscience with a logic premise structure.

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