The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Assertion: Personal Development of the alcohol substance user becomes nill 08 29 2019

Assertion:  Personal Development of the alcohol substance user becomes nill 08 29 2019

I am going to prove that alcohol causes mental retardation in adults.

The word Retard means to delay the development of.

Should an adult stop learning at the age they leave college?  Should they stop developing?  I am going to assert that being an adult is a continuation of the learning process and methods of learning that you used in school.

However what about the drunk?  Does the drunk/alcohol user continue to develop?  I will assert no. They do not use their personal time for development instead they drink.  Hence their personal development has been retarded.  And they really envy those who continue to personally develop in adulthood?  Like one zombie wants to make more like themselves is what you might experience when being around them?

(off topic?  Those who marry for money end up drinking and dying from it?  That is what I have observed.)

Where is the joy of life in an alcoholic drug user?  Do they want to try to make new things?  Do they want to use their hands to create?  Do they want to read and learn?  The answer is no.

I will assert that it means they have mental retardation as an adult.

Should someone like that be allowed to use an addictive drug that furthers it?  I say no.

What about a level of aptitude tests for adults?  If you fail problem solving perhaps we ban you from alcohol and put you back in a classroom somewhere.  And no you don't get to talk to your hearts content you get to be silent and listen.  And what happens if fat lip can't do that?  Well it means you are not going to be allowed to manage the lives or work of people?  You don't have a problem with that do you?  You don't have a problem with me wanting good people to be safe from those who are accident prone and void of prospective and safety minded thinking?  Okay you do?  You say you have a right to employ people and make money from their lives?  You say if they were better than you they would have more money than you and the situation would therefore be reversed and you would be okay with it?  You don't believe that do you?

What is the use of drugs?  It is a mentally defective person constantly rewarding themselves because they know they don't compare well with normal people?  It is really sad isn't it?  That user feels so rotten about themselves in comparison to other people they have to immediately suck some smoky nicotine in them.  Is that really self medicating or is it really making the problem worse by not recognizing it?  Isn't it really self poisoning?  Are you the type of person that wants to be around someone that self poisons?  I am not.  Might offer some to me in the hopes of me not recognizing a spade for a spade?  Shouldn't be allowed to market that stuff to people should you!  But for some reason I am not allowed to contradict something that makes someone a lot of money even if it a detriment to human health and causes sickness.

Do you see how that is all wrong?  Do you see what the 18th Amendment to the Constitution was attempting to prevent from happening?  Did the British spread their cancer to the United States?  Yes.  Should they have been allowed to?  No.

You work alongside someone that openly smokes.  And you becomes subject to their odd reward system through the inhalation of second hand smoke.  God dammit that should never be allowed to happen to you!

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

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