The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, August 13, 2018

The Gun Show Loophole is there so that the good American can get a fuller price on the sale of a gun 08 13 2018

The Gun Show Loophole is there so that the good American can get a fuller price on the sale of a gun 08 13 2018

Rather than what Ladka Pawn Shop or Gun Shop owner will be willing to pay them.

A lot of liberal legislation really seeks to make Americans poorer whether they are cognizant of it or not.

I never thought I would be the type of person to use the world liberal!  NEVER!

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

The truth be told.  It is your property.  You should have the right to sell it to whomever you want to at whatever price you want to.  Rather than paying fees to do so.

A lot of legislation keeps what would be very good small businessmen out of business!

And I am not talking about restaurant inspectors failing to notice that everything in the bathroom of the Chinese Restaurant has a 1/8" layer of hand grease on it.  Somehow the important legislation is ignored.  The weak willed pandering towards business?

What does the Constitution presume?  That every United States Citizen is the embodiment of that Constitution.  It has been true since the 21st Amendment and WW2.

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