The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Poor Customer Service and Sales are leading to lost Productivity and Revenue in the United States 08 09 2018

Poor Customer Service and Sales are leading to lost Productivity and Revenue in the United States 08 09 2018

1.  Very few have the skills to do it.

2.  How many times have to you talked to someone on the phone from customer service and sales and you hear a desperate type of anxiety in their voice?  Like what is important is screwing the customer, and having that cigarette at 10 am 12 pm and 2 pm.

You can hear that dragon sound in their voice from the cigarette abuse.  You can also hear the stress in their voice from that employer beating on them.

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

But reference back to the article I wrote the other day comparing the total of Political Spending divided by the sought after minimum wage.

I just have to ask another question too.  So the state is paying to put up a Fox Con campus in Kenosha.  I have to ask, with all the University systems and colleges that are in Wisconsin how come that "employee product" isn't being met?  Think about that.  Do you come to the same conclusion?

Well think about that in different terms.  What conclusion did the "State" have to come up with in order to invest that amount of money?

And widening the roads out that lead to Illinois?  What does that do for Wisconsin?  It just brings that vermin up here quicker!  Look at all the Illinois license plates by Bradford Beach on the Weekends?  Why couldn't you stay in Illinois?  Because it is a dirty, greasy and sickening place.  Filled with crime, drugs and Prostitution.  And another thing I can't stand is the young girl working as a waitress that is doubling as a  Prostitute for the bar owner?

Warning graphic content.

Does that Tavern League Synagogue of Satan know when a young women has no family?  Do they take advantage of them?  Do they gang rape them and then give them the rub on the back and the "Oh its all right honey baby, that's the way it is, you are one of us, everything will be taken care of for you in life, (undertone  of don't you feel freed from your burdening individuality of required academic knowledge)" speech?

So employers are looking for employees can't find the good ones.  I have been tormented by hethenized voices for 26 years now and I will assert that no human being wants to work for a drunk or alcohol user.

I will also assert that that employer is insanely jealous of a young person who made it through college on their own determination, will and intellect.  That type of person has no right to hire someone to work for them.

Also their children don't want to work for them.  And when they do they usually end up running the family business in the ground?   Why?  It is that same innate jealousy of those who can be educated.

That employer will not do any of their own work themselves.  And the employee gets to watch them live the life of luxury while at the same time every day their worry about their retirement, their mortgage their access to true, accurate and affordable medical treatment.  If you can't read the Constitution and understand that doesn't belong in the United States then you don't belong here!  If you don't get that same take from any history classes you were ever required to take then you don't belong here either.  If you didn't read the Bible or missed the part where Jesus Christ asked, "Why would you ever want to do someone else's work for them."  Then you are not a true Christian or Catholic.

But not only do they expect you to do their work for them they want to harass you while you are doing it.  And then fall back on Unconstitutional Limited Liability defenses so that you can't assert your rights and tell them to drop dead.  Again, doesn't belong here.

So one could ask the question, lets assume that Fox Con is a great deal, will it draw students from all the other Universities in the State to it?  And the main q is "What will be the economic impact of that diverse multitude of University closings that result?"  Will it be like how small towns rarely even have a gas station or grocery store or Police Officer today?  No wonder drugs spread like they did.

Should Police Officers who sided against the Constitution with regard to Prohibition back in the late 20's been tried for treason?  Why do I ask?  Are their Police Officers who believe that every thing young people do today with regard to drugs is okay?  Someone like that to me isn't even a father figure to anyone.  It is like the race of women the Irish/Celtics were said to have fought a war against sometime in lost history?


Back to the main topic.  "Won't answer the phone."  You are put through an automated routing system.  Why?  They already know that they have your money!

But think about it?  How much more sales and good customer relations and therefore gross national product would be created if you didn't have a customer/sales telephone line where the employees were hiding?

And I have worked at places like that.  Where the employee is put between a rock and hard place every day for what only amounts to more money to some business owner that is the son or daughter of a drunk.  Why do that to Americans?  And then you want to declare we are worthless?  If this were a meritocracy there would be an immediate and natural shift in who the wealth class are.

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

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