The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Earnell Lucas looks like a good man to me 08 14 2018

Earnell Lucas looks like a good man to me 08 14 2018

What I often see in a Candidate is the gestalt of this, "I know the ins and outs of this and I know how to game the system."  Hence those who like to maintain the status quo vote for such a person based on what that arrogance means as to their personal benefit?

I don't believe I see that in Earnell Lucas.

I hope for the best.  I hope that he cleans up the office of Sheriff and also positively influences the Police Force! 

He is an outsider to the office?

I believe that is just what we need!

So those who voted for him voted with their righteous conscience?  I hope that they are rewarded.


I don't follow the elections because their is usually some fatal flaw in a candidate that would make me not vote for them.  I don't like it when I see a candidate that supports the legalization of marijuana or unconstitutional gun control.

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

I think that past Police Chiefs and Sheriffs have used the Position more or less as a domain of ego?  If that makes any sense.

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