The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, August 11, 2018

I don't like that this is true in the United States 08 12 2018

I don't like that this is true in the United States 08 12 2018

It really speaks negatively of the framework of how money is earned in the United States than anything else?

It is its own religion?  Or it is its own more than one religion at a time?

But why are Gay men getting ahead of straight men in the U.S.?  Better verbal ability?

And where does that verbal ability come from?  Does it come from being raised on the thoughts of someone who is tormented to have schizophrenia for their benefit?  The occult or Wicca?

The gestalt of this is something that I figured out about 27 years ago when I started to be tormented with voices, "Look at what Capitalism Values!"

So what inspired me to write this article?  I was thinking of drums,  round things, and then I wondered if any homosexuals were ever on coined or printed currency of a country?

Given all of the above circumstances is it fair to say, "Look at what Capitalism values?"  What do I mean?  Lets say that you had a game that people figured out how to cheat at.  Is it the fault of the game or the rules of the game or is it really the fault of those who cheated?  Which means what?  It is caused by a negative demographic proportion?  And that is caused by genetic defects from 86 years of alcohol being legal in this country?

That is the way I see it.  A lot of people would like it if I would just shut up.


Did you cry when the actor Peter O'Toole went down in his plane in the movie Murphy's War and he was coughing up blood?  I did.

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

So this negative thought came to me today.  Only a beast of a person loves another beast of a person?  What does it mean?  It means a lot of women dress scantily today.  Many are married?  Perhaps they married a shrewd brother of the topic above?  You think wow I wish I had a woman like that!!!  But the truth really is that woman is only really going to love (not talking about sex) a beast of a person just like herself.

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