The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, February 2, 2024

If a Stuttering Fool no longer Stutters 02 02 2024

 If a stuttering fool no longer stutters is it really fair to say that they are smarter than when they stuttered? 

Aren't they just the same as when the stuttered only they no longer stutter?

So lets say that someone who stutters brain process was interrupted and that is why they stuttered.

Now lets say that the reason they no longer stutter is because that which was interrupted their brain process has conditioned them to say things that they don't have a satanic motive to interrupt?

When Jesus drove the demons out of someone did they not "yelp" on their way out of that person?  Yes they did.  As if that person had caught their good tongue back!

But again, back to the mainline argument of this post.

Can a person who no longer stutters prove that they are inherently smarter than when they stuttered?  And perhaps we can add a little element of 'unfairity' to the one side.  I mean perhaps it isn't fair to say that someone who stutters is naturally less intelligent?

But there still seems to me to be that interjection to the thought process?  And that amounts to indecision?

And okay, now I will let the sunshine on this idea.

So Jesus drove the demons out of people and made them well again.  Why did the demons chose the person they did in the first place?  Perhaps they recognized something greater in that individual?  Something noteworthy, with high merit, that they wanted to suppress.  Perhaps that is an individual they knew that they had to work very hard at discrediting.  What evidence do I have for making what you would say is a wild statement or assertion like that?  Was not Jesus Christ himself tempted by such demons before he started his official preaching?  And what he said resonates to today.  As something bad people might want the good to knot know, believe, or have knowledge of.

And if you can't connect the dots and thought processes of a writing like this it would really be a waste of my time and a cause frustration for someone like me to talk to someone like you.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Ps.  What God or demon does the person who no longer stutters owe a debt to?

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