The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Should Guns be allowed in Federal Buildings? 03 02 2024

 Two little bits of history lead me to question whether they should be.

1.  I read that the organized crime lord Al Capone had 1,000 Police Officers on his payroll.  And that he assaulted a Mayor leaving the City Hall right on the front steps of the of hall and the Police Officers looked the other way.  I believe that Mayor should have been allowed to have a gun in that City Hall.  And when you look at how drugs and human trafficking dominate our lesser cities how can you argue that a good man who is a teacher should not be allowed to have one in school.  Al Capone also assaulted a teacher and then left school for good after doing that. The bad legacy of organized crime and the feeble minded of alcohol has not left our country.

I believe the Second Amendment should mean exactly what it says it means.

2.  In Milwaukee I once read in the newspaper that in the judges chambers one judge grabbed another by the neck.  I don't know what the issue is and perhaps it isn't important.  But if the judge whose neck was grabbed had a gun in his office it might not have happened.

And I perhaps and not of the norm because there is a lot of behavior and bad news items where people have been found to do horrible things; and I just can't accept it.

So Biden wants stricter gun control.  And he stuttered as a child.  When I was a boy I would not have friends like that.  I would have found them to be of a lesser standard.  And untrustworthy out of dumbness.  Perhaps you have no idea what that means.  I can't explain it too much better than that in the time allotted? I wouldn't have enjoyed being friends with and playing with a mentally retarded child.  Today is different but I would argue it shouldn't be.


But one more story.  My father had a shotgun.  We all knew where it was.  We all knew not to touch it.  And that is how it was.  Clothe cases didn't have locks back then.

Now contrast that to a friend of mine.  His father had a gun cabinet.  And he knew where the key was.  But his father told him that he would know if that key or cabinet was opened.  And you would never be able to tell how he knew.  And that kid wanted to get in that cabinet and show me the guns while his father was away.  I knew not to trust him.  Just like you know not to allow your kid to go swimming at someone's house when they have a tarp over the pool? Why not?  That's an evil sh1t kid that might try and drown yours!

He also told me that if you did something wrong the Police would always know where you were going to be.  I asked him how?  And he was a little uncomfortable answering that and didn't.  But there is a secret meaning to that. 

What I am getting at is that you can't impose broad brushed rights restrictions on the population because of a few sum certain bad apples.  That only benefits "crime."  Lessening your rights benefits crime!  And I could substitute the word Satan for crime and it would mean the same thing.  This is a Country under God.

I am disappointed in Biden and Harris.  I am also greatly disappointed in Trump.

Somehow better people should have made it to the top ranks of the Democratic and Republican Parties.  Because they didn't it makes our country more like a monarchy or parliament-controlled country.  Do countries like that and dictator countries amount to blood right genetic rulership?  Yes.  And every fiber of our Constitution opposes that.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

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