The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, September 20, 2024

How Big Is My COOLER!!!! 09 20 2024

 So I have two green coolers.  One is pretty big but I don't know how big it is or how big the other one is.  ( I looked on it everywhere and it isn't stated.)

So how do I go about figuring that out?

If I know how many cubic inches a gallon of water is I can start from there.

A gallon of water is 231 cubic inches.  Just for the heck of it, what is the cube root of 231?  It is 6.135 inches.  Which means that if you had a cube with each side 6.135 inches it, and that were the internal dimensions and you filled it with water it would be ~exactly a gallon of water.

So the next step is to measure the internal dimensions of my cooler in terms of depth, width and length.  Multiply those together and you have the cubic inch capacity.  Divide your cubic inch capacity by 231 and you have gallons.  Multiply that by 4 and you have the common product listing unit of coolers- in quarts! 

But there is one problem.  My coolers have a smaller length and width at the base than at the top.  But the height is constant.  So I will run the calculations two different ways.  Max Vol at the top and Min Vol with the base dimensions.  Then I will add the two and divide by two to get an average.  And lastly if it is a fractional number I will know that they are not really listed for sale in fractions.  So the one that is like mine for sale on an internet site with likely be an even number and perhaps it is a little higher number, seeing as that is how things usually are.

So I ran the math.  One other thing that is important to know is how heavy the water only in that cooler would be if it were filled completely with water.  Water weighs 8.34 pounds per gallon.  Okay so I ran the numbers and placed them on my phone word file.  And transferred that file here, for you to see. 

Hopefully you see how this is done, what the constants are.  And if you don't know how big your cooler is, take those three internal measurements of Depth, Width and Length and plug them in where they are in this on your own program or pad of paper and see.

1 gallon =231 cubic inches of water.

What is the cube root of 231?
= 6.13579244

1 gallon weighs 8.34 pounds

Rough idea length, width,height of cooler.

#Biggest Green Coleman Cooler:

Height =constant= 13.25
Base Width = 12.625
Base Length= 25.5
Cubic inches= 4265.671875
Divide by 231 to get gallons= 18.46
18.46 * 8.34= 154.007 pounds

Height = constant= 13.25
Top Width= 13.5
Top Length= 26.25
Cubic inches = 4695.46875
Divide by 231 to get gallons= 20.326
20.326 * 8.34= 169.52 pounds

Average gallons 19.393
Average quarts 77.572

#Smallest Green Coleman Cooler:

Height =constant= 10
Base Width = 10.75
Base Length= 19.75
Cubic inches= 2123.125
Divide by 231 to get gallons= 9.19
9.19 * 8.34= 76.65 pounds

Height = constant= 10
Top Width= 11.75
Top Length= 20.75
Cubic inches = 2230.625
Divide by 231 to get gallons= 9.656
9.656 * 8.34= 80.53 pounds

Average gallons 9.423

Average quarts 37.6


Of course you could weigh it empty.  Fill it completely with water.  Weigh it then.  And divide by 8.34 but you would be wasting water. 

I would say that the big one is an 80 quart and the small one is a 40 quart.

How much would a 150 quart weigh filled with water (just the water)?  150/4*8.34= 312.75 pounds!

Copyright 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Addiction Violates Your Rights 09 20 2024

 I believe and assert that addiction violates your Constitutional Rights to Freedom.

So those who sell addictive substances are quite wealthy for doing so.  Is that right; should that be right?

Should addictive substances be allowed to be marketed (and sold?).

It doesn't look like the issue can be addressed that way.

But perhaps those who profit from selling items of addiction should also bear the expense of treating it?

Why should I pay for the treatment of someone else's addiction that somebody else indeed made a profit by creating and fostering it?  "Excuse me Representative, I would like to opt out of that!"

And so I stated that those who sell items of addiction are wealthy.  And do they look down on those who are not wealthy?  Do they look down on those whose lives were ruined by the addiction they created?  Do they shun the homeless who became homeless because of addiction?

And how does our health care system foster addictions?  Do they play a role just like I stated the wealthy sellers of addictive substances do?  Does a Dr. get a kickback or a bonus for prescribing addictive substances or substances that lead to addiction?

But back to the wealthy and how they perceive other people?  So let's say that wealthy person made their money by not also paying for the real liabilities from addiction that they created in making that wealth.  Shouldn't that be level down?  I mean in a world of responsible adults we don't lie about where our money came from?  Responsible adults don't lie about where their ideas came from.   

So you level that aspect down and see if they can then find a fair way to create wealth for themselves?

Did you ever stop and look around and ask yourself where have all the good people gone?  How many can you name in honesty?


So you want to believe something about yourself that isn't true, how many people's rights do you violate in that attempt?  Because it isn't true about yourself, it will never be.  So indeed, being of that belief you never matured to be an adult. Storm around like the good people of our country are your problem?  Storm around searching for a positive conclusion to the lie you were told about yourself?  And where does that get you in life whereby you surrender all logical thinking to be supplanted by lies?  Don't think about anything, just quickly tell yourself a lie?  And go on to the next day dream?


And do you know what a big lie is?  That nobody profits from your addiction!  That nobody becomes extremely and unduly wealthy from your addiction! That is a big lie!  Another big lie is that the macro effect from addiction on our country is insignificant.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

When you read of the potential for War 09 20 2024

So what is our Country about?  I think that the stability of our Democracy calls for us not meddling in international affairs too much?

I often do wonder if we had not been supplying Great Britian would we have gotten involved in WW2?

Then I asked myself.  I wonder if while we were supplying Great Britain at that same time were we also supplying Nazi Germany?

I have not read the article that is linked here, yet.

But perhaps some allied countries were supplying them?

And that brings up some interesting questions.  Is international capitalism a benefit to our Democracy of the Free?  Plus how can we restrict all manners of benefit to any enemy that we have in a War?

But here is a link to the article that might have some details.

How the Allied multinationals supplied Nazi Germany throughout World War II |

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, September 16, 2024

Breakfast 9 16 2024

 © 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Religion Is 09 16 2024

 "If you suffer in life it is because God is making an example of you just like he did his only son Jesus?"

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Gad Damned Space Movies 9 16 2024

 So I picked this piece of wood out of my scrap wood pile.  I am going to make a framed lid for a all 3x 5" box.  I will some piece of old plastic so it is as a top "site glass window", or just say transparent.

But I stopped to look at it to see the gestalt image of a military vehicle from a space war type movie.

Oh my God!  What are we going to do!

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Ps. Humor! You starch dress, it's Humor!

The Two Dimensional sleeve shape of a plastic sandwich/freezer bag 09 16 2024

 Why can't it be more bucket or box shaped?

Why?  Because a three-dimensional starting shape like that gives one a better reference of what it can hold and how much is in it?

It just seems like if they were made "more" like that it would be like you are buying something more of substance?

It is like there is wasted material in the two dimensional shape?

I will get into what I am talking about in a second.

But if you had a three-dimensional shape that could hold it's "bottom" or stand on its own in your refrigerator upwards with sides you would be able to organize your refrigerator better.

I am talking about a plastic bag that would have a bottom that was actually the bottom.  Not a sleeve that may or may not fit various sandwich sizes?

Now I believe that you could produce one with a circle, square or other geometric shape to serve as a standing bottom.  As for the top, it could still be the cheap linear drawing design, until I think of a better way.

As to how the product is usually used is how it should be sold?

Something that can hold volume by side wall support?  Did I draw enough of a picture of this for you to understand?

Let's try one more example.  Like a womans purse that has a straight-line opening?  And that is where your plastic "zipper" line on such sandwich bag would be.  And they would not be any more expensive because no greater amount of material was used in them.  Just a better design extruded at the beginning manufacturing process.

And I know exactly what someone who is a lot more savvy and funnier than me thinks when they read this.  They think, he has to clean the refrigerator and doesn't want to.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Just say the dam name 09 15 2024 The Sports Section

 Just say the name; don't get all twinkled emphatic about it!

What am I talking about?  Sports announcers who love to emphatically pronounce some athletes names who they obviously favor?

As if the name somehow makes the player or as if they are paid to market the player and therefore popularize the sport; oh wait they are!

Just say that dam name.

And then they just start repeating that name in rapid succession in sequential sentences like a retard dually on steroids and Ritalin.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Space Station Protocol 9 14 2024

 If we can't get a rescue craft to the space station in two days forget about the program.

We should have never put them up there if we didn't have a rescue plan ready to go ANY day.

Didn't Trump create a space force ~4 years ago?  What good is that for?  Money for friends and "family" members?


And Politics isn't about the people of our country it is about a perpetual business created around a party nominee.  With the amount money coming in and being paid out to media isn't it graft?  And the form of the commercials is complete deceit.  And it does negatively affect how youth think and act.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

A Black person and a White person are each shot 09 14 2024

 Lets say that they are each shot in the same place and the bullet is in the same place in each.  What are the odds that the bullets will be left in the black person at the hospital versus the white person at the hospital? (and they don't die)

Will they say that it is inoperable?

Will they say that it would be elective surgery to remove the bullets?

I wouldn't doubt that is true!  I don't know if it is true or not.  But I wouldn't doubt it is true!

I am going to do a brief internet search on the matter.

I can't find the answers.

But good God they are mostly LEAD!  Because steel bullets would be outlawed because they are near body armor protection piercing and travel a lot farther. 

How can you argue not for the removal of lead fragments?

Do I need to list how bad lead is for you?

But I would be curious to know all of these answers. 

I would care more about this than a President who has toupee insecurity issues?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Pork Belly Bites 9 14 2024


They were already seasoned with "Oinkers Dirt" I kid you not.

The white meat in there seems more the consistency of pork chops than bacon fat.

Pretty good.  I didn't research how to cook them.  I just broiled them at 500 degrees on a grated cast iron skillet for about 10 minutes, poured grease off, checked temp, were about 140 so I gave them another 5 min at 350 broil.  Then internal temp was up near 200.  Might get more of a clarified effect if slow cooked.

Pretty good.

Came from Miesfelds in Sheboygan, off hwy 42 exit, West.

@ 2024 Thomas Murphy

Friday, September 13, 2024

Venture Capital Opportunity 09 13 2024

 "I am convinced that I can make a better potato chip than anything that is on the market!"

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

I got a new offer today 9 23 2024

I got a new offer today.  It came as a letter in the mail.  As I read it I saw the numbers 90,000!

It arrived just is the nick of time as I coughed up some phlegm spit it in that opened envelope with the letter and threw it out.

Copyright 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Quote 09 11 2024

 "There are people who want to think and there are people who want to emotionally react."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

The emotional reaction being a form of passive aggressive weakness? It is weakness.  To spend your life in passivity and then emotionally reacting to people who want to think?  As if for some reason you learned not to have to think and hence you associate more pain with thinking?  Because you were disciplined because the product of your own thinking was never good nor productive?  To you thinking is hard work; hence emotionally react to any form of it?  The status quo of trickle down economics?  People who hate our form of government because they can't fairly compete in it?  How could you if all you can do is emotionally react?  And it is highly synonymous with mental retardation; because a mentally retarded person can only learn how to do something one way and anything but that causes that frustration based emotional reaction.

When you force someone like that to attempt to think it is like taking away an unrecognized entitlement from them?

Monday, September 9, 2024

A Fictionalized Bible Section 09 09 2024

 "Father how shall we know them?"

"The person who does not want to allow you to speak is also the person who does not want you to be allowed to think."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Think about it in terms of how someone has not allowed people to speak during debates before?  Chimes in like a 5th grader with name calling and insults.

Pro Football Coach Thomas M. 9 9 2024

 "You got to catch those passes or you're off the team."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Dessert 9 9 2024

 © 2024 Thomas Murphy 

Dinner 9 9 2024 recipe included update


4 drumsticks
1 can golden mushroom soup
1 can plus water
8 potato's
4 celery sticks
1/2 crown broccoli
1/4 yellow mustard
1/2 t Chinese Bourbon chicken spice mix, you know the little packets on the shelf at the grocery store, there are a variety of them there.

Casserole dish lid on 400 degrees almost 2hr

These potato's so good unreal! All good.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Second Breakfast 09 09 2024

 © 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

A Bum 09 09 2024

 A bum doesn't 'camp' too far away from a liquor store.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

When your only father is 09 09 2024

 "When your only father is gangster rap lyrics."

It is like they try and pound that into their brain and somehow it will make them successful like the gangster rapper?  To hold onto those words so dearly?  To make is so those words prevent any parts of that brain from thinking.

What does a person like that "hear?"  

Now I can understand music.  And how it can change the mood.

But perhaps it is like this.  One person thought of those lyrics.  Sand them and it provided an escape for them.  An escape that was not available in any other form of music to them.  An escape from their immediate environment that was still part of their environment.

Perhaps it is also a false mode of emotion for them?

But I mean to the point whereby you attempt to graft that onto everyone else through way too loud and disturbing bass?  To the point whereby you need to play that music loud in desperate hopes that others will succumb to a false emotional construct you are projecting.

And drive through your ghetto like that and every once in a while make a stop and sell drugs to children or pregnant mothers like you are the modern better version of an ice cream man?

And perhaps there are different ways it affects people?   To have the ability to listen to something without buying into it?  Not everyone does.  To listen to something and then be angry because you know that you don't have the ability to understand it fully?


© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Now here is another point, I will also articulate this in another article devoted to it.  A non normal  identity.  And perhaps pandering to non normal identities and falsely attempting to normalize them.  And that leading to conflict including conflict in the workplace, social settings, school, competitive venues.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Humor 9 8 2024

 "Just that one daughter with the red bottom?  Sure I could be a father to her."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Quote 9 8 2024

 "It's not that I won't let you win, it's I know that you shouldn't win."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

School Choice 09 08 3024

 1.  So you want the choice to go to a better school out of your neighborhood.

2.  And we in the better neighborhood directly equate the quality of the public schools in your neighborhood with you!

If you had every opportunity to o make those as Chops better and failed then how are you not also going to fail (bring down) the schools and better neighborhood?

But would it make sense if the entire country were just of one race?  What would the arguments be then?  About the same?  That is your poor crime ridden neighborhood because it is your standard?

Sometimes attempting to be politically correct (denial of truth based emotions?) with regard to race is more racist in a sense?

When I make is a middle class versus poor issue school choice doesn't hold up. ( Meaning void of dif races or all one race.)


Perhaps the issue is how to work your way up out of a poor neighborhood or how to make your neighborhood have the qualities of a middle class one?  You are not going to address that with a real estate renting President.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Be truthful and ask yourself why your neighborhood doesn't attract popular franchises?

Off topic, off point, lessens main point:

A Republican is someone that has no reference to what they are talking about attempting to solve problems?

Are there Trump Youth?  Was the Georgia school shooters hair dyed to look like Trump?  We should pay to send kids to military school so that fascist youth will be created of them, whereby they then come back to haunt us, as Political Youth?

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Where do Republicans Get The Idea

Where do Republicans get the idea that nothing could ever be their fault?

Who indoctrinated them with the belief that nothing could ever be their fault?

I mean you could have Democrat take office over from a Republican who lost the vote and on day 2 they would blame the Democrat for all the economic problems?

That particular blame game is spawned out of learned helplessness?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

I don't believe that Jesus Christ meant that all you have to do is declare faith in him and then nothing can ever be your fault!  He didn't get up there and give a surround on the mound, "Declare your faith in me and you no longer have to be accountable for anything."

A Quick Word About Youth Football 09 07 2024

A Quick Word About Youth Football  09 07 2024  (Draft Article, more to come, to be updated)

So I was a late bloomer in life.  But I was sitting in High School Geometry class and there was a classmate who was over 6 feet tall and liked sports who wasn't wearing our High School Football Jersey.

So I asked him, "You are big and tall how come you are not on the football team?"

"My father wouldn't let me because he doesn't want me to injure my knees."

Wow!  I was floored by that statement!  That he had a father who loved him so much that he was concerned about his future life after High School!  A knee injury or back injury is likely to be with you every moment of your life after you get it?  I would assert that as being true!  And to be so proud of what your father said to you that were proud to repeat it!  Wow!

But anyway, what did I see going on last night in a pro game?  Now I am not sure if this was exactly it or not.  But it looked like a tackler was on the ground.  Grabbed a quarterbacks leg or both legs and rolled his body weight into them, and maybe it was rolled non intentionally into him as someone came from his other side and the "pile" went that way.

But the construct that does the knee in is that sideways force at the lower leg.

So grabbing the lower leg and rolling your body weight into it while tackling, I mean, done for life!


And I was a late bloomer in life.  Perhaps I was 5'6" at best in that Southmore year Geometry Class.  And I didn't sprout up to 6' 1.5" until likely late Junior or Senior year or perhaps later.  My father was short but my father's brother was tall.  And I did drink in High School.  Perhaps more in those first two years?  I can't say whether alcohol stunts your growth spurt in High School or causes it?  It is known to increase testosterone 30 minutes after use.  But from what I know of it today, about some block head who likely can't even read graduating with the rest of you on time...something like should be banned for good with stricter penalties!  From what I know of it and its relation to schizophrenia, it should be banned for good, and any sold in stores for food cooking should have a skull and cross bones on the label and only be sold to those who can demonstrate the ability to cook, and then only like, one pint per year or 10 years is all you need to cook and add it to pies.  Basically, they want to get you drinking in order to steal your God givens soul.  And I don't care if you think that is a delusion or crazy.

I think your genes will naturally express themselves to the best of what they can be absent alcohol.  I think it stunts growth at any age just like it does to Down's Syndrome people at birth and later.

And I would say that those whose parents drink, they might grow faster earlier in life and then top out in terms of how tall they will get to be below average.  They will be stronger because shorter bones means more leverage to muscles!!  Believe it.  And here is another reason that might sound crazy to you.  They will get stronger earlier in life because not as much energy is going to do their own thinking.  Not a lot good going on in that noggin.


So that is a leverage maneuver I just told you about.  Is it taught in Judo?  No.  Because after one day of it there would be no one left to "play" judo anymore.  Could you use it effectively if you are attacked by a mauling animal such as a dog or antlered deer?  Have you ever grabbed a dogs leg as if you are going to move it a certain way and they get really scared about it?  Maybe you could use it, I don't know, what else are you to try and do, poke eyes out?  Not much luck with that likely.  You know those Jews wouldn't care, they teach Krav Maga, and it is nasty like this, but it is designed to get you out of danger you had no business being subjected to.  And you know, right there is an interesting legal concept you don't really see being applied, You had to do what you did in order to get yourself out of danger you had no business being subjected to.


So on the football field you have players of different body types and sizes.  The front defensive line and offensive line are big fat strong guys.  They can move quickly short distances, and usually are not as tall, at least in terms of the general population of those who play the game in all ranks of the game.  And you have players that are nimble and quick; aka athletically talented.  And that fat kid who tackles likely does resent a kid who is nimble and quick.  However his growth spurt has likely topped out and yet he still wants to be a big shot?


And so, I love to throw a football!  My father taught me how to throw a perfect spiral in the backyard.  When I was in college I grabbed a friend and we went to the park to play catch.  And I could throw that perfect spiral right on the money.  In fact there was danger of it hurting his fingers backwards when he went to catch it.  And when you are with friends playing you have the receiver run and you hit that target right on the money!  And that is incredibly fun to do.

But when you are playing catch with someone you might notice something.  You have the ball and perhaps they look like they are ready to catch it but you see something different.  Perhaps they are sucking wind.  Perhaps they are not quite focused in the eyes.  Perhaps that is it exactly.  What you should know right then is if you throw that ball you are likely to hit them straight in the head with it before they can even get their arms up, and you could take out an eye or knock them over.  So be able to know that.  And don't be that asshole.

And if you understood those last few sentences very well I would say that there is something different about you that is good and you should know it.

And when I hear that disclaimer with regard to sports broadcasts on television, as if they own my football and I don't really own my football, I think they ought to be tied to the wh1pping p@st.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, September 6, 2024

An 11 Hour Flight to Brazil 09 06 2024

An 11 hour flight to Brazil for the first game of the season?

Never again!  Never GD again!  Nix it!

I don't care how modern a plane is or how much room or amenities it has!

Cramped in there.

And that is our best quarterback, first game of the season, why, why did it have to be there?

Yeah, I shed a teer seeing him on the ground writhing in pain.  And I cry perhaps once every 20 years.

Oh, I suppose I could make a gd conspiracy theory out of it.  And I likely believe that there is one.  But I am not going to share it.  But such a great player, and for that to happen.  It doesn't seem right.

At the very least I can say they had no business going there.  I don't give a dam about expanding franchises and raking in more money from foreign countries.

I could say something about Havanna syndrome dehydrating muscles, about how whitey wants his sons to be the big shots and it doesn't fit whiteys role model?  And I am white as could be.  But I don't dare.  I just don't understand it.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

And I try and keep my writing vague and cryptic so some jackhole can't point the finger at me.

AI Core Programming 9 6 2024

 I believe what we saw revealed about an algorithm from a major social media company is just the tip of the ice berg.

I think they are encoding "ai" programs to be as nasty as possible. 

It's like they took the embodiment of a "really bad type of person" and encoded that?  Why?  So that rbtp doesn't feel alienated in this world, because there are ai programs just like them, 'working' in that same ugly direction?

Capitalism only goes forward with fair competition.  O/w it gets us in wars and defeated?  Defeated because the needs and wants of that which doesn't even qualify as being one us are being met and coddled too?

A motive to defeat capitalism bc you could never compete fairly in it? And once it is defeated what is left that is good and worth having from it?  When the best of it was unfairly defeated?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Taking the Racism Out of It 09 6 2024

 What am I talking about?  Creating policies that lessen racism?

For example lets say you wanted to make a decision about a person employed in Law Enforcement.

That person has an antagonistic personality.

Now here is the crux of it.  

Consider your own race, whatever it would be, mine is white.

Ask yourself what if everybody in the population where white.  Absolutely everyone.

And then make the decision about that person in question, who is antagonistic, based on that!

Would you want them starting things in your kingdom just of one race, whatever yours is?

I think it add clarity to the decision making process.

We tend to hem and haw with a lot of issues.  And is some of that hemming and hawing do to taking race into consideration?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Off topic:

Equal opportunity?  Does it really work?  No, I think it allow subjectivity.  I think it allows bad cases of nepotism.  I think it doesn't work well.  I think it is hard to apply.  I think most people who are victimized by it have no recourse.  Aha!  Laws created whereby the common man has no recourse to apply them to their own situation!  But we have to have them?  Because in semblance they are right.  And some do apply them. 

But what about a man and his family?  Ever see a business whereby there are 15 people working there and not one is a man?  So indeed I don't want to say it really, but the idea of our Country being ruled by Amazon Women?  We need laws put in place to prevent it cold ____ from happening.

We need laws that respect man and his family.  And I know you absolutely hate this!  I can feel it!

But here would be a good one.  Mandatory death penalty sentencing for anyone who pimps a Male!

And don't give me one of those tit for tat retard arguments against it.  Why do you bother?


Thursday, September 5, 2024

He can't even pronounce the word 9 5 2024

 He can't even pronounce the word "message."

He pronounces it and "meshtidge."

Listen to the TV commercial, you're sure to see it.

I have to be insulted by that until election day?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Near Death Experiences and or Drug Addicts 09 05 2024

 Every once in a while you hear the story of a drug addict or someone that had a near death experience.

They tell that when they were in that state how beautiful they saw the world, an interconnectedness.

And they use different terminology something like dots of electricity, shapes of beauty...etc etc.

But I just have to wonder, how did you see the world before that?

What ugly lens or frame of perception did someone like that see the world before that?

To see the world in beauty from that state in contrast to what your normal perception of life and creation is?

At the very least it lets you in on how some people view this world and creation; in likely negative terms?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

And perhaps the moral or best message of this is that those who might be seeming to advocate drug use or lessen the implied danger of near death might not be seeing the world in too good terms in the first place?  And I doubt that those who see the world in bad terms have the ability to articulate that or the want to; it would be a contradiction to them?

Corn Bread Muffins w Green Pepper & Sausage 9 5 2024 quick recipe.

Perhaps small box recipe but add 1 chopped green pepper and 5 cooked sausage links chopped.  Made 11.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Dating Show Observations 9 3 2024

 "The more they can articulate their feelings the less they feel?"

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Presidential Race Thoughts 09 03 2024

 I stronger moral is,

"It is not only what you are fighting for but how you fight!"

How you fight determines what you are really fighting for?

How you fight determines what type of person you are?

Can you make your point clearly or do you supplement your argument by not fighting maturely?

Someone who doesn't argue in a mature manner, doesn't do so because they are not capable of it.

What good is that for our country?

What is someone like that really fighting for?

They are really fighting for lesser standards for themselves in terms of accountability?

And who likes to get on that same hay wagon?  People just like them.  I would have never thought he would have the support that he does.  I would have never thought someone like that could sway as many people in our country as he has.

He fights to win for himself.  And perhaps that is all that matters to you.  A win.  No matter how you get it.  So you get one win unfairly, then you get another win unfairly, then pretty soon all of your wins come unfairly.  What are you?  Your not one of us.  Your not one of the brave.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Deportation Implies Gun Control 09 03 2024

So lets say that you have Trump creating the largest deportation in United States history.

How is he going to do that?

In order to do that first he is going to have to initiate gun control measures against those he is planning on deporting, no perhaps not,  because they are illegal they can't have one.

But his numbers suggest deporting more here than are here illegally?

Now lets take that as a truth.  So in order to deport them first he would need a gun control measure with regard to them?  First he would need to eliminate their Second Amendment Right of that faction that is here legally?  Unless he can find them guilty of organized crime participation???  Now law like that that I know of.

So he would need a measure of gun control in order to deport them.  So he could first confiscate their guns.  And they would no longer be able to buy any to resist deportation.

Okay for the sake of argument lets pretend we are a Trump supporter and say they are somehow breaking the law and need to go.

So once Donald Trump gets that gun control measure going or that cross out of the Second Amendment right in some form of application what are the odds that he could continue with that?

Can they create a gun control measure like that which doesn't have overlaps to it?

I don't think, knowing them, that they would want to create such a measure like that unless they had the ability to use it subjectively.  And subjectively implies a different form of Government than what ours is, one of the free for the free.  Subjectively being more of an expression of emotional disturbance, per my knowledge of it?

Deportation implies Gun Control and the elimination of that Second Amendment Right. 

So what kind of world do they want?  One whereby no one has to attend school because it is demeaning for them to have to learn?  Demeaning for them to have to grow to be mature adults?  Whereby the blue collar construction worker sits at the round table of the town hall and says how things should be?  And no amount of explanation or rational thought will prevail?


So I believe that it is the responsibility of Government, lets say that you were born with half a brain, not to attempt to bend over backwards to help you in life, but to create the conditions precedent whereby in the next life you will not be born with half a brain.  A little bit of religion in that statement.  And you know what?  It is better than anything you will hear at any Church or Temple ANYWHERE!


Rest of this is off topic somewhat. Just a run on of stream of conscience.

We are not to have a military in times of peace.  Does it bother you that a President (any President) gone off the wall could use all of those military trucks and machinery to expand an idealism of deportation and control well past the initial objective? 

What if we were to say, look Russia is clear across the ocean, we can forget about all that?  Have a navy to protect our shores and that is it?  The founding fathers allowed a Navy.  But they didn't want a standing army here.  A standing army is the same composition no matter where it stands?  Those people could have found jobs supporting our economy or that is where our Government should have changed things to create opportunity for them?

And is there an element of someone only being able to learn if there is the threat of a gun being pointed at their head?  Is there an element of that sentence in the army?  Meaning we couldn't create programs to get such individuals to learn and work and support our country because that threat wasn't present in it?

They want that case of beer to last them a few days.  A cigarette to calm their weakling nerves and put them in work character?  Perhaps their children like marijuana better,  because it seems less violent?  Can I dare ask the question, which drug is more queer alcohol or marijuana?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

And what are the odds that if you are sitting around at a round table (or construction site)  full of smoking construction or blue collar workers that you are going to start smoking too.  Pretty high!  Does it mean that you have also then developed weakling nerves?

Political Rally Seating 09 03 2024

 I don't know if I can remember if it has always been this way, whereby people who attend a rally can sit right behind or almost next to the speaker of the rally?

Perhaps it is a Republican concoction?

Perhaps the purpose of it is that you want to mention someone's name who you want to highlight and have them stand up right next to you and wave?  But they are not likely also going to be speaking at that podium.  But yet it allows you to not have to point through the crowd and find them as hard?

So lets say that you have a young daughter, and you daughter has a friend whose name is Mikayla.  And Mikayla is a really big fan of a Republican Candidate, even though you have raised your daughter to be a Democrat.  Mikayala calls your daughter up, who is quite attractive by the way, and she wants to go to a rally.  Do they require tickets?  Not sure.  But Mikayala says that she is going to be able to sit right there behind or next to the speaker.  And wonders if you daughter wants to come.  Your daughter doesn't tell you where she is going.  She figures that she could just say Mikayala brought it up on a whim on their way to the shopping mall.  Does it worry you?


I watched that video several times.  I don't know if I saw a man run to put himself between the President and gun fire.  And to be honest if there is all h311 breaking out and you are the one running to shield the President what are the odds the Secret Service will shoot you, not knowing your intent?


Now perhaps you hear the gunfire breaking out and you run to protect the President.  Let's say that you have a wife and two children.

The point here being is that a speaker needs to be responsible for what they say?

When I was a boy and went to Catholic School they told the story of how Confederate Officer Custard (?) had all his men circle around him so that they would be shot first.  And the message there seemed to be that was the act of a coward.


I want to ask a question, if there is a certain genetic type that speaks irresponsibly doesn't have its own mind, and what is the difference between inbred genealogy and Downs Syndrome spectrum, but I don't dare.

Should we outlaw political rally seating like that?  I don't think we should attempt to micromanage everything with new laws.  The strong will of man should be creating better families than that.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, September 2, 2024

Very Disappointed 9 2 2024

That television networks would let deceptive political  advertisements on their channels.

It tells you how they contribute to the corruption in our nation.

© 2024 Thomas Murphy

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Humor Is 09 01 2024

 "The Lawyer Made Manufacturing Company"

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy