The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, September 6, 2024

Taking the Racism Out of It 09 6 2024

 What am I talking about?  Creating policies that lessen racism?

For example lets say you wanted to make a decision about a person employed in Law Enforcement.

That person has an antagonistic personality.

Now here is the crux of it.  

Consider your own race, whatever it would be, mine is white.

Ask yourself what if everybody in the population where white.  Absolutely everyone.

And then make the decision about that person in question, who is antagonistic, based on that!

Would you want them starting things in your kingdom just of one race, whatever yours is?

I think it add clarity to the decision making process.

We tend to hem and haw with a lot of issues.  And is some of that hemming and hawing do to taking race into consideration?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Off topic:

Equal opportunity?  Does it really work?  No, I think it allow subjectivity.  I think it allows bad cases of nepotism.  I think it doesn't work well.  I think it is hard to apply.  I think most people who are victimized by it have no recourse.  Aha!  Laws created whereby the common man has no recourse to apply them to their own situation!  But we have to have them?  Because in semblance they are right.  And some do apply them. 

But what about a man and his family?  Ever see a business whereby there are 15 people working there and not one is a man?  So indeed I don't want to say it really, but the idea of our Country being ruled by Amazon Women?  We need laws put in place to prevent it cold ____ from happening.

We need laws that respect man and his family.  And I know you absolutely hate this!  I can feel it!

But here would be a good one.  Mandatory death penalty sentencing for anyone who pimps a Male!

And don't give me one of those tit for tat retard arguments against it.  Why do you bother?


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