The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Near Death Experiences and or Drug Addicts 09 05 2024

 Every once in a while you hear the story of a drug addict or someone that had a near death experience.

They tell that when they were in that state how beautiful they saw the world, an interconnectedness.

And they use different terminology something like dots of electricity, shapes of beauty...etc etc.

But I just have to wonder, how did you see the world before that?

What ugly lens or frame of perception did someone like that see the world before that?

To see the world in beauty from that state in contrast to what your normal perception of life and creation is?

At the very least it lets you in on how some people view this world and creation; in likely negative terms?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

And perhaps the moral or best message of this is that those who might be seeming to advocate drug use or lessen the implied danger of near death might not be seeing the world in too good terms in the first place?  And I doubt that those who see the world in bad terms have the ability to articulate that or the want to; it would be a contradiction to them?

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