The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Deportation Implies Gun Control 09 03 2024

So lets say that you have Trump creating the largest deportation in United States history.

How is he going to do that?

In order to do that first he is going to have to initiate gun control measures against those he is planning on deporting, no perhaps not,  because they are illegal they can't have one.

But his numbers suggest deporting more here than are here illegally?

Now lets take that as a truth.  So in order to deport them first he would need a gun control measure with regard to them?  First he would need to eliminate their Second Amendment Right of that faction that is here legally?  Unless he can find them guilty of organized crime participation???  Now law like that that I know of.

So he would need a measure of gun control in order to deport them.  So he could first confiscate their guns.  And they would no longer be able to buy any to resist deportation.

Okay for the sake of argument lets pretend we are a Trump supporter and say they are somehow breaking the law and need to go.

So once Donald Trump gets that gun control measure going or that cross out of the Second Amendment right in some form of application what are the odds that he could continue with that?

Can they create a gun control measure like that which doesn't have overlaps to it?

I don't think, knowing them, that they would want to create such a measure like that unless they had the ability to use it subjectively.  And subjectively implies a different form of Government than what ours is, one of the free for the free.  Subjectively being more of an expression of emotional disturbance, per my knowledge of it?

Deportation implies Gun Control and the elimination of that Second Amendment Right. 

So what kind of world do they want?  One whereby no one has to attend school because it is demeaning for them to have to learn?  Demeaning for them to have to grow to be mature adults?  Whereby the blue collar construction worker sits at the round table of the town hall and says how things should be?  And no amount of explanation or rational thought will prevail?


So I believe that it is the responsibility of Government, lets say that you were born with half a brain, not to attempt to bend over backwards to help you in life, but to create the conditions precedent whereby in the next life you will not be born with half a brain.  A little bit of religion in that statement.  And you know what?  It is better than anything you will hear at any Church or Temple ANYWHERE!


Rest of this is off topic somewhat. Just a run on of stream of conscience.

We are not to have a military in times of peace.  Does it bother you that a President (any President) gone off the wall could use all of those military trucks and machinery to expand an idealism of deportation and control well past the initial objective? 

What if we were to say, look Russia is clear across the ocean, we can forget about all that?  Have a navy to protect our shores and that is it?  The founding fathers allowed a Navy.  But they didn't want a standing army here.  A standing army is the same composition no matter where it stands?  Those people could have found jobs supporting our economy or that is where our Government should have changed things to create opportunity for them?

And is there an element of someone only being able to learn if there is the threat of a gun being pointed at their head?  Is there an element of that sentence in the army?  Meaning we couldn't create programs to get such individuals to learn and work and support our country because that threat wasn't present in it?

They want that case of beer to last them a few days.  A cigarette to calm their weakling nerves and put them in work character?  Perhaps their children like marijuana better,  because it seems less violent?  Can I dare ask the question, which drug is more queer alcohol or marijuana?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

And what are the odds that if you are sitting around at a round table (or construction site)  full of smoking construction or blue collar workers that you are going to start smoking too.  Pretty high!  Does it mean that you have also then developed weakling nerves?

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