The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Political Rally Seating 09 03 2024

 I don't know if I can remember if it has always been this way, whereby people who attend a rally can sit right behind or almost next to the speaker of the rally?

Perhaps it is a Republican concoction?

Perhaps the purpose of it is that you want to mention someone's name who you want to highlight and have them stand up right next to you and wave?  But they are not likely also going to be speaking at that podium.  But yet it allows you to not have to point through the crowd and find them as hard?

So lets say that you have a young daughter, and you daughter has a friend whose name is Mikayla.  And Mikayla is a really big fan of a Republican Candidate, even though you have raised your daughter to be a Democrat.  Mikayala calls your daughter up, who is quite attractive by the way, and she wants to go to a rally.  Do they require tickets?  Not sure.  But Mikayala says that she is going to be able to sit right there behind or next to the speaker.  And wonders if you daughter wants to come.  Your daughter doesn't tell you where she is going.  She figures that she could just say Mikayala brought it up on a whim on their way to the shopping mall.  Does it worry you?


I watched that video several times.  I don't know if I saw a man run to put himself between the President and gun fire.  And to be honest if there is all h311 breaking out and you are the one running to shield the President what are the odds the Secret Service will shoot you, not knowing your intent?


Now perhaps you hear the gunfire breaking out and you run to protect the President.  Let's say that you have a wife and two children.

The point here being is that a speaker needs to be responsible for what they say?

When I was a boy and went to Catholic School they told the story of how Confederate Officer Custard (?) had all his men circle around him so that they would be shot first.  And the message there seemed to be that was the act of a coward.


I want to ask a question, if there is a certain genetic type that speaks irresponsibly doesn't have its own mind, and what is the difference between inbred genealogy and Downs Syndrome spectrum, but I don't dare.

Should we outlaw political rally seating like that?  I don't think we should attempt to micromanage everything with new laws.  The strong will of man should be creating better families than that.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

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