The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, September 16, 2024

The Two Dimensional sleeve shape of a plastic sandwich/freezer bag 09 16 2024

 Why can't it be more bucket or box shaped?

Why?  Because a three-dimensional starting shape like that gives one a better reference of what it can hold and how much is in it?

It just seems like if they were made "more" like that it would be like you are buying something more of substance?

It is like there is wasted material in the two dimensional shape?

I will get into what I am talking about in a second.

But if you had a three-dimensional shape that could hold it's "bottom" or stand on its own in your refrigerator upwards with sides you would be able to organize your refrigerator better.

I am talking about a plastic bag that would have a bottom that was actually the bottom.  Not a sleeve that may or may not fit various sandwich sizes?

Now I believe that you could produce one with a circle, square or other geometric shape to serve as a standing bottom.  As for the top, it could still be the cheap linear drawing design, until I think of a better way.

As to how the product is usually used is how it should be sold?

Something that can hold volume by side wall support?  Did I draw enough of a picture of this for you to understand?

Let's try one more example.  Like a womans purse that has a straight-line opening?  And that is where your plastic "zipper" line on such sandwich bag would be.  And they would not be any more expensive because no greater amount of material was used in them.  Just a better design extruded at the beginning manufacturing process.

And I know exactly what someone who is a lot more savvy and funnier than me thinks when they read this.  They think, he has to clean the refrigerator and doesn't want to.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

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