The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Quote 09 11 2024

 "There are people who want to think and there are people who want to emotionally react."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

The emotional reaction being a form of passive aggressive weakness? It is weakness.  To spend your life in passivity and then emotionally reacting to people who want to think?  As if for some reason you learned not to have to think and hence you associate more pain with thinking?  Because you were disciplined because the product of your own thinking was never good nor productive?  To you thinking is hard work; hence emotionally react to any form of it?  The status quo of trickle down economics?  People who hate our form of government because they can't fairly compete in it?  How could you if all you can do is emotionally react?  And it is highly synonymous with mental retardation; because a mentally retarded person can only learn how to do something one way and anything but that causes that frustration based emotional reaction.

When you force someone like that to attempt to think it is like taking away an unrecognized entitlement from them?

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