The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, September 20, 2024

Addiction Violates Your Rights 09 20 2024

 I believe and assert that addiction violates your Constitutional Rights to Freedom.

So those who sell addictive substances are quite wealthy for doing so.  Is that right; should that be right?

Should addictive substances be allowed to be marketed (and sold?).

It doesn't look like the issue can be addressed that way.

But perhaps those who profit from selling items of addiction should also bear the expense of treating it?

Why should I pay for the treatment of someone else's addiction that somebody else indeed made a profit by creating and fostering it?  "Excuse me Representative, I would like to opt out of that!"

And so I stated that those who sell items of addiction are wealthy.  And do they look down on those who are not wealthy?  Do they look down on those whose lives were ruined by the addiction they created?  Do they shun the homeless who became homeless because of addiction?

And how does our health care system foster addictions?  Do they play a role just like I stated the wealthy sellers of addictive substances do?  Does a Dr. get a kickback or a bonus for prescribing addictive substances or substances that lead to addiction?

But back to the wealthy and how they perceive other people?  So let's say that wealthy person made their money by not also paying for the real liabilities from addiction that they created in making that wealth.  Shouldn't that be level down?  I mean in a world of responsible adults we don't lie about where our money came from?  Responsible adults don't lie about where their ideas came from.   

So you level that aspect down and see if they can then find a fair way to create wealth for themselves?

Did you ever stop and look around and ask yourself where have all the good people gone?  How many can you name in honesty?


So you want to believe something about yourself that isn't true, how many people's rights do you violate in that attempt?  Because it isn't true about yourself, it will never be.  So indeed, being of that belief you never matured to be an adult. Storm around like the good people of our country are your problem?  Storm around searching for a positive conclusion to the lie you were told about yourself?  And where does that get you in life whereby you surrender all logical thinking to be supplanted by lies?  Don't think about anything, just quickly tell yourself a lie?  And go on to the next day dream?


And do you know what a big lie is?  That nobody profits from your addiction!  That nobody becomes extremely and unduly wealthy from your addiction! That is a big lie!  Another big lie is that the macro effect from addiction on our country is insignificant.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

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