The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Does Prison do the Evil Justice

The evil live off the pain of the souls of others.  So what good does it do to send them to prison.  They are right at home there.  It is not punishment for the evil who hear and live off the souls of others.  It is just another day.  Find someone to victimize in prison and live off their soul in prison.

That is why they are not reformed by prison.  They were raised to live off the voice of a stolen soul.

And some in law enforcement also live off the souls of others and raise their children on the stolen souls of others.  So that is an easy job for them too.

You know what would be truly prison to Bernie Madeoff?  To take away all his money and make him work as a clerk in a coffee shop or other menial job.  He would recieve room and board for free and would never be allowed to own any money or material items.  That would be prison for Bernie Madeoff.  And every day customers could tell him what filth he was. 

That is indeed how some Jewish children were raised, to attack and steal the souls of men.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy

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