The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What is the nature of someone who values money over the rights of human beings

What is the nature of someone who values money over the rights of human beings?

 Yesterday I gave you an accurate description of the behavior of those in the investment business.  What does that behavior amount to?  It amounts to someone who values money over the rights of human beings.

We have already established the fact they value money over the rights of human beings. So what else do those who value money over the rights of human beings like to do?  If you cannot even trust them with the lives of your sons and daughters who work for them, what can you trust them with? 

Can you trust them to invest your money for you? No!

Can you trust them to abide by the rights of others as guaranteed by our constitution? No!

Therefore can you trust them to make sure that our country remains the land of the free? No!

Can you trust them to maintain the standards our founding fathers created? No!

If you can’t trust them to put the rights of human beings before money, you have to ask yourself just how far would they go to obtain what they love more than anything else?

Would they kill for money?  Yes they do!

How would someone who loves money kill another person?  They would do it very slowly so that they could extract all the money they could from that person.

How would a race of people kill for money?  They would do it in a way that others would find hard to prove!  What would this mean?  They would find subtle ways to harass a neighbor to death.  What does this mean?  The use of sound and electronic weaponry.

The government would claim that non-lethal weaponry does not kill.  What does nonlethal weaponry then do to as person if it is used on them daily to harass them?  Is this not a fate worse than death?

Who in the history of the world was known to give a person a fate worse than death?  It was none other than the Jewish/Italian race that crucified Christ and then let him down before he was dead!  Sure they want to say that he was dead already.  But I can tell you that they knew very well what condition he was in when he was let down from the cross.  I remember being told in Catholic school that he was wrapped in moisturizing leaves and put in a cave, that is what I was told when I asked the question.   And the Jews did it for money.  The Italians did it to steal his soul.

So what can we say about someone who values money over the rights of human beings?  There is very little good about them!  There is very little soul to them.

Last night I was at the YMCA on Wisconsin Avenue in downtown Milwaukee.  The night manager is a dark haired woman with a very white pale face.  She spends more time fraternizing with the low life’s than she does managing the place.

What was her evil dead last night?  I was using the squat rack last night.  Using the squat rack is one of the most dangerous exercises a person can do.  She has an Italian name; it is Rachel, Veronica or Vicky, we’ll just call her pale face.  The two before her were about the same and just as bad.  One off them dyed her hair blonde so I wouldn’t think she is not the same person when she bothers me. She reappeared recently and was playing a game of leap frog with three other women who had that same high dingbat voice.  But anyway pale face made sure to talk loudly to the same low life who always seem to show up at the gym the same time I do, whenever that is.  Jeff is one of their names.  He is a short man who likes to bother me, always seems to be near me on a machine and moaning while he works out.  He hands around with a taller man who looks like he walked out of the bayou.  He also hangs around with other men that have sickly wicked looking munchkin faces.  Creep’s is the word I am looking for.

While I was using the squat rack the three of them, manager included made sure to stand nearby and talk loudly and unnerving so that I could not concentrate, I did two things unsafely while using the squat rack that could have resulted in injury and one successfully suing the YMCA out of existence.

As the manager walked by I raised my voice and said to her, “You intentionally distracted me, I am going to do everything possible to get you fired!”

The Rif Raff Jeff was flirting with a young woman who is a desk clerk and I said to her, “You can tell how much class a person has by who they talk to.”  When I left at the end of the night I could see that she had been crying.

Cory the facilities manager has never implemented one of what has to be more than two dozen recommendations I have given him.

George Bush may have liked to call it hate speech to call someone a faggot but how is any man supposed to put one in their place when they are being harassed by them?  If you decked someone like that you would get three times the time in prison as compared to a regular crime.  Sure you would see the faggot up on the witness stand just like the serial killer in the Dirty Hairy movie who paid to have someone beat him up and then cried like a baby on the stand like Callahan (An Irish name) did it.

They are not the weak effeminates like their mothers would characterize them.  They are something else.  It is hard to believe that George Bush would condone such behavior while President and legitimize it.  But what was George Bush?  He was a child of wealth creation.  Some homosexuals suffer the worst identity crisis ever know because their souls are the product torn from someone in the name of wealth creation.

This race of people is different and what can only be said about them is this, “They value money over the rights of human beings.  There is really no other way people like this are created.”

 I really believe there is no limit on what such people would do in the name of money!  You cannot have a soul to be this evil!  So if you do not have a soul, what are you the equivalent of?  It is often stated that what separates human beings from animals is that human beings have a soul and animals don’t!

Jesus Christ, a good Jew, told us of the animal nature of Satan.  You know what else I could believe to be true?  That Jesus Christ wrote the whole Bible himself and that it was disseminated slowly by the gospel folks as if they wrote it over time.  Sure they paraphrased it.

And to be fair, if you have no soul, you primary instinct is survival, and that means obtaining money.  By any means?  But let me ask you something, “If you stole in this way would you really feel like something?”  I bet it catches up with you in some way you are not expecting.

Don’t seek to deny any of this.  We shouldn’t have to put up with you!

Thomas Paul Murphy

Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy

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