The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Question for Barrack Obama 10 05 2011

Question for Barrack Obama 10 05 2011
How has your experience in Government changed your belief structure to one, that does not conform with what you believed in before you took office?  In other words; what have been the main negative influences that have served to prevent you from being an effective politician that creates change for the better?  Or what obstacles changed your belief to one of complacency with just holding office?  What has taken the wind out of your sail and made you soft?  Is it the nature of being so successful?  How can you review what your vision was before you won the office of President?  Do you see inconsistencies?  If so what has made you helpless with regard to implementing your initial beliefs?  Do you ever view the crisis’s presented to your administration as a distraction from your real goals?  What is truly meaningful and what is confusing distraction?  In order to stay true to your agenda, you have to make the hierarchy of policies and decisions confirm to your will and not those of “coincidental?” mal influence.  In other words focus and spend time on what you believe in.  When you do, all those other incidental crisis’s will diminish.  For when you attend to problems that can be said to be contrived, to the exclusion of what you wanted for the country, your effectiveness in office and Presidency is defeated.  Be the prod and not the ox.
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally published on 10 05 2011 at:

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