The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, October 13, 2011

What is Saudi Arabia

Oh no we don't dare tell where our brother Osama Bin Laden was!
Oh some how our brother Osama Bin Laden still received money from us!  Somehow it got to him by courier!

What is this, I don't dare tell on my brother when he murders, steals or otherwise illegally provides for the family?  It is the basis of Organized Crime in the United States, "The Family Favors."

Osama Bin Laden made those oil countries richer by a factor of 4!!!!!!!!  The price increase of gas in America.

What evil family would tell on a brother that "earned" them that much money?  Use your common human sense to figure this one out.

America we were duped!!!!

Just take a look around and see what Americans are sympathizers to Saudi Arabia and you will know who the treasonous traitors to freedom are!!!

And if we have such close ties to Saudi Arabia it also tells us that those ties are corrupt!

With all of Saudi Arabias extorted American dollars they can defend themselves against others.

It also makes one wonder why we did not attack Saudi Arabia instead of Iraq and Afghanistan?

Saudi Arabia ought to be selling us oil at a deep discount as compared to other countries for the economic harm they caused us.  They ought to be rebuilding the World Trade Center to something much better.

What does Saudi Arabia do with all that oil money?  Give it to no-good sons?  Buy American women for sex?  Smoke opium pipes?  Do they ever say we will fund water wells in third world countries.  No, they are miserly Jews.  These Muslims look just like Jews.  They could switch hats and you would not be able to tell the difference.  That same abject stone cold mean face.

But what do these evil ones say?  That was not my son who did all that!
Oh yes he was!

Osama Bin Laden was a Saudi of the Royal family!!!!!! 

Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel made up the evil alliance of the Middle East and America was their ally?  Torture a form of persecution is what our founding fathers escaped.  This country was founded on everything that was counter to it and these three countries.

Who does not feel better about Egypt?  I do, they revolted against a horrible man.  If they were closely tied to Saudi Arabia and Israel what can we also believe about them that we don't know about yet?  We need Julian Assange to break some stories regarding them.

Osama Bin Laden made Saudi Arabia more wealthy!!!! As well as oil companies all over the world.  It was very interesting that the British Petroleum well broke early on in Obama's admin.  We need to Lobby to England to have that company broken up because it is a monopoly!

Maybe that was a chess move to prevent Amoco from being broken up as a monopoly again in the United States. 

That does not meant that we can not use antimonopolistc powers to break up assets that are based in the United States.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally published on 10 13 2011 at:

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