The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What can we do for you, someone who loves money over the rights of Human Beings continued 10 12 2011

What can we do for you, someone who loves money over the rights of Human Beings continued 10 12 2011

Would they poison you? Yes!

Would they push drugs on you? Yes!

Would they let their dogs out early in the morning to give you and your family strokes.  Yes!  My neighbors Aaron and Kelly Sics do this.  And the neighbors who lived at the house before them, Steven and Madeline Weber were just as Satanic.

The Satanic race is different.  They are indeed what the founding fathers tried to escape when they formed this great nation.

So what do you do when your country is populated the horror of the Satanic race?

What do we know about them?

1.      They are human beings.

2.      They have a problem.

3.      We would be better off showing them pity because if we destroyed them we then become them!  Not to mention the fact that they feed on our anger!

4.      So the first thing we have to do is recognize the satanic race of wealth creation.  That would be impossible to do you say?  The Bible already told us of them.

5.      Why must we recognize the satanic race of wealth creation?  Because if we do not the crime and horror they commit against humans, (humanity) goes unnoticed!

The crimes against humans fall into certain patterns of behavior, that revolves around soul stealing and not doing their own work to earn their money.  Mostly stealing souls for money and stealing skills for money.

And capitalism and our legal system has allowed their behavior to go unchecked for too long!

What they have done is abused our freedoms.  And this abuse of our freedom, they then use to limit our freedoms.  Why do they do this?  The Satanic race cannot compete in a country of the Free!

Where do they most like to put up their shop signs?  Wall Street and Law Offices.  Basically those jobs considered to be esteemed and high paying that their mothers would be able to brag about.

But they are not limited to those jobs- anywhere they can wear the skin of another human being is good for them.

If you are satanic there ought to be something we could do for you so that you were not motivated to commit these crimes against others.  How do we prevent you from stealing souls? Could we ensure that you have room and board?  That would be communism.

We could prevent you from stealing souls if there is no reward for doing so.  Where do you get your rewards from?  Basically the satanic get their rewards from anything that involves the outcome of a future event.  The Vegas nerve in your neck is not called that for no reason.  What types of events involve money from future outcomes?  Works of intellect, sports events, and the whole of the financial industry.  These are all the places the satanic cast the bones of their victims for profit while they toy and humiliate their souls until they have left them.

I have to ask myself, “Did Satan create modern capitalism because he/she knew he could not have to work if he/she did?”

Just steal the souls of someone and you live their future!  Fits right in with the hidden aspects of modern capitalism.

Concrete griffins were often seen on English and German buildings.  What do those griffins tell us?  They represent the potential of the horror of the children living inside them that can be unleashed on those they do not like.  If you were ever so unfortunate to hear the voice of such sirens, as one percent of the population do, you would realize just what I mean.  And those voices the victims of schizophrenia hear are from such people.  They do it to steal the souls of those that hear the voices.  How does it work?  When the person who hears the voices cannot hear themselves think their soul has been tapped and stolen.  The doorway to the chosen mind of the satanic has been breached and looted by the satanic. 

How come we do not hear this point of view ever?  The griffins silence it.  To the children of the satanic it is just something cute to do.  They have no idea of the pain and horror they cause.  In fact the pain and horror they cause is funny to them!

They get a big payoff, other than enjoying the suffering they cause in others, from doing this.

You have poked capitalism and freedom full of holes at the same time.

“Hey look, we know you’re different, we will give you abstinence if you admit what you’ve done!  We will not harm any of you!  We will not harm you like you do to us! We will not harm you in any way!”

A message to the Satanic, you will not like the world you are creating.  A world that does not obey and respect the rights of other human beings quickly becomes a savage place of every kind of horror you could imagine.  There can be no organized society in the world that you are creating.  You will not have clean water and food.  You will die of a multitude of painful sicknesses and diseases.  All because you valued money over the rights of other human beings and stole souls!

What did our Lord Jesus Christ know about the Satanic, “Pray for them!”  Why because it forces them to think of themselves and pity themselves rather than fixate on you and your soul.  It puts things into perspective for the satanic mind that does not like to think about itself.  Pity is the best weapon to use against the Satanic; they loathe it when you pity them!  Satan is said to think opposite, that means he loathes it when you pity him and loves and feeds off of your anger for him.  That is why Satan torments the souls of others. Satan you poor fatherless child!

Thomas Paul Murphy

Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally published on 10 12 2011 at:

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