The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, December 2, 2011

All Women Should Not Have to Work 12 02 2011

All Women Should Not Have to Work 12 02 2011

What happens when women work?  Their children are all watched over by the same evil people who demonize adults for their souls.

Besides the fact that women are discriminated against in the workplace and often compared as viewed as sex objects!

Some women also use sex to get ahead in the business world, and defeat highly competent men with sex type notions.

Women should be at home raising their children and not having to leave it up to someone else to do.  They should not be allowed to all stay at one house and be taught the stealing of souls of human beings who live nearby.

Some women who work can only do so if they actively steal a man’s soul!  Some race of women men are exactly like this too.  It is an absolute horror.  And also has lead us down the path of mediocrity.

Why do women seek careers?  Because there are not good men to marry!

Why are there no good men to marry?  Because there was no loving father or mother at home to raise them, love them and teach them how to be good human beings.

What do women hate and mock more than anything in this world?  The good man!

Often women who steal men’s souls say they just want to prove for themselves they could do what the men do.  There is a big difference in learning form experience and learning by being imprinted with the Holy Spirit of a another.  Man women in the work place use sex notions to imprint themselves with the Soul of Men.  They also then divide the man’s soul amongst their race of women men.  And the Good man is then defeated.

Often those who have been blessed with the Holy Spirit of another assume the ego of that person and also falsely believe they have the same skill set as the person whose soul they actively steal.

The influence of women in the work place as sex objects has lead to the greatest theft by the dependent minded race of wealth creation that this country has ever known.  Very slowly they have defeated capitalism by reaping stock market rewards by stealing the future of human beings as they steal and capture their souls!
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally published on 12 02 2011 at:

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