The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

English Influence on the United States 12 07 2011

English Influence on the United States 12 07 2011

1.      Taxes- They tried to tax the United States and were defeated.  Status: defeated.

2.      Christianity- colonists where motivated to come to the United States for religious freedom.  Christianity is easily defeated when it is corrupted by the wicked and satanic who become members.  Think “ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE CROSS”  Status to freedom:- mal-influence being defeated.

3.      Slavery: defeated and replaced at the end of WWII with legitimized soul stealing slavery.  Basis German drug Companies.

4.      The Beatles and the British Invasion of Rock Music. Status:  Never defeated, The existence of “Free Love” made bastards popping up everywhere.  Free love based bastards then became the mantra of the Catholic Churches pro-life policy.  Enter Newt Gingrich.  The British Music invasion also set the stage for the British to rise high in the ranks of or Baking System, both in the United States and around the world.  Free love bastards everywhere.

5.      Indian Occupation influence..of Indian immigrants to the United States.  Status:  Unknown.  Stealing third eye religion represents a hidden risk to freedom!

6.      Harry Potter:  Status: Not defeated.  It defeats religion based values.  But also does provide coping mechanism for some children.  Although when combined with nonlethal weaponry of harassment there has never been a worse crime against humanity than witchcraft.

7.      Medicine:  Rise of German Drug Companies- Hitler- English Jew? Supports Voodoo/Caligula drug dealing.  The broad array of modern medicine hides the incidence and true nature of soul theft by the Satanic.

8.      Junk Food:  A product of Capitalism which was based in England.  Makes a population of stupid, worthless and sick citizens.

9.      Television:  Supports the skill-less who are satanic.  Makes zombies of the skilled.  Is the worst influence on American Values and culture!

10.  Gambling:  Supports Voodoo/ Caligula.

11.  Rap Music:  Status: supported the rise of Black Warlords.  (Start of different article)  Are Black Warlords really English infiltrators! (Spies!)

12.  British Petroleum: A major Taxation of American in terms of our environment and foreign policy.  Are we really at war for British Petroleum and England?

13.  English Women citizens of the United States:  Don’t be fooled by the extremely beautiful accent.  Most can’t spell and they have a good amount of shrew type women in England (Jerry Springer Brawler types.)

Thomas Paul Murphy

Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally published on 12 07 2011 at:

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