The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, December 24, 2011

How to Disable an Evil Law Firm 12 24 2011

How To Disable an Evil Law Firm 12 24 2011

There was some mention in the news the other day of a law firm providing free legal support to a judge somewhere and how this negatively influenced public policy and in effect made our government a function of the whimsical thoughts of a head law partner.  Well maybe this wasn’t all in the news at all, maybe I just inferred it from something I read or heard.

What did the Movie “The Firm” imply? 

Lawyers have made a mockery of our constitution by appealing to anomalous emotion and circumstance.  And applying the results more broadly.

The circumstance to challenge the law were also likely spawn through the machination of witchcraft.

Lawyers- not a one of them is not satanic!

They do not contribute to our country, they detract from it!  The do not invent or create they steal, extract and extort.

Not only should that Judge be disbarred but every lawyer in that firm past and present should be disbarred in every state it does business in or has offices in.

Much of what is patented is known only by the men of satanic mind and the creator of the inventions, and the creator gets neither monetary reward nor credit. Inventions stolen from independent minds are doled out to, “Who likely could have thought of this?” via satanic brokers.

Lawyers and scribes are indeed given equal weight by Shakespeare.

Lawyer’s minds are Satanic because they couldn’t be raised with their own souls.

His mother sang the song to him when he was a boy, “Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, never ever let it go!”

The only ones who could orchestrate such evil throughout history are the satanic of the legal “profession.”  The haulocost in Germany and the machinations of the Irish Genocide were them as was Mussolini’s wrath in Italy.

Crooked crime money all supported by them.

HOW TO DISABLE AN EVIL LAW FIRM:  IF ONE PARTNER IS DISBARRED ALL PARTNERS ARE DISBARRED.  This would come under a provision that is similar to the antiracketeering provisions used to fight organized crime.  Lawyers do not work as one, they work as a team!  Only this filth can be held responsible for the decline of modern society!

“His wife married a rich lawyer and she is still not happy!”

They get their hooks in Politicians and influence them via peer pressure of being one of the affluent money culture.

They are the source of all evil deeds.

Limit the shield of the corporate structure and what would happen to them?  Would they implode via their own evil minds?  Most likely they would.

You can’t have drug trafficking, crime lords and deterioration of societal structures and government function without legal support!

More and more people are now becoming Satanic minded, not of choice but because living standards do not support anything better.  The dependent mind is the mind of desperation!  It is the mind of poverty of thought, an idle mind, that attaches itself to another’s soul!

If there were to be another civil war it would be incited by the overpopulation of the criminal mind in the ranks of our legal system and society.  It would be incited by the acts and failure of justice in our legal system.  “Old fur ears heard that one he did!”

Polluted water, air and land were all legalized by them!  They were indeed paid to legalize the pollution of water, air and land below the threshold of human understanding and it has accumulated into problem of a scope that does not have a viable solution.  What this pollution has created is more of the weak dependent mind.  And this new wave of weak dependent minded were not created by anyone’s choice as lawyers often are!

Rephrase, “Legalized pollution at a threshold level below human understanding that has accumulated in our environment and now limits the ability of humans to understand.”  Sounds like a metaphorical vortex!

Soul theft has been legalized by attorneys!  Why?  So they can be comfortable with a false view of reality and self!

Nothing could impress me less than someone telling me their son or husband is a lawyer!  What does it really mean?  It means they don’t have their own soul!

And what is a doctor today?  A DOCTOR IS SOMEONE WHO CAN ONLY DO WHAT A LAWYER TELLS HIM HE CAN!!!  Would you want your lawyer to be your doctor?  Ha-Ha, he is already!

We can’t get anything done in this country except give the lawyers more money!

Laws are based on case law because judges cannot be trusted to think and render a common sense and fair opinion!  Why not?  Because they did not learn to think for themselves, they learned from a stolen soul in a world of hatred created for them by their parents!

I was standing in line yesterday at a sporting goods store and an odd looking mentally challenged young man was pushed by me in a wheel chair.  He had hillbilly teeth.  But his eyes were the bluest of blue.  Is he a burden to society I asked myself and then thought, “You would like to say the same thing about me.  You would like to define me in the same way!”  They would label and stigmatize me as mentally ill so that could not recuse them of being dependent minded is the conclusion that I have come to.  And it is not just me they would do this to they would do this to 2.5% of our population.  The number only used to be 1% somehow now it has doubled.  Does anyone other than me see any corollaries between this and every negative trend in our world that benefits the non-working class at the expense of everyone they would like to say is lower than them?

The legal profession has defined the source of all their knowledge as being mentally ill so that they cannot be defined as being dependent minded (means the same thing as Satanic).

I believe that metabolic insult, poor nutrition and nurtured evil lead to idled minds that have a physical based aversion to work!

Do you want to know what the entire undercurrent of the meaning in the Bible is, as it relates to modern religion?  “Satan who is not a god but one of dependent mind would hide his nature from the world via juxtapositioning one group or religion against another.”  This is indeed why Satan who is not God destroyed the Tower of Babble!  He could not stand all that cooperation and thinking.  To him all that higher learning and knowledge was just babble.  That is indeed the power of Satan if his existence is denied to the world.  And the world Satan is indeed plural.  Don’t ask me to explain that now I have in past articles how that is true!

The corporate structure is one that benefits those who are irresponsible and cannot think for themselves; hence the limited liability!  What has the legal structure sought to do?  Create and education system that is of the same vein and profit from it.

You teach children by getting them to listen.  Refer to the three causes of the satanic mind mentioned in this article as to why they can’t listen.  There are more causes to the satanic mind than those but that is all I mentioned right now.

Thomas Paul Murphy

Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally Published on 12 24 2011 at:

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