The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Inner City Education 12 17 2011

Inner City Education 12 17 2011

Give me all the black women “Iraq” only war veterans and all the mean old hard life black women nun’s you can find and make them teachers in the inner city and you will have children that actually learn something.  I don’t even care what the education level is of the black Iraq women war veterans and the hard life black nun’s; those kids could learn something under them.  And those women would learn as they taught the children in order to teach them better.

What happens in times of economic hardship?  Often women took jobs that were available to them and some of those jobs were teaching.

We had a Black Mr. Tibb’s teacher in our popular Jewish/Italian (kinked hair) dominated movie culture, but we never saw the archetype accurately portrayed of the black woman teacher.  I would like to see this no-nonsense, get the kid’s attention, archetype on television.  Not all this other babied world of idealistic delusion.

What would happen?  Good parents would watch this and start to think of ways to help the situation for the better.  Instead of what you get today at a school board meeting, a lot of posturing by those who would want you to presume that they are more intelligent!  There is a very great difference between intellect which is verbal ability and a person’s actual level of intelligence.  I have found a strong intellect to be a contrary indicator to intelligence.  Strong verbal ability is all we really see on television.  They will never admit where their strong verbal ability comes from though!

Do we really need a generation or two of spoiled drug dealer kids?  I don’t really care how you would discipline these children as long as you don’t sexually molest them or draw blood or bruise.  Would it be appropriate for a teacher to slap a child that is a god awful hell demon, a child that cannot still and creates an environment where other children cannot learn?  I think it would be.  Oh I can hear the liberal Jewish mother reaching out to the black women in defense of them- that they should not resort to this!  I see adults every day of my life that needed this discipline.  But here is the problem you would have if you let a teacher discipline a child like this.  You would get a bad satanic teacher who would pick out the best behaved child in the class and make an example out of him for the rest to follow by slapping him.  Why would a teacher do this?  Because it makes his her job easier if she has a scapegoat in class! Why else would a teacher pick at the good?  Because the teacher has the mind of Satan and feels pity for the children in the class that she feels have the same exact dependent mind that she does!  What is a teacher like this doing?  She is projecting the dependent mind on the children!  Instead of teaching the children to think for themselves with independent mind she is teaching them to be of dependent mind to the good son.  This is not teaching at all!  It is the antithesis of teaching!  The teacher is in effect making the statement that trying to teach you is futile because you are just like me, dependent minded.  The reality of those who have the mind of Satan is indeed a reality and it is the focal point of about every book of the bible!

What do children who are taught to have a dependent mind do after they leave school?  All they know is how to capitalize the good mind so that is what they do.  They have learned to take advantage of others and that is all they know how to do, whether it be selling dope on the corner or psychiatric medicine from the pharmacy all they seek to do is destroy the types of minds and lives they have learned to be dependent upon!  It is a widespread unrecognized problem in our world.  Why?  Because once again those who have the dependent mind pity themselves and others that they feel are like them, so it is a secret they are not willing to fight for.  It is a cause they are not going to recognize because the acknowledgement of the reality defeats their ego in every way!  And they have nothing in this world if they do not have their mutually miserable ego!  This is the only sense of camaraderie that the satanic ever have.

You want to do the world a favor?  How about reality inner city school day television show that casts the light on this scene and the problems that are faced?  If I were president I would do everything in my power to put the television media companies out of business!

You have read another article from the mind of;
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally published on 12 17 2011 at:

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