The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dutch Eyes 12 13 2011

Dutch Eye’s 12 13 2011

Was Adolph Hitler Dutch?  To determine if he was we would have to analyze his speech patterns because the Dutch Language is very similar to German, but distinct.  The Dutch Language did stem from the German language.

(note to self analyze language tree)

I have noticed something very different about the Dutch.  Their eyes are very different.  In a Mel Gibson Mad Max movie Mel Gibson is forced to wear a giant head and his hands are tied behind his back and he is put on a horse and the horse is kick started into the dessert away from the village.  The painted eyes on the head of the Gulag head resemble Dutch eyes.
They are kind of like sparkly superficial marbles.  They are similar to Irish eyes accept Irish Eyes show what intelligence lies behind them.  Dutch eyes are different in that they were “charged” by the Holy Spirit but have some kind of disconnect from the Holy Spirit.

It is as if the glass like surface of the Dutch eye hides the emotions behind it.  In one of the Star Trek episodes we see a character who has these Dutch eyes.  He was a megalomaniac superhuman character that was immortal.  I think he finally gets buried under stuff to be defeated.

Dutch eyes seem kind of Gnome like to me.

The Dutch wanted to call themselves a Dutch Nation during the Nazi occupation but Adolph Hitler forbade them from doing so as they were to be considered a part of his greater Germany.  Why did he forbid it?  Because he was one?  Did he think that Germany would do better with this race part of it?

To me the Dutch eyes are eyes that got a dose of the Holy Spirit and won’t let go of it!  Because they won’t let go the spirit of the person’s eyes whose soul they have is indeed traumatized!

In the movie Predator the main characters name is Dutch.  We don’t really know the name of the predator but it is implied in the duality of opposites to be Dutch.

Disclaimer: not all are like I say they are when spoken of in terms of labels.  I only use labels in terms of the framework of understanding they provide me, as such I really do like all people's equally.  They showed it on television in subliminal terms and I told it!

Bottom line: be advised of caution when you see or feel a gnome staring at you!

Thomas Paul Murphy

Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally published on 12 13 2011 at:

By the way, I forgot to mention, the man being cast out into the dessert for going against the elders (both women and men who make joint decisions is indeed a direct translation of a scene in the Dead Sea Scrolls.  The Essenes were the ones who hid the scrolls it is thought that they did so when the were fleeing a concuring force.  But sometimes when we are being concurred we like to hide the information that condemns those who are concurring us?

Make sure to use the exact same copy of the Dead Sea Scrolls that I use by getting your copy here:  Click "here" to buy the exact same version that I use! cost is about $12.

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