The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, November 11, 2022

Making an us versus them type statement 11 11 2022 draft


Did you ever notice when someone has made that type of statement?

And then you should ask yourself, "Who is the us that that person is referring to?"

And to ask them who they are speaking for is an oversimpsimplification of what is going on with that issue.

Why do they feel they are a group of that "us?"  And why do they feel that they have a right to Lord that "us" onto the rest of us or the most of us.  It hints as an element of Divine Right?

And perhaps inherent in that is an inability to understand the real us, the We the People?

But what happens when the vast majority of us believe that the crux of the "us" they are representing are alien in their beliefs about our nation?  In other words, or perhaps from a different perspective concerning this the us that they are referring to can only be said to be alienated in comparison to the rest of us.


I find the idea of a woman to be forced to keep a pregnancy in the case of rape or incest to be one such us statement.


Now off topic.  So we have foreigners coming to our nation and making money here.  And sending that money back to their family.  What does that amount to?  They are not really working in support of our nation are they?  Who are they working in support of?  Those who would cut the economy out from "us."

So who benefits from that?  Here?  Who benefits from that here that isn't complaining about it?  Who benefits from that here that would never bring that up as a political issue?  Your corporate managers and owners thriving off that cheap labor.

And you might ask yourself why it is so expensive to live in the United States?  Do you see that an income levels have been created?  So what you say?  Well all well and good and tell you have people with speech defects on television defacto lecturing and chastising the public.  And you ask yourself, "What the h3ll is that?"  


I want to finish up with this.

Copyright 2022 Thomas Murphy

Okay off topic.  But I have to get this out too.

So I watched an internet video of a man analyzing Tom Cruise.  It mentioned he was a Scientologist.  And that is classified as a religion.  But the analyst mentioned that that religion proports to be able to reform criminals?

So there is a high recidivation rate with criminals.  Meaning they go back to commit more crimes.

To make a claim of being able to reform them???  Do they have some charter with the United States Government to do so?  Because if they did it would be a violation of the Constitution in terms of a requirement of separation from Church and State.  Why is that there?  Because we don't want to be ruled by mentally defective British people titling themselves Lords?  You think I make this stuff up?  Did not the British Kings term themselves "Lords of Ireland?"  So look at that "Christian" Church.  It was always Divine Right!  And per the Constitution of the United States Congress cannot grant a Title of Nobility.  But has it really happened?  Granting Corporate Charters?  The ability of someone to be a Corporation and have limited liability?  That person being titles a Chief Executive Officers?  Executive a word derived from Execute?  You lose your job your life...a lot of people consider their lives to be over?

But if that "Church of Scientology" reforms criminals?  They made that claim.  How did they do so?  And what statistics do they have concerning the success rate?  I mean if you make a claim you should back it up?  And where did they get the criminals from?  Did a parole officer direct the criminal to them? Again a violation of Church and State?  Did they drive around in a large bus and pick up criminals who just got out of jail or were out of jail and homeless?

How were they able to teach the criminals skill sets?  How were they able to get the criminals to ask respect and honor such skill sets?

Do you see how a little comment like that has so many questions in it that need to be asked?  Or do you like to have your wine every night and forget about what?  Have your wine and forget about thinking?

Beware of the person that attempts to convince you that there is always someone out there who can do something better than you.  It is really an attempt to negate human thought?  Why would your thinking, just your act of thinking bother someone?  Or better yet why would your human ambition bother someone?  The fact that you have human ambition?  You never met anyone like that?  Never?  Well then you have nothing to steal?  You have no soul worth stealing as it concerns Satan?  You say that is a blessing?  A blessing of not having a human soul worthy of stealing in the eyes of Satan?  It means you have been conditioned to believe very little good?


Humor.  I mean wouldn't that make a good movie?  Tom Cruise driving a yellow bus and picking up criminals in order to reform them?  Let's what kind of a Bus Drivers hat would he be wearing as part o the acting costume?

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