The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

The Non Working Class loves getting into Politics 11 22 2022

Because people send them heaps of money and they don't have to work.

Sure we can look into how Hunter Biden earned his money.

But compare that to what the non working class receives in political donations?

Why?  All in support of that same class!

And I do believe that they want to change this country so that there is ZERO upward mobility.  In effect to make our Democracy like a Monarchy.

Whereby the non working class never has to worry about anything!

Whereby they never have to worry that the public will be able to discern that very little of what they say makes any sense.  etc.


We need that death penalty to protect our Constitution.

What we are seeing is people getting into cars and running a lot of people over and killing them at once.  How come there isn't any one with a strong mind that say's, "You should have known better?"

Because we don't have people like that what does it mean?  It means they are projecting their own weak self onto those mass murderers?  They are applying an undo concept of equality to criminals?  They are applying a religious concept where it does not belong?  A religious concept that is contradictory to democracies?  In order not to have the death penalty you have to say to yourself, "I find some element of commonality with the person who killed those people?"  And that right there means you are of a lesser standard than our Democracy.  So it is sinking, isn't it!

We see it on the Republican side to.  They see no difference between themselves and a baby born of rape or incest.  That is a very dangerous communist ideology?  But even communism doesn't believe in that because they know it isn't real.

So lets say that you mandated to keep all pregnancies because the birth rate was going down?  How come you can't figure out the real reason for the problem?  Things like we are not supposed to have plastic in our bodies?   Things like in order to conceive you likely don't want to be a tobacco or drug user?  Has a study ever been made about the general intelligence of those born of interracial pregnancy?  Why do I ask?  Because I think gene encoding during conception becomes more difficult when there are more variables of difference?

There is solving problems and then there is pretending that whatever you say is the solution to a problem?  So someone who thinks like that has a mental block in learning?  Ask yourself why can't they get to the correct attribution/cause of a problem?  How come their mind can only think for so long about it before it gives up and states something false?  Does this represent a stage in their life whereby they were unable to learn?  I mean there is something you were not able to learn it you can't attribute the correct cause to a problem.  Some stumbling block in your brain.  

And right there what a way to say it, "When this person speaks or answers questions it is like their brain is full of stumbling blocks."

Someone like me sees that as pathetic and weak.  However someone that needs that false patriarchal figure of fascism sees that as the strongest response imaginable, whatever it may be.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

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